PhpLabWare version 0.3 

Directory: /includes/


Author(s): Nico Stuurman

functions interfacing with the database

1338 lines [source]

Referenced 8 times

Defines the following functions:

Function Guide

tableinfo($db,$realname=false,$id=false)   X-Ref
No description

array_key_exists($find,$array)   X-Ref
No description

getvaluesmenu($db,$selectname,$selected,$tablename,$columnname,$whereclause=false,$jscript=false)   X-Ref
Analogue of adodb GetMenu2, but display referenced values (using getvalues)

comma_array_sql_where($db,$tablein,$column,$searchfield,$searchval)   X-Ref
SQL where search that returns a comma delimited string

comma_array_sql($db,$tablein,$column,$where=false)   X-Ref
SQL search (entrire column) that returns a comma delimited string

sortstring(&$sortdirarray,$sortup,$sortdown)   X-Ref
Update sortdirarray and returns formatted sortdirstring

tableheader($sortdirarray,$columnname, $columnlabel)   X-Ref
Displays header of 'general' table

add($db,$table,$fields,$fieldvalues,$USER,$tableid)   X-Ref
Inserts $fields with $fieldvalues into $table
Returns the id of inserted record on succes, false otherwise.
$fields is a comma separated list with all column names
Fieldvalues must be an associative array containing all the $fields to be added.
Fields named 'date' are automatically filled with a Unix timestamp

update_mpulldown($db,$key_table,$recordid,$valueArray)   X-Ref
For multiple choice pulldowns.
Deletes entries in key_table for a give record,and then re-inserts the ones present in the array

modify($db,$table,$fields,$fieldvalues,$id,$USER,$tableid)   X-Ref
Modifies $fields in $table with values $fieldvalues where id=$id
Returns true on succes, false on failure
Fieldvalues must be an associative array containing all the $fields to be added.
If a field is not present in $fieldvalues, it will not be changed.
The entry 'id' in $fields will be ignored.
Fields lastmodby and lastmoddate will be automatically set

delete($db, $tableid, $id, $USER, $filesonly=false)   X-Ref
Deletes the entry with id=$id
Returns true on succes, false on failure
Checks whether the delete is allowed
This is very generic, it is likely that you will need to do more cleanup

process_image($db,$fileid,$bigsize)   X-Ref
Generates thumbnails and extracts information from 2-D image files

upload_files($db,$tableid,$id,$columnid,$columnname,$USER,$system_settings)   X-Ref
Upload files and enters then into table files
files should be called file[] in HTTP_POST_FILES
filetitle in HTTP_POST_VARS will be inserted in the title field of table files
returns id of last uploaded file upon succes, false otherwise

get_files($db,$table,$id,$columnid,$format=1,$thumbtype='small')   X-Ref
returns an array with id,name,title,size, and hyperlink to all
files associated with the given record

file_path($db,$fileid)   X-Ref
Returns path to the file

delete_column_file($db,$tableid,$columnid,$recordid,$USER)   X-Ref
Deletes all file associated with this record,column and table

delete_file($db,$fileid,$USER)   X-Ref
Deletes file identified with id.
Checks 'mother table' whether this is allowed
Also deletes entries in index table for this file
Returns name of deleted file on succes

user_array($db)   X-Ref
Returns a 2D array with id and full name of all users
called by show_access

show_access($db,$tableid,$id,$USER,$global_settings)   X-Ref
Prints a table with access rights
input is string as 'rw-rw-rw-'
names are same as used in get_access

get_access($fieldvalues,$column)   X-Ref
Returns a formatted access strings given an associative array
with 'grr','evr','grw','evw' as keys

may_read_sql_subselect($db,$table,$tableid,$USER,$clause=false)   X-Ref
Returns an SQL SELECT statement with ids of records the user may see
Since it uses subqueries it does not work with MySQL

make_sql_ids($r,$ids,$field="id")   X-Ref
returns a comma-separated list of quoted values from a SQL search
helper function for may_read_SQL

may_read_sql_join($db,$table,$USER)   X-Ref
Returns an array with ids of records the user may see in SQL format
Works with MySQL but not with early postgres 7 versions (current ones should

may_read_sql($db,$tableinfo,$USER,$temptable="tempa")   X-Ref
Generates an SQL query asking for the records that mey be seen by this users
Generates a left join for mysql, subselect for postgres

make_temp_table($db,$temptable,$r)   X-Ref

Generates a temporary table from given recordset

may_read($db,$tableinfo,$id,$USER)   X-Ref
determines whether or not the user may read this record

may_write($db,$tableid,$id,$USER)   X-Ref
checks if this user may write/modify/delete these data

make_sql_csf($r,$ids,$field="id",&$column_count)   X-Ref
returns an comma-separated list of quoted values from a SQL search
derived from make_SQL_ids but can be called from anywhere

typevalue($value,$type)   X-Ref
helperfunction for numerictoSQL

numerictosql($searchterm,$column,$type,$and)   X-Ref
interprets numerical search terms into an SQL statement
implements ranges (i.e. 1-6), and lists (1,2,3) and combinations thereof
< and > can also be used

searchhelp($db,$tableinfo,$column,&$columnvalues,$query,$wcappend,$and)   X-Ref
Helper function for search
Interprets fields the right way

search($db,$tableinfo,$fields,&$fieldvalues,$whereclause=false,$wcappend=true)   X-Ref
Returns an SQL search statement
The whereclause should NOT start with WHERE
The whereclause should contain the output of may_read_SQL and
can also be used for sorting

first_last_page(&$r,&$current_page,$r_p_p,$numrows)   X-Ref
 sets AtFirstPage and AtLastPage

next_previous_buttons($r,$paging=false,$num_p_r=false,$numrows=false,$pagenr=false,$db=false,$tableinfo=false)   X-Ref
Displays the next and previous buttons
$r is the result of a $db->Execute query used to display the table with records
When $paging is true, the records per page field will also be displayed
$num_p_r holds the (global) records per page variable

paging($num_p_r,&$USER)   X-Ref
Returns the variable $num_p_r holding the # of records per page
check user settings and POST_VARS
Write the value back to the user defaults
When no value is found, default to 10

current_page($curr_page, $sname, $num_p_r, $numrows)   X-Ref
Returns current page
current page is table specific, therefore
The variable name is formed using the short name for the table

make_search_sql($db,$tableinfo,$fields,$USER,$search,$searchsort="title",$whereclause=false)   X-Ref
Assembles the search SQL statement and remembers it in HTTP_SESSION_VARS

may_see_table($db,$USER,$tableid)   X-Ref
Checks whether a user has access to a given table

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