/includes/ -> db_inc.php
1 <?php
3 // db_inc.php - functions interfacing with the database
4 // db_inc.php - author: Nico Stuurman <nicost@soureforge.net>
5 /***************************************************************************
6 * This script contain functions interfacing with the database *
7 * Although they are geared towards phplabware, they might be more generally*
8 * useful. *
9 * *
10 * *
11 * Copyright (c) 2001 by Nico Stuurman *
12 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
13 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
14 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
15 * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
16 * option) any later version. *
17 \**************************************************************************/
19 class tableinfo {
20 var $short;
21 var $realname;
22 var $label;
23 var $desname;
24 var $queryname;
25 var $pagename;
26 var $id;
28 // hackers way of overloading
29 function tableinfo ($db,$realname=false,$id=false) {
30 global $HTTP_GET_VARS;
32 if ($id)
33 $r=$db->Execute("SELECT id,shortname,tablename,real_tablename,table_desc_name,label FROM tableoftables WHERE id='$id'");
34 elseif ($realname)
35 $r=$db->Execute("SELECT id,shortname,tablename,real_tablename,table_desc_name,label FROM tableoftables WHERE real_tablename='$realname'");
36 else
37 $r=$db->Execute("SELECT id,shortname,tablename,real_tablename,table_desc_name,label FROM tableoftables WHERE tablename='$HTTP_GET_VARS[tablename]'");
38 $this->id=$r->fields['id'];
39 $this->short=$r->fields['shortname'];
40 $this->realname=$r->fields['real_tablename'];
41 $this->name=$r->fields['tablename'];
42 $this->label=$r->fields['label'];
43 $this->desname=$r->fields['table_desc_name'];
44 $this->fields=comma_array_SQL($db,$this->desname,columnname);
45 }
46 }
49 if (!function_exists("array_key_exists")) {
50 function array_key_exists($find,$array){
51 while ((list($key,$value)=each($array)) && !$test) {
52 if ($key==$find)
53 $test=true;
54 }
55 return $test;
56 }
57 }
59 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
60 ////
61 // !Analogue of adodb GetMenu2, but display referenced values (using getvalues)
62 function GetValuesMenu ($db,$selectname,$selected,$tablename,$columnname,$whereclause=false,$jscript=false) {
63 global $max_menu_length;
65 $tableinfo=new tableinfo($db,$tablename);
66 $r=$db->Execute("SELECT id FROM $tablename $whereclause");
67 while ($r && !$r->EOF) {
68 $values[]=getvalues($db,$tableinfo,$columnname,'id',$r->fields[0]);
69 $r->MoveNext();
70 }
71 $text="<select name='$selectname' $jscript>\n";
72 $text.="<option value=''></option>\n";
73 foreach ($values as $value) {
74 $v["{$value[0]['recordid']}"]=$value[0]['text'];
75 }
76 asort($v);
77 while (list ($key,$val)=each($v)) {
78 if ($key==$selected)
79 $selecttext='selected';
80 else
81 $selecttext=false;
82 $text.="<option $selecttext value='$key'>$val</option>\n";
83 }
84 $text.="</select>\n";
85 return $text;
86 }
89 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
90 ////
91 // !SQL where search that returns a comma delimited string
92 function comma_array_SQL_where($db,$tablein,$column,$searchfield,$searchval)
93 {
94 $rs = $db->Execute("select $column from $tablein where $searchfield='$searchval' order by sortkey");
96 if ($rs) {
97 while (!$rs->EOF) {
98 $tempa[]=$rs->fields[0];
99 $rs->MoveNext();
100 }
101 }
102 $out=join(",",$tempa);
103 return $out;
104 }
106 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
107 ////
108 // !SQL search (entrire column) that returns a comma delimited string
109 function comma_array_SQL($db,$tablein,$column,$where=false)
110 {
111 $rs = $db->Execute("select $column from $tablein $where order by sortkey");
112 if ($rs) {
113 while (!$rs->EOF) {
114 $tempa[]=$rs->fields[0];
115 $rs->MoveNext();
116 }
117 }
118 if ($tempa)
119 return join(",",$tempa);
120 }
122 ////
123 // !Update sortdirarray and returns formatted sortdirstring
124 function sortstring(&$sortdirarray,$sortup,$sortdown) {
125 if ($sortup && $sortup<>" ") {
126 if (is_array($sortdirarray) && array_key_exists($sortup,$sortdirarray)) {
127 if ($sortdirarray[$sortup]=="asc")
128 unset($sortdirarray[$sortup]);
129 else
130 $sortdirarray[$sortup]="asc";
131 }
132 elseif (!is_array($sortdirarray) || !array_key_exists($sortup,$sortdirarray))
133 $sortdirarray[$sortup]="asc";
134 }
135 if ($sortdown && $sortdown <>" ") {
136 if (is_array($sortdirarray) && array_key_exists($sortdown,$sortdirarray)) {
137 if ($sortdirarray[$sortdown]=="desc")
138 unset($sortdirarray[$sortdown]);
139 else
140 $sortdirarray[$sortdown]="desc";
141 }
142 elseif (!is_array($sortdirarray) || !array_key_exists($sortdown,$sortdirarray))
143 $sortdirarray[$sortdown]="desc";
144 }
146 if ($sortdirarray) {
147 foreach($sortdirarray as $key => $value) {
148 if ($sortstring)
149 $sortstring .= ", ";
150 $sortstring .= "$key $value";
151 }
152 }
153 return $sortstring;
154 }
156 ////
157 // !Displays header of 'general' table
158 function tableheader ($sortdirarray,$columnname, $columnlabel) {
159 echo "<th><table align='center' width='100%'><td align='left'>";
160 if ($sortdirarray[$columnname]=="asc")
161 $sortupicon="icons/sortup_active.png";
162 else
163 $sortupicon="icons/sortup.png";
164 echo "<input type='image' name='sortup_$columnname' value='$columnlabel' src='$sortupicon' alt='Sort Up'>";
165 echo "</td><th align='center'>$columnlabel</th><td align='right'>";
166 if ($sortdirarray[$columnname]=="desc")
167 $sortdownicon="icons/sortdown_active.png";
168 else
169 $sortdownicon="icons/sortdown.png";
170 echo "<input type='image' name='sortdown_$columnname' value='$columnlabel' src='$sortdownicon' alt='Sort Down'>";
171 echo "</td></tr></table></th>\n";
172 }
174 ////
175 // !Inserts $fields with $fieldvalues into $table
176 // Returns the id of inserted record on succes, false otherwise.
177 // $fields is a comma separated list with all column names
178 // Fieldvalues must be an associative array containing all the $fields to be added.
179 // Fields named 'date' are automatically filled with a Unix timestamp
180 function add ($db,$table,$fields,$fieldvalues,$USER,$tableid) {
181 if (!may_write($db,$tableid,false,$USER)) {
182 echo "<h3>You are not allowed to do this.<br>";
183 return false;
184 }
185 // test if upload already took place through variable magic
186 if ($fieldvalues["magic"])
187 if ($test=get_cell($db,$table,"id","magic",$fieldvalues["magic"])) {
188 echo "<h3 align='center'>That record was already uploaded.</h3>\n";
189 return -1;
190 }
191 include('includes/defines_inc.php');
192 if (!($USER["permissions"] & $WRITE) )
193 return false;
194 // generate the new ID
195 $id=$db->GenID($table."_id_seq");
196 if ($id) {
197 $columns="id";
198 $values="$id";
199 $column=strtok($fields,",");
200 while ($column) {
201 if (!($column=='id')) {
202 $columns.=",$column";
203 // set userid
204 if ($column=='ownerid')
205 $fieldvalues['ownerid']=$USER['id'];
206 // set default access rights,
207 elseif (in_array($column, array('gr','gw','er','ew')))
208 $fieldvalues[$column]=get_access($fieldvalues,$column);
210 // set timestamp
211 if ($column=='date') {
212 $date=(time());
213 $values.=",$date";
214 }
215 else {
216 if (isset($fieldvalues[$column]) &&
217 !(is_array($fieldvalues[$column])) &&
218 strlen($fieldvalues[$column])>0)
219 $values.=",'$fieldvalues[$column]'";
220 else
221 $values.=",NULL";
222 }
223 }
224 $column=strtok(",");
225 }
226 // add trusted users entered on the form
227 if (is_array($fieldvalues["trust_read"]))
228 foreach ($fieldvalues["trust_read"] as $userid)
229 $db->Execute("INSERT INTO trust VALUES ('$tableid','$id','$userid','r')");
230 if (is_array($fieldvalues["trust_write"]))
231 foreach ($fieldvalues["trust_write"] as $userid)
232 $db->Execute("INSERT INTO trust VALUES ('$tableid','$id','$userid','w')");
233 $query="INSERT INTO $table ($columns) VALUES ($values)";
234 if ($db->Execute($query))
235 return $id;
236 else {
237 echo "<h3>Database error. Contact your system administrator.</h3>\n";
238 }
239 }
240 }
242 ////
243 // !For multiple choice pulldowns.
244 // Deletes entries in key_table for a give record,and then re-inserts the ones present in the array
245 function update_mpulldown ($db,$key_table,$recordid,$valueArray) {
246 $db->Execute ("DELETE FROM $key_table WHERE recordid=$recordid");
247 if (is_array($valueArray)) {
248 while (list($key,$value)=each($valueArray)) {
249 $db->Execute ("INSERT INTO $key_table VALUES ($recordid,$value)");
250 }
251 }
252 }
255 ////
256 // !Modifies $fields in $table with values $fieldvalues where id=$id
257 // Returns true on succes, false on failure
258 // Fieldvalues must be an associative array containing all the $fields to be added.
259 // If a field is not present in $fieldvalues, it will not be changed.
260 // The entry 'id' in $fields will be ignored.
261 // Fields lastmodby and lastmoddate will be automatically set
262 function modify ($db,$table,$fields,$fieldvalues,$id,$USER,$tableid) {
263 if (!may_write($db,$tableid,$id,$USER))
264 return false;
265 // delete all entries in trust related to this record first
266 $db->Execute("DELETE FROM trust WHERE tableid='$tableid' and recordid='$id'");
267 // then add back trusted users entered on the form
268 if (is_array($fieldvalues["trust_read"]))
269 foreach ($fieldvalues["trust_read"] as $userid)
270 $db->Execute("INSERT INTO trust VALUES ('$tableid','$id','$userid','r')");
271 if (is_array($fieldvalues["trust_write"]))
272 foreach ($fieldvalues["trust_write"] as $userid)
273 $db->Execute("INSERT INTO trust VALUES ('$tableid','$id','$userid','w')");
275 $query="UPDATE $table SET ";
276 $column=strtok($fields,",");
277 while ($column) {
278 if (! ($column=='id' || $column=='date' || $column=='ownerid' || is_array($fieldvalues[$column]) ) ) {
279 $test=true;
280 //if ($column=="access")
281 // $fieldvalues["access"]=get_access($fieldvalues);
282 if (in_array($column, array('gr','gw','er','ew')))
283 $fieldvalues[$column]=get_access($fieldvalues,$column);
284 if ($column=="lastmodby")
285 $fieldvalues["lastmodby"]=$USER["id"];
286 if ($column=="lastmoddate")
287 $fieldvalues["lastmoddate"]=time();
288 if (isset($fieldvalues[$column]) && (strlen($fieldvalues[$column])>0))
289 $query.="$column='$fieldvalues[$column]',";
290 else
291 $query.="$column=NULL,";
292 }
293 $column=strtok(",");
294 }
295 $query[strrpos($query,",")]=" ";
297 if ($test) {
298 $query.=" WHERE id='$id'";
299 $result=$db->Execute($query);
300 if ($result)
301 return true;
302 }
303 }
306 ////
307 // !Deletes the entry with id=$id
308 // Returns true on succes, false on failure
309 // Checks whether the delete is allowed
310 // This is very generic, it is likely that you will need to do more cleanup
311 function delete ($db, $tableid, $id, $USER, $filesonly=false) {
313 $table=get_cell($db,"tableoftables","real_tablename","id",$tableid);
314 if (!may_write($db,$tableid,$id,$USER))
315 return false;
317 // check for associated files
318 $r=$db->Execute("SELECT id FROM files
319 WHERE tablesfk=$tableid AND ftableid=$id");
320 while ($r && !$r->EOF) {
321 delete_file ($db,$r->fields("id"),$USER);
322 $r->MoveNext();
323 }
324 // and now delete for real
325 if (!$filesonly) {
326 if ($db->Execute("DELETE FROM $table WHERE id=$id"))
327 return true;
328 else
329 return false;
330 }
331 else
332 return true;
333 }
335 ////
336 // !Generates thumbnails and extracts information from 2-D image files
337 function process_image($db,$fileid,$bigsize)
338 {
339 global $USER, $system_settings;
341 if (!$fileid)
342 return false;
343 $imagefile=file_path ($db,$fileid);
344 $bigthumb=$system_settings['thumbnaildir']."/big/$fileid.jpg";
345 $smallthumb=$system_settings['thumbnaildir']."/small/$fileid.jpg";
346 $smallsize=$system_settings['smallthumbsize'];
347 $convert=$system_settings['convert'];
349 // make big thumbnail and get image info
350 $command = "$convert -verbose -sample ".$bigsize."x".$bigsize." $action \"$imagefile\" jpg:$bigthumb";
351 exec($command, $result_str_arr, $status);
353 // make small thumbnail
354 $command = "$convert -sample ".$smallsize."x".$smallsize." $action \"$imagefile\" jpg:$smallthumb";
355 `$command`;
357 // get size, mime, and type from image file.
358 // Try exif function, if that fails use convert
359 $sizearray=getimagesize($imagefile);
360 $width=$sizearray[0];
361 if ($width) {
362 $height=$sizearray[1];
363 $mime=$sizearray['mime'];
364 switch ($sizearray[2]) {
365 case 1: $filename_extension='GIF'; break;
366 case 2: $filename_extension='JPG'; break;
367 case 3: $filename_extension='PNG'; break;
368 case 4: $filename_extension='SWF'; break;
369 case 5: $filename_extension='PSD'; break;
370 case 6: $filename_extension='BMP'; break;
371 case 7: $filename_extension='TIFF'; break;
372 case 8: $filename_extension='TIFF'; break;
373 case 9: $filename_extension='JPC'; break;
374 case 10: $filename_extension='JP2'; break;
375 case 11: $filename_extension='JPX'; break;
376 case 12: $filename_extension='JB2'; break;
377 case 13: $filename_extension='SWC'; break;
378 case 14: $filename_extension='IFF'; break;
379 }
380 }
381 else {
382 // get filetype and size in pixels from convert. Take first token after filesize. Don't know if it always works.
383 // appparently convert yields:
384 // original filename, dimensions, Class, (optional) colordepht, size (in kb), filetype, ???, ???
385 $convertresult[0] = strtok ($result_str_arr[0]," ");
386 $test = false;
387 for ($i=1; $i<7; $i++) {
388 $convertresult[$i] = strtok (" ");
389 if ($i == 1)
390 $pixels = $convertresult[$i];
391 if ($test) {
392 $filename_extension = $convertresult[$i];
393 $test = false;
394 }
395 if (substr ($convertresult[$i], -2) == 'kb')
396 $test = true;
397 }
398 // extract pixel dimensions, this fails when there are spaces in the filename
399 $width = (int) strtok ($pixels, 'x+= >');
400 $height = (int) strtok ('x+= >');
401 }
403 if($mime)
404 $db->Execute("UPDATE files SET mime='$mime' WHERE id=$fileid");
405 $r=$db->Execute("SELECT id FROM images WHERE id=$fileid");
407 if (!$r->fields["id"])
408 $query="INSERT INTO images (id,x_size,y_size,xbt_size,ybt_size,xst_size,yst_size,type) VALUES ('$fileid', '$width', '$height', '$bigsize', '$bigsize', '$smallsize', '$smallsize', '$filename_extension')";
409 else
410 $query="UPDATE images SET x_size='$width',y_size='$height',xbt_size='$bigsize',ybt_size='$bigsize',xst_size='$smallsize',yst_size='$smallsize',type='$filename_extension' WHERE id=$fileid";
411 $db->Execute($query);
413 }
415 ////
416 // !Upload files and enters then into table files
417 // files should be called file[] in HTTP_POST_FILES
418 // filetitle in HTTP_POST_VARS will be inserted in the title field of table files
419 // returns id of last uploaded file upon succes, false otherwise
420 function upload_files ($db,$tableid,$id,$columnid,$columnname,$USER,$system_settings)
421 {
422 global $HTTP_POST_FILES,$HTTP_POST_VARS,$system_settings;
424 $table=get_cell($db,'tableoftables','tablename','id',$tableid);
425 $real_tablename=get_cell($db,'tableoftables','real_tablename','id',$tableid);
427 if (!($db && $table && $id)) {
428 echo "Error in code: $db, $table, or $id is not defined.<br>";
429 return false;
430 }
431 if (!may_write($db,$tableid,$id,$USER)) {
432 echo "You do not have permission to write to table $table.<br>";
433 return false;
434 }
435 if (isset($HTTP_POST_FILES["$columnname"]['name'][0]) && !$filedir=$system_settings['filedir']) {
436 echo "<h3><i>Filedir</i> was not set. The file was not uploaded. Please contact your system administrator</h3>";
437 return false;
438 }
439 for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($HTTP_POST_FILES["$columnname"]['name']);$i++) {
440 if (!$fileid=$db->GenID("files_id_seq"))
441 return false;
442 $originalname=$HTTP_POST_FILES["$columnname"]['name'][$i];
443 $mime=$HTTP_POST_FILES["$columnname"]['type'][$i];
444 // sometimes mime types are not set properly, let's try to fix those
445 if (substr($originalname,-4,4)=='.pdf')
446 $mime='application/pdf';
447 // work around php bug??
448 $mime=strtok ($mime,";");
449 $filestype=substr(strrchr($mime,'/'),1);
450 $size=$HTTP_POST_FILES["$columnname"]['size'][$i];
451 $title=$HTTP_POST_VARS['filetitle'][$i];
452 if (!$title)
453 $title='NULL';
454 else
455 $title="'$title'";
456 $type=$HTTP_POST_VARS['filetype'][$i];
457 // this works asof php 4.02
458 if (move_uploaded_file($HTTP_POST_FILES["$columnname"]['tmp_name'][$i],"$filedir/$fileid"."_"."$originalname")) {
459 $query="INSERT INTO files (id,filename,mime,size,title,tablesfk,ftableid,ftablecolumnid,type) VALUES ($fileid,'$originalname','$mime','$size',$title,'$tableid',$id,'$columnid','$filestype')";
460 $db->Execute($query);
461 }
462 else
463 $fileid=false;
464 }
465 return $fileid;
466 }
469 ////
470 // !returns an array with id,name,title,size, and hyperlink to all
471 // files associated with the given record
472 function get_files ($db,$table,$id,$columnid,$format=1,$thumbtype='small') {
473 $tableid=get_cell($db,'tableoftables','id','tablename',$table);
474 $r=$db->Execute("SELECT id,filename,title,mime,type,size FROM files WHERE tablesfk=$tableid AND ftableid=$id AND ftablecolumnid='$columnid'");
475 if ($r && !$r->EOF) {
476 $i=0;
477 $sid=SID;
478 while (!$r->EOF) {
479 $filesid=$files[$i]['id']=$r->fields('id');
480 $filesname=$files[$i]['name']=$r->fields('filename');
481 $filestitle=$files[$i]['title']=$r->fields('title');
482 $mime=$files[$i]['mime']=$r->fields('mime');
483 $filestype=$files[$i]['type']=$r->fields('type');
484 $filesize=$files[$i]['size']=nice_bytes($r->fields('size'));
485 // if this is an image, we'll send the thumbnail
486 $rb=$db->Execute("SELECT id FROM images WHERE id='$filesid'");
487 if ($rb->fields(0)) {
488 $text="<img src=showfile.php?id=$filesid&type=$thumbtype&$sid>";
489 }
490 elseif ($format==1) {
491 if (strlen($filestitle) > 0)
492 $text=$filestitle;
493 else
494 $text=$filesname;
495 }
496 elseif ($format==2)
497 $text="file_$i";
498 else
499 $text=$filesname;
500 //$text.="<br>\n";
501 $icon="icons/$filestype.jpg";
502 if (@is_readable($icon))
503 $text="<img src='$icon'>";
504 $files[$i]['link']="<a href='showfile.php?id=$filesid&$sid'>$text</a>\n";
505 $r->MoveNext();
506 $i++;
507 }
508 return $files;
509 }
510 }
513 ////
514 // !Returns path to the file
515 function file_path ($db,$fileid) {
516 global $system_settings;
517 $filename=get_cell($db,'files','filename','id',$fileid);
518 return $system_settings['filedir']."/$fileid"."_$filename";
519 }
522 ////
523 // !Deletes all file associated with this record,column and table
524 function delete_column_file($db,$tableid,$columnid,$recordid,$USER) {
526 $r=$db->Execute("SELECT id FROM files
527 WHERE tablesfk=$tableid AND ftableid=$recordid AND ftablecolumnid=$columnid");
528 while ($r && !$r->EOF) {
529 delete_file ($db,$r->fields('id'),$USER);
530 $r->MoveNext();
531 }
532 }
535 ////
536 // !Deletes file identified with id.
537 // Checks 'mother table' whether this is allowed
538 // Also deletes entries in index table for this file
539 // Returns name of deleted file on succes
540 function delete_file ($db,$fileid,$USER) {
541 global $system_settings;
543 $tableid=get_cell($db,'files','tablesfk','id',$fileid);
544 $tabledesc=get_cell($db,'tableoftables','table_desc_name','id',$tableid);
545 $ftableid=get_cell($db,'files','ftableid','id',$fileid);
546 $columnid=get_cell($db,'files','ftablecolumnid','id',$fileid);
547 $associated_table=get_cell($db,$tabledesc,'associated_table','id',$columnid);
548 $filename=get_cell($db,'files','filename','id',$fileid);
549 if (!may_write($db,$tableid,$ftableid,$USER))
550 return false;
551 @unlink($system_settings['filedir']."/$fileid"."_$filename");
552 // even if unlink fails we should really remove the entry from the database:
553 $db->Execute("DELETE FROM files WHERE id=$fileid");
554 // if this was an image:
555 $db->Execute("DELETE FROM images WHERE id=$fileid");
556 // remove indexing of file content
557 $db->Execute ("DELETE FROM $associated_table WHERE fileid=$fileid");
558 return $filename;
559 }
561 ////
562 // !Returns a 2D array with id and full name of all users
563 // called by show_access
564 function user_array ($db) {
565 $r=$db->Execute("SELECT id,firstname,lastname FROM users ORDER BY lastname");
566 while (!$r->EOF){
567 $ua[$i]["id"]=$r->fields['id'];
568 if ($r->fields['firstname'])
569 $ua[$i]['name']=$r->fields['firstname']." ".$r->fields['lastname'];
570 else
571 $ua[$i]['name']=$r->fields['lastname'];
572 $i++;
573 $r->MoveNext();
574 }
575 return $ua;
576 }
578 ////
579 // !Prints a table with access rights
580 // input is string as 'rw-rw-rw-'
581 // names are same as used in get_access
582 function show_access ($db,$tableid,$id,$USER,$global_settings) {
583 global $client;
584 $table=get_cell($db,'tableoftables','real_tablename','id',$tableid);
585 if ($id) {
586 $ra=$db->Execute("SELECT gr,gw,er,ew,ownerid FROM $table WHERE id='$id'");
587 if ($ra) {
588 $gr=$ra->fields[0];
589 $gw=$ra->fields[1];
590 $er=$ra->fields[2];
591 $ew=$ra->fields[3];
592 $ownerid=$ra->fields[4];
593 }
594 // $access=get_cell($db,$table,"access","id",$id);
595 // $ownerid=get_cell($db,$table,"ownerid","id",$id);
596 $groupid=get_cell($db,'users','groupid','id',$ownerid);
597 $group=get_cell($db,'groups','name','id',$groupid);
598 $rur=$db->Execute("SELECT trusteduserid FROM trust WHERE tableid='$tableid' AND recordid='$id' AND rw='r'");
599 while (!$rur->EOF) {
600 $ur[]=$rur->fields('trusteduserid');
601 $rur->MoveNext();
602 }
603 $ruw=$db->Execute("SELECT trusteduserid FROM trust WHERE tableid='$tableid' AND recordid='$id' AND rw='w'");
604 while (!$ruw->EOF) {
605 $uw[]=$ruw->fields('trusteduserid');
606 $ruw->MoveNext();
607 }
608 }
609 else {
610 $access=$global_settings['access'];
611 // translate the $access string into our new format
612 if ($access{3}=='r')
613 $gr=1;
614 if ($access{4}=='w')
615 $gw=1;
616 if ($access{6}=='r')
617 $er=1;
618 if ($access{7}=='w')
619 $ew=1;
620 $group=get_cell($db,'groups','name','id',$USER['groupid']);
621 }
622 $user_array=user_array($db);
623 echo "<table border=0>\n";
624 echo "<tr><th>Access:</th><th>$group</th><th>Everyone</th><th>and also</th></tr>\n";
625 echo "<tr><th>Read</th>\n";
626 if ($gr) $sel="checked"; else $sel=false;
627 echo "<td><input type='checkbox' $sel name='grr' value=' '></td>\n";
628 if ($er) $sel="checked"; else $sel=false;
629 echo "<td><input type='checkbox' $sel name='evr' value=' '></td>\n";
630 // multiple select box for trusted users. Opera does not like 1 as size
631 if ($client->browser=="Opera" || $client->browser=="Internet Explorer")
632 $size=2;
633 else
634 $size=2;
635 echo "<td>\n<select multiple size='$size' name='trust_read[]'>\n";
636 echo "<option>nobody else</option>\n";
637 foreach ($user_array as $user) {
638 if (@in_array($user["id"],$ur))
639 $selected="selected";
640 else
641 $selected=false;
642 echo "<option $selected value=".$user["id"].">".$user["name"]."</option>\n";
643 }
644 echo "</select></td>\n";
645 echo "</tr>\n";
646 echo "<tr><th>Write</th>\n";
647 if ($gw) $sel="checked"; else $sel=false;
648 echo "<td><input type='checkbox' $sel name='grw' value=' '></td>\n";
649 if ($ew) $sel="checked"; else $sel=false;
650 echo "<td><input type='checkbox' $sel name='evw' value=' '></td>\n";
651 echo "<td>\n<select multiple size='$size' name='trust_write[]'>\n";
652 echo "<option>nobody else</option>\n";
653 foreach ($user_array as $user) {
654 if (@in_array($user["id"],$uw))
655 $selected="selected";
656 else
657 $selected=false;
658 echo "<option $selected value=".$user["id"].">".$user["name"]."</option>\n";
659 }
660 echo "</select></td>\n";
661 echo "</tr>\n";
662 echo "</table>\n";
663 }
666 ////
667 // !Returns a formatted access strings given an associative array
668 // with 'grr','evr','grw','evw' as keys
669 function get_access ($fieldvalues,$column) {
670 global $system_settings;
671 $gr=0; $gw=0; $er=0; $ew=0;
673 if (!$fieldvalues) {
674 $system_settings["access"];
675 // translate the $access string into our new format
676 if ($access{3}=='r')
677 $gr=1;
678 if ($access{4}=='w')
679 $gw=1;
680 if ($access{6}=='r')
681 $er=1;
682 if ($access{7}=='w')
683 $ew=1;
684 return ${$column};
685 }
686 if ($fieldvalues["grr"])
687 $gr=1;
688 if ($fieldvalues["evr"])
689 $er=1;
690 if ($fieldvalues["grw"])
691 $gw=1;
692 if ($fieldvalues["evw"])
693 $ew=1;
695 return ${$column};
696 }
699 ////
700 // !Returns an SQL SELECT statement with ids of records the user may see
701 // Since it uses subqueries it does not work with MySQL
702 function may_read_SQL_subselect ($db,$table,$tableid,$USER,$clause=false) {
703 include_once ('includes/defines_inc.php');
704 $query="SELECT id FROM $table ";
705 // don't know why, but variables defined in defines_in.php are not know here
706 // bug in my php version?
707 $SUPER=64;
709 if ($USER['permissions'] & $SUPER) {
710 if ($clause)
711 $query .= "WHERE $clause";
712 }
713 else {
714 $grouplist=$USER['group_list'];
715 $userid=$USER['id'];
716 $query .= ' WHERE ';
717 if ($clause)
718 $query .= " $clause AND ";
719 // owner
720 $query .= "( (ownerid=$userid) ";
721 // group (quote gr='1', otherwise index willnot be used)
722 $query .= "OR (CAST( (SELECT groupid FROM users WHERE users.id=$table.ownerid) AS int) IN ($grouplist) AND gr='1') ";
723 // world
724 $query .= "OR (er='1')";
725 // and also
726 $query .= "OR id IN (SELECT recordid FROM trust WHERE tableid='$tableid' AND trusteduserid='$userid' AND rw='r')";
727 $query .=")";
728 }
729 return $query;
730 }
732 ////
733 // !returns a comma-separated list of quoted values from a SQL search
734 // helper function for may_read_SQL
735 function make_SQL_ids ($r,$ids,$field="id") {
736 if (!$r || $r->EOF)
737 return substr ($ids,0,-1);
738 $id=$r->fields[$field];
739 $ids .="$id";
740 $r->MoveNext();
741 $column_count=1;
742 while (!$r->EOF) {
743 $id=$r->fields[$field];
744 if ($id)
745 $ids .=",$id";
746 $r->MoveNext();
747 $column_count+=1;
748 }
749 return ($ids);
750 }
753 ////
754 // !Returns an array with ids of records the user may see in SQL format
755 // Works with MySQL but not with early postgres 7 versions (current ones should
756 // work)
757 function may_read_SQL_JOIN ($db,$table,$USER) {
758 include ('includes/defines_inc.php');
759 if (!($USER["permissions"] & $SUPER)) {
760 $query="SELECT id FROM $table ";
761 $usergroup=$USER['groupid'];
762 $group_list=$USER['group_list'];
763 $userid=$USER['id'];
764 $query .= " WHERE ";
765 // owner and everyone
766 $query .= "( (ownerid=$userid) ";
767 $query .= "OR (er='1')";
768 $query .=")";
769 $r=$db->CacheExecute(2,$query);
770 if ($r) {
771 $ids=make_SQL_ids($r,$ids);
772 }
773 // group
774 $query="SELECT $table.id FROM $table LEFT JOIN users ON $table.ownerid=users.id WHERE users.groupid IN ($group_list) AND ($table.gr='1')";
775 $r=$db->CacheExecute(2,$query);
776 }
777 else { // superuser
778 $query="SELECT id FROM $table ";
779 $r=$db->CacheExecute(2,$query);
780 }
781 if ($ids)
782 $ids.=",";
783 if ($r)
784 return make_SQL_ids($r,$ids);
785 }
788 ////
789 // !Generates an SQL query asking for the records that mey be seen by this users
790 // Generates a left join for mysql, subselect for postgres
791 function may_read_SQL ($db,$tableinfo,$USER,$temptable="tempa") {
792 global $db_type;
793 if ($db_type=='mysql') {
794 $list=may_read_SQL_JOIN ($db,$tableinfo->realname,$USER);
795 if (!$list)
796 $list='-1';
797 $result['sql']= " id IN ($list) ";
798 $result['numrows']=substr_count($list,',');
799 }
800 else {
801 //return may_read_SQL_subselect ($db,$table,$tableid,$USER);
802 $r=$db->Execute(may_read_SQL_subselect ($db,$tableinfo->realname,$tableinfo->id,$USER,false));
803 $result['numrows']=$r->NumRows();
804 make_temp_table($db,$temptable,$r);
805 $result['sql'] = " ($tableinfo->realname.id = $temptable.uniqueid) ";
806 }
807 return $result;
808 }
810 ////
811 // Generates a temporary table from given recordset
812 function make_temp_table ($db,$temptable,$r) {
813 global $system_settings;
814 $rc=$db->Execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE $temptable (
815 uniqueid int UNIQUE NOT NULL)");
816 if ($rc) {
817 $r->MoveFirst();
818 while (!$r->EOF) {
819 $string .= $r->fields["id"]."\n";
820 $r->MoveNext();
821 }
822 }
823 // INSERT is too slow. COPY instead from a file. postgres only!
824 $tmpfile=tempnam($system_settings["tmppsql"],"tmptable");
825 $fp=fopen($tmpfile,"w");
826 fwrite($fp,$string);
827 fflush($fp);
828 chmod ($tmpfile,0644);
829 $rd=$db->Execute ("COPY $temptable FROM '$tmpfile'");
830 $rc=$db->Execute("ALTER TABLE $temptable ADD PRIMARY KEY (uniqueid)");
831 fclose ($fp);
832 unlink($tmpfile);
833 }
835 ////
836 // !determines whether or not the user may read this record
837 function may_read ($db,$tableinfo,$id,$USER) {
838 $list=may_read_SQL($db,$tableinfo,$USER);
839 $query="SELECT id FROM $tableinfo->realname WHERE ".$list["sql"];
840 $r=$db->Execute($query);
841 if (!$r)
842 return false;
843 if ($r->EOF)
844 return false;
845 else
846 return true;
847 }
849 ////
850 // !checks if this user may write/modify/delete these data
851 function may_write ($db,$tableid,$id,$USER) {
852 include ('includes/defines_inc.php');
854 $table=get_cell($db,'tableoftables','real_tablename','id',$tableid);
855 if ($USER['permissions'] & $SUPER)
856 return true;
857 if ( ($USER['permissions'] & $WRITE) && (!$id))
858 return true;
859 $ownerid=get_cell($db,$table,'ownerid','id',$id);
860 $ownergroup=get_cell($db,'users','groupid','id',$ownerid);
861 if ($USER['permissions'] & $ADMIN) {
862 if ($USER['groupid']==$ownergroup)
863 return true;
864 }
865 if ( ($USER['permissions'] & $WRITE) && $id) {
866 $userid=$USER['id'];
867 // 'user' write access
868 if ($r=$db->Execute("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id=$id AND
869 ownerid=$userid"))
870 if (!$r->EOF)
871 return true;
872 // 'group' write access
873 if ($r=$db->Execute("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id=$id AND gw='1'"))
874 if (!$r->EOF && in_array($ownergroup, $USER['group_array']))
875 return true;
876 // 'world' write access
877 if ($r=$db->Execute("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id=$id AND ew='1'") )
878 if (!$r->EOF)
879 return true;
880 // 'and also' write access
881 if ($r=$db->Execute("SELECT * FROM trust WHERE trusteduserid='$userid'
882 AND tableid='$tableid' AND recordid='$id' AND rw='w'"))
883 if (!$r->EOF)
884 return true;
885 }
886 }
888 ////
889 // !returns an comma-separated list of quoted values from a SQL search
890 // derived from make_SQL_ids but can be called from anywhere
891 function make_SQL_csf ($r,$ids,$field="id",&$column_count) {
892 if (!$r || $r->EOF)
893 return false;
894 $r->MoveFirst();
895 while (!$id && !$r->EOF) {
896 $id=$r->fields[$field];
897 $ids .="$id";
898 $r->MoveNext();
899 }
900 $column_count=1;
901 unset ($id);
902 while (!$r->EOF) {
903 $id=$r->fields[$field];
904 if ($id) {
905 $ids .=",$id";
906 $column_count+=1;
907 }
908 $r->MoveNext();
909 }
910 return ($ids);
911 }
912 ////
913 // !helperfunction for numerictoSQL
914 function typevalue ($value,$type) {
915 if ($type=="int") {
916 return (int)$value;
917 }
918 elseif ($type=="float") {
919 return (float)$value;
920 }
921 return false;
922 }
924 ////
925 // !interprets numerical search terms into an SQL statement
926 // implements ranges (i.e. 1-6), and lists (1,2,3) and combinations thereof
927 // < and > can also be used
928 function numerictoSQL ($searchterm,$column,$type,$and) {
929 $commalist=explode(",",$searchterm);
930 for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($commalist);$i++) {
931 $rangelist=explode("-",$commalist[$i]);
932 if (sizeof($rangelist)==2) {
933 sort($rangelist);
934 $value1=typevalue($rangelist[0],$type);
935 $value2=typevalue($rangelist[1],$type);
936 if ($i>0) {
937 $sql.="OR ";
938 }
939 $sql.="($column>=$value1 AND $column<=$value2) ";
940 }
941 elseif (sizeof($rangelist)==1) {
942 if ($commalist[$i]{0}=='<' || $commalist[$i]{0}=='>') {
943 $token=$commalist[$i]{0};
944 $commalist[$i]=substr($commalist[$i],1);
945 }
946 $value=typevalue ($commalist[$i],$type);
947 if ($i>0) {
948 $sql.="OR ";
949 }
950 if (!$token)
951 $token='=';
952 $sql.="($column$token$value) ";
953 }
954 }
955 return "$and ($sql) ";
956 }
958 ////
959 // !Helper function for search
960 // Interprets fields the right way
961 function searchhelp ($db,$tableinfo,$column,&$columnvalues,$query,$wcappend,$and) {
962 if ($column=="ownerid") {
963 $query[1]=true;
964 $r=$db->Execute("SELECT id FROM ".$tableinfo->realname." WHERE ownerid=$columnvalues[$column]");
965 $list=make_SQL_ids($r,false);
966 if ($list)
967 $query[0].= "$and id IN ($list) ";
968 }
969 else {
970 $query[1]=true;
971 // since all tables now have desc. tables,we can check for int/floats
972 // should probably do this more upstream for performance gain
973 $rc=$db->Execute("SELECT type,datatype,associated_table,key_table,associated_column,associated_local_key FROM ".$tableinfo->desname." WHERE columnname='$column'");
974 if ($rc->fields[1]=='file' && $rc->fields[2]) {
975 $rw=$db->Execute("SELECT id FROM words WHERE word LIKE '".strtolower($columnvalues[$column])."%'");
976 if ($rw && $rw->fields[0]) {
977 $rh=$db->Execute("SELECT recordid FROM ".$rc->fields[2]." WHERE wordid='".$rw->fields[0]."'");
978 if ($rh && $rh->fields[0]) {
979 while (!$rh->EOF) {
980 $rhtemp[]=$rh->fields[0];
981 $rh->MoveNext();
982 }
983 $ids=join (",",$rhtemp);
984 $query[0].="$and id IN ($ids) ";
985 }
986 // if we come up empty handed, the SQL search should too:
987 else $query[0].="$and id=0 ";
988 }
989 else $query[0].="$and id=0 ";
990 }
991 elseif ($rc->fields[1]=='table') {
992 $rtableoftables=$db->Execute("SELECT real_tablename,table_desc_name,id FROM tableoftables WHERE id={$rc->fields['associated_table']}");
993 $rtdesc=$db->Execute("SELECT columnname,datatype,type FROM {$rtableoftables->fields[1]} WHERE id='{$rc->fields['associated_column']}'");
994 $tablecolumnvalues[$rtdesc->fields[0]]=$columnvalues[$column];
995 $asstableinfo=new tableinfo($db,false,$rtableoftables->fields[2]);
996 $table_where=searchhelp($db,$asstableinfo,$rtdesc->fields[0],&$tablecolumnvalues,false,$wcappend,false);
997 $rtable=$db->Execute("SELECT id FROM {$rtableoftables->fields[0]} WHERE {$table_where[0]}");
998 if ($rtable && $rtable->fields[0]) {
999 while (!$rtable->EOF) {
1000 $rhtemp[]=$rtable->fields[0];
1001 $rtable->MoveNext();
1002 }
1003 $ids=join (",",$rhtemp);
1004 if ($rc->fields['associated_local_key']) {
1005 $rasslk=$db->Execute("SELECT columnname FROM {$tableinfo->desname} WHERE id={$rc->fields['associated_local_key']}");
1006 $query[0].="$and {$rasslk->fields[0]} IN ($ids) ";
1007 }
1008 else
1009 $query[0].="$and $column IN ($ids) ";
1010 }
1011 // no search results so give an impossible clause
1012 else
1013 $query[0].="$and $column='0' ";
1014 }
1015 // there are some (old) cases where pulldowns are of type text...
1016 elseif ($rc->fields[1]=='pulldown') {
1017 $columnvalues[$column]=(int)$columnvalues[$column];
1018 if ($columnvalues["$column"]==-1)
1019 $query[0].="$and ($column='' OR $column IS NULL) ";
1020 else
1021 $query[0].="$and $column='$columnvalues[$column]' ";
1022 }
1023 elseif ($rc->fields[1]=='mpulldown') {
1024 // emulate a logical AND between values selected in a mpulldown
1025 unset ($id_list);
1026 // keep the code to deal with single selects and multiple selects
1027 if (is_array($columnvalues)) {
1028 unset($id_list);
1029 $j=0;
1030 // read in values from types tables and arrange in groups
1031 foreach($columnvalues[$column] as $typeid) {
1032 $rl=$db->Execute("SELECT recordid FROM {$rc->fields[3]} WHERE typeid=$typeid");
1033 while ($rl && !$rl->EOF) {
1034 $id_list[$j].=$rl->fields[0].',';
1035 $rl->MoveNext();
1036 }
1037 $id_list[$j]=substr($id_list[$j],0,-1);
1038 // if nothing is found we'll pass an impossible id value
1039 if (strlen($id_list[$j]) <1)
1040 $id_list[$j]='-1';
1041 $j++;
1042 }
1043 }
1044 else { // for 'single' selects
1045 $rmp=$db->Execute("SELECT recordid FROM {$rc->fields[3]} WHERE typeid='{$columnvalues[$column]}'");
1046 if ($rmp) {
1047 $id_list=$rmp->fields[0];
1048 $rmp->MoveNext();
1049 while (!$rmp->EOF) {
1050 $id_list.=",{$rmp->fields[0]}";
1051 $rmp->MoveNext();
1052 }
1053 }
1054 }
1055 // pass the multiple lists to the main query
1056 if (is_array($id_list)) {
1057 foreach ($id_list as $list) {
1058 if (!$listfound) {
1059 $query[0].="$and id IN ($list) ";
1060 $listfound=true;
1061 }
1062 else
1063 $query[0].="AND id IN ($list) ";
1064 }
1065 // we should not be able to get here:
1066 if (!$listfound)
1067 $query[0].="$and id IN (-1) ";
1068 }
1069 elseif ($id_list) // for 'single' selects
1070 $query[0].="$and id IN ($id_list) ";
1071 else // nothing found, make sure we do not crash the search statement
1072 $query[0].="$and id IN (-1) ";
1074 }
1075 elseif (substr($rc->fields[0],0,3)=='int') {
1076 $query[0].=numerictoSQL ($columnvalues[$column],$column,"int",$and);
1077 }
1078 elseif (substr($rc->fields[0],0,5)=='float') {
1079 $query[0].=numerictoSQL ($columnvalues[$column],$column,"float",$and);
1080 }
1081 else {
1082 $columnvalues[$column]=trim($columnvalues[$column]);
1083 $columnvalue=$columnvalues[$column];
1084 $columnvalue=str_replace('*','%',$columnvalue);
1085 if ($wcappend)
1086 $columnvalue="%$columnvalue%";
1087 //else
1088 // $columnvalue="% $columnvalue %";
1089 $query[0].="$and UPPER($column) LIKE UPPER('$columnvalue') ";
1090 }
1091 }
1092 return $query;
1093 }
1095 ////
1096 // !Returns an SQL search statement
1097 // The whereclause should NOT start with WHERE
1098 // The whereclause should contain the output of may_read_SQL and
1099 // can also be used for sorting
1100 function search ($db,$tableinfo,$fields,&$fieldvalues,$whereclause=false,$wcappend=true) {
1101 $columnvalues=$fieldvalues;
1102 $query[0]="SELECT $fields FROM ".$tableinfo->realname." WHERE ";
1103 $query[1]=$query[2]=false;
1104 $column=strtok($fields,",");
1105 while ($column && !$columnvalues[$column])
1106 $column=strtok (",");
1107 if ($column && $columnvalues[$column]) {
1108 $query[1]=true;
1109 $query=searchhelp ($db,$tableinfo,$column,$columnvalues,$query,$wcappend,false);
1110 }
1111 $column=strtok (",");
1112 while ($column) {
1113 if ($column && $columnvalues[$column]) {
1114 $query=searchhelp ($db,$tableinfo,$column,$columnvalues,$query,$wcappend,"AND");
1115 }
1116 $column=strtok (",");
1117 }
1118 if ($whereclause)
1119 if ($query[1])
1120 $query[0] .= "AND $whereclause";
1121 else
1122 $query[0] .= $whereclause;
1123 if (function_exists("plugin_search"))
1124 $query[0]=plugin_search($query[0],$columnvalues,$query[1]);
1125 return $query[0];
1126 }
1129 ////
1130 // ! sets AtFirstPage and AtLastPage
1131 function first_last_page (&$r,&$current_page,$r_p_p,$numrows) {
1132 // protect against pushing the reload button while at the last page
1133 if ( (($current_page-1) * $r_p_p) >= $numrows)
1134 $current_page -=1;
1135 // if we are still outof range, this must be a new search statement and we can go to page 1
1136 if ( (($current_page-1) * $r_p_p) >= $numrows)
1137 $current_page =1;
1139 if ($current_page < 2)
1140 $r->AtFirstPage=true;
1141 else
1142 $r->AtFirstPage=false;
1143 if ( ($current_page * $r_p_p) >= $numrows)
1144 $r->AtLastPage=true;
1145 else
1146 $r->AtLastPage=false;
1147 }
1149 ////
1150 // !Displays the next and previous buttons
1151 // $r is the result of a $db->Execute query used to display the table with records
1152 // When $paging is true, the records per page field will also be displayed
1153 // $num_p_r holds the (global) records per page variable
1154 function next_previous_buttons($r,$paging=false,$num_p_r=false,$numrows=false,$pagenr=false,$db=false,$tableinfo=false) {
1155 echo "<table border=0 width=100%>\n<tr width=100%>\n<td align='left'>";
1156 if (function_exists($r->AtFirstPage))
1157 $r->AtFirstPage=$r->AtFirstPage();
1158 if ($r && !$r->AtFirstPage)
1159 echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"previous\" value=\"Previous\"></td>\n";
1160 else
1161 if ($paging)
1162 echo " </td>\n";
1163 else
1164 echo " </td>\n";
1165 if ($db && $tableinfo)
1166 show_reports($db,$tableinfo);
1167 if ($paging) {
1168 if ($numrows>0) {
1169 echo "<td align='center'>$numrows Records found. ";
1170 if ($pagenr) {
1171 $start=($pagenr-1)*$num_p_r+1;
1172 $end=$pagenr*$num_p_r;
1173 if ($end > $numrows)
1174 $end=$numrows;
1175 echo "Showing $start through $end. ";
1176 }
1177 echo "</td>\n";
1178 }
1179 else
1180 echo "<td align='center'>No records found. </td>\n";
1181 echo "<td align='center'>\n";
1182 echo "<input type='text' name='num_p_r'value='$num_p_r' size=3> ";
1183 echo "Records per page</td>\n";
1184 }
1185 echo "<td align='right'>";
1187 // add direct links to pages
1188 if ($pagenr) {
1189 $startp=$pagenr-5;
1190 if ($startp<1)
1191 $startp=1;
1192 $endp=$startp+9;
1193 if ($numrows) {
1194 if ($numrows < ($endp*$num_p_r)) {
1195 $endp= ceil($numrows/$num_p_r);
1196 }
1197 }
1199 if ($endp > 1) {
1200 echo "Goto page: ";
1201 echo "<input type='hidden' name='{$tableinfo->pagename}' value='0'>\n";
1202 for ($i=$startp; $i<=$endp; $i++) {
1203 if ($pagenr==$i)
1204 echo "<b>$i </b>";
1205 else
1206 // try using links with javascript converting it into post variables
1207 echo "<a href='javascript:document.g_form.{$tableinfo->pagename}.value=\"$i\"; document.g_form.searchj.value=\"Search\"; document.g_form.submit()'>$i </a>";
1208 }
1209 }
1210 }
1212 if (function_exists($r->AtLastPage))
1213 $r->AtLastPage=$r->AtLastPage();
1214 if ($r && !$r->AtLastPage)
1215 echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"next\" value=\"Next\"></td>\n";
1216 else
1217 if ($paging)
1218 echo " ";
1219 else
1220 echo " ";
1221 echo "</td>\n</tr>\n";
1222 echo "</table>\n";
1223 }
1225 ////
1226 // !Returns the variable $num_p_r holding the # of records per page
1227 // check user settings and POST_VARS
1228 // Write the value back to the user defaults
1229 // When no value is found, default to 10
1230 function paging ($num_p_r,&$USER) {
1231 global $HTTP_POST_VARS;
1232 if (!$num_p_r)
1233 $num_p_r=$USER['settings']['num_p_r'];
1234 if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['num_p_r']))
1235 $num_p_r=$HTTP_POST_VARS['num_p_r'];
1236 if (!isset($num_p_r))
1237 $num_p_r=10;
1238 $USER['settings']['num_p_r']=$num_p_r;
1239 return $num_p_r;
1240 }
1242 ////
1243 // !Returns current page
1244 // current page is table specific, therefore
1245 // The variable name is formed using the short name for the table
1246 function current_page($curr_page, $sname, $num_p_r, $numrows) {
1248 $varname=$sname.'_curr_page';
1249 ${$varname}=$curr_page;
1251 if (!isset($$varname))
1252 ${$varname}=$HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$varname];
1253 // if the current page is out of bound, we'll reset it to 1
1254 if (${$varname} > ($numrows/$num_p_r))
1255 ${$varname}=1;
1256 // the page number can be set directly or by clicking the next/previous buttons (see function next_previous_buttons)
1257 if ($HTTP_POST_VARS[$varname]) {
1258 ${$varname}=$HTTP_POST_VARS[$varname];
1259 }
1260 elseif (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['next'])) {
1261 ${$varname}+=1;
1262 }
1263 elseif (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['previous'])) {
1264 $$varname-=1;
1265 }
1266 if ($$varname<1)
1267 $$varname=1;
1268 $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$varname]=${$varname};
1269 session_register($varname);
1270 return ${$varname};
1271 }
1273 ////
1274 // !Assembles the search SQL statement and remembers it in HTTP_SESSION_VARS
1275 function make_search_SQL($db,$tableinfo,$fields,$USER,$search,$searchsort="title",$whereclause=false) {
1278 if (!$searchsort)
1279 $searchsort='title';
1280 $fieldvarsname=$tableinfo->short.'_fieldvars';
1281 global ${$fieldvarsname};
1282 $queryname=$tableinfo->short.'_query';
1283 if (!$whereclause)
1284 $whereclause=may_read_SQL ($db,$tableinfo,$USER);
1285 if (!$whereclause)
1286 $whereclause=-1;
1287 if ($search=='Search') {
1288 ${$queryname}=search($db,$tableinfo,$fields,$HTTP_POST_VARS," $whereclause ORDER BY $searchsort");
1289 ${$fieldvarsname}=$HTTP_POST_VARS;
1290 }
1291 elseif (session_is_registered ($queryname) && isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$queryname])) {
1292 ${$queryname}=$HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$queryname];
1293 ${$fieldvarsname}=$HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$fieldvarsname];
1294 }
1295 else {
1296 ${$queryname} = "SELECT $fields FROM $tableinfo->realname WHERE $whereclause ORDER BY date DESC";
1297 ${$fieldvarsname}=$HTTP_POST_VARS;
1298 }
1299 $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$queryname]=${$queryname};
1300 session_register($queryname);
1301 if (!${$fieldvarsname})
1302 ${$fieldvarsname}=$HTTP_POST_VARS;
1303 $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$fieldvarsname]=${$fieldvarsname};
1304 session_register($fieldvarsname);
1306 if ($search !='Show All') {
1307 // globalize HTTP_POST_VARS
1308 $column=strtok($fields,',');
1309 while ($column) {
1310 global ${$column};
1311 ${$column}=$HTTP_POST_VARS[$column];
1312 $column=strtok(',');
1313 }
1314 // extract variables from session
1315 globalize_vars ($fields, ${$fieldvarsname});
1316 }
1317 //echo "${$queryname}.<br>";
1318 return ${$queryname};
1319 }
1322 ////
1323 // !Checks whether a user has access to a given table
1324 //
1325 function may_see_table($db,$USER,$tableid) {
1326 include ('includes/defines_inc.php');
1327 // Sysadmin may see it all
1328 if ($USER['permissions'] & $SUPER)
1329 return true;
1330 $group_list=$USER['group_list'];
1331 $r=$db->Execute ("SELECT tableid FROM groupxtable_display WHERE groupid IN ($group_list) AND tableid='$tableid'");
1332 if ($r && !$r->EOF)
1333 return true;
1334 else
1335 return false;
1336 }
1338 ?>