PhpLabWare version 0.3 

Directory: /plugins/


Author(s): (none)

(no description)

88 lines [source]

Not referenced by any other file

Defines the following functions:

Function Guide

plugin_add($db,$tableid,$id)   X-Ref
This function is called after a record has been added
As an example, it is used to write some data concerning the
new record to a file for inclusion in a webpage

plugin_check_data($db,&$fieldvalues,$table_desc,$modify=false)   X-Ref
Change/calculate/check values just before they are added/modified
$fieldvalues is an array with the column names as key.
Any changes you make in the values of $fieldvalues will result in
changes in the database.
You could, for instance, calculate a value of a field based on other fields
make sure this function returns true (or does not exist), or additions/modification
will fail!

plugin_show($db,$tableinfo,$id,$USER,$system_settings,$backbutton=true)   X-Ref
Overrides the standard 'show record'function

plugin_search($query,$fieldvalues,$existing_clause)   X-Ref
Extends the search query
$query is the complete query that you can change and must return
$fieldvalues is an array with the column names as key.
if there is an $existing_clause (boolean) you should prepend your additions
with ' AND' or ' OR', otherwise you should not

plugin_getvalues($db,&$allfields,$id,$tableid)   X-Ref
Extends function getvalues
$allfields is a 2-D array containing the field names of the table in the first dimension
and name,columnid,label,datatype,display_table,display_record,ass_t,ass_column,
ass_local_key,required,modifiable,text,values in the 2nd D

plugin_display_add($db,$tableid,&$nowfield)   X-Ref
Extends function display_add
This function let's you change values before they are display in the display_add function

plugin_display_add($db,$tableid,$nowfield)   X-Ref
Extends function display_add
This lets you add information to every specific item

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