PhpLabWare version 0.3 

Directory: /includes/


Author(s): Nico Stuurman

List, modify, delete and add entries in 'type' tables

220 lines [source]

Referenced 4 times

Defines the following functions:

Function Guide

update_opener_js($db,$table)   X-Ref
Generates a javascript array used to dynamically alter pulldown items
after the pulldown list has been changed by the user in another window

show_type($db,$table,$name, $tablename=false)   X-Ref
Generates the page with info on pulldown items
Allows for addition, modifying and deleting pulldown items

del_type($db,$table,$index,$tableinfo)   X-Ref
Deletes an entry in the type table
Currently, there can be only 1 related table ($table2)
When more are needed,make $table2 into an array

mod_type($db,$table,$index)   X-Ref
Modifies an entry in the type table

add_type($db,$table)   X-Ref
Adds a new entry in the type table

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