PhpLabWare version 0.3 
/plugins/ -> pdbs_plugin.php

1  <?php
3  // pdbs_plugin.php - skeleton file for plugin codes
4  // pdbs_plugin.php - author: Nico Stuurman
6  /*
7  Copyright 2002, Nico Stuurman
9  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/ormodify it under
10  the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12  */
16  ////
17  // !Change/calculate/check values just before they are added/modified
18  // $fieldvalues is an array with the column names as key.
19  // Any changes you make in the values of $fieldvalues will result in
20  // changes in the database.
21  // You could, for instance, calculate a value of a field based on other fields
22  function plugin_check_data($db,&$field_values,$table_desc,$modify=false)
23  {
25     // read title, author, pdbid from file
26     // we can not demand a file to be there since this might be a modify
27     if (is_readable($HTTP_POST_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"][0])) {
28        // force the mime-type to be pdb compliant
29         $HTTP_POST_FILES["file"]["type"][0]="chemical/x-pdb";
30         $fh=fopen($HTTP_POST_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"][0],"r");
31         $test1=false;
32         $test2=true;
33         $llength=71;
34         // protect quotes in imported data
35         set_magic_quotes_runtime(1);
36         while ($fh && $test2 && !feof($fh)) {
37            $line=chop(fgets($fh,1024));
38            $lid=strtok($line," ");
39            switch ($lid) {
40               case "HEADER":
41                  $pdbid=trim(strrchr($line," "));
42                  if (strlen($pdbid)<4) {
43                     // this must be an old pdb format
44                     $pdbid=substr($line,62,4);
45                     $llength=62;
46                  }
47                  $field_values["pdbid"]=$pdbid;
48                  break;
49               case "TITLE":
50                  $field_values["title"].=substr($line,10,$llength);
51                  break;
52               case "COMPND":
53                  $compnd.=substr($line,10,$llength);
54                  break;
55               case "AUTHOR":
56                  $field_values["author"].=substr($line,10,$llength);
57                  $test1=true;
58                  break;
59               default:
60                  if ($test1) $test2=false;
61           }
62        }
63     }
64     if (!$field_values["title"])
65        $field_values["title"]=$compnd;
66     set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);
67     return true;
68  }
70  /*
71  ////
72  // !Overrides the standard 'show record'function
73  function plugin_show($db,$tableinfo,$id,$USER,$system_settings,$backbutton=true)
74  {
75  }
78  ////
79  // !Extends the search query
80  // $query is the complete query that you can change and must return
81  // $fieldvalues is an array with the column names as key.
82  // if there is an $existing_clause (boolean) you should prepend your additions
83  // with ' AND' or ' OR', otherwise you should not
84  function plugin_search($query,$fieldvalues,$existing_clause)
85  {
86     return $query;
87  }
88  */
90  ////
91  // !Extends function getvalues
92  // $allfields is a 2-D array containing the field names of the table in the first dimension
93  // and name,columnid,label,datatype,display_table,display_record,ass_t,ass_column,
94  // ass_local_key,required,modifiable,text,values in the 2nd D
95  function plugin_getvalues($db,&$allfields,$id,$tableid)
96  {
97     if (!$id)
98        return true;
99     $table_desc=get_cell($db,"tableoftables","table_desc_name","id",$tableid);
100     $webmollink=get_cell($db,$table_desc,"link_first","columnname","webmol");
102     while (list($key,$value)=each($allfields)) {
103        if ($value[name]=="webmol")
104           $index=$key;
105        if ($value[name]=="pdbid")
106           $pdindex=$key;
107     }
108     if ($index) {
109        $pdbid=$allfields[$pdindex]["values"];
110        if ($pdbid) {
111           $link=$webmollink . $pdbid;
112           $allfields[$index]["text"]="<a href=$link>$pdbid</a>";
113        }
114     }
115  }
118  ////
119  // !Extends function display_add
120  // This lets you add information to every specific item
121  function plugin_display_add ($db,$tableid,$nowfield)
122  {
123     if ($nowfield["name"]=="pdbid") {
124        echo "<br>If a pdb file is uploaded (below), the fields PDBID,Title, and Author(s) will be extracted from the file.";
125     }
126  }
129  ?>

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