/includes/ -> general_inc.php
1 <?php
3 // general_inc.php - functions used by general.php, user-defined tabels
4 // general.php - author: Ethan Garner, Nico Stuurman <nicost@sf.net>
5 /***************************************************************************
6 * Copyright (c) 2002 by Ethan Garner, Nico Stuurman *
7 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
8 * Part of phplabware, a web-driven groupware suite for research labs *
9 * This file contains classes and functions needed in general.php. *
10 * *
11 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
12 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
13 * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
14 * option) any later version. *
15 \**************************************************************************/
17 ////
18 // !Displays information on the record's owner
19 // needs to be called within a table
20 function user_entry($id,$real_tablename) {
21 global $db;
22 $ownerid=get_cell($db,"$real_tablename","ownerid","id","$id");
23 $r=$db->Execute("SELECT firstname,lastname,email FROM users WHERE id=$ownerid");
24 if ($r->fields["email"]) {
25 echo "<tr><th>Submitted by: </th><td><a href='mailto:".$r->fields["email"]."'>";
26 echo $r->fields["firstname"]." ".$r->fields["lastname"]."</a></td>\n";
27 }
28 else {
29 echo "<tr><th>Submitted by: </th><td>".$r->fields["firstname"]." ";
30 echo $r->fields["lastname"] ."</td>\n";
31 }
32 echo "<td> </td>";
33 }
37 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
38 ////
39 // !Prints name and date
40 // Needs to be called within a table
41 function date_entry($id,$real_tablename) {
42 global $db,$system_settings;
44 $date=get_cell($db,$real_tablename,"date","id","$id");
45 $dateformat=get_cell($db,"dateformats","dateformat","id",$system_settings["dateformat"]);
46 $date=date($dateformat,$date);
47 echo "<th>Date entered: </th><td colspan=3>$date</td></tr>\n";
48 if ($lastmodby && $lastmoddate) {
49 echo "<tr>";
50 $r=$db->Execute("SELECT firstname,lastname,email FROM users WHERE id=$lastmodby");
51 if ($r->fields["email"]) {
52 echo "<tr><th>Last modified by: </th><td><a href='mailto:".$r->fields["email"]."'>";
53 echo $r->fields["firstname"]." ".$r->fields["lastname"]."</a></td>\n";
54 }
55 else {
56 echo "<tr><th>Last modified by: </th><td>".$r->fields["firstname"]." ";
57 echo $r->fields["lastname"] ."</td>\n";
58 }
59 echo "<td> </td>";
60 $lastmoddate=date($dateformat,$lastmoddate);
61 echo "<th>Date modified: </th><td colspan=3>$lastmoddate</td></tr>\n";
62 }
63 }
66 ////
67 // !Displays searchbar in table view
68 // For data of type table, recursive calls ar used
69 // The ugly stuff with HTTP_POST_VARS could be done better
70 // it would also be nicer if a string was returned instead of writing directly
71 function searchfield ($db,$tableinfo,$nowfield,$HTTP_POST_VARS,$jscript) {
72 global $USER;
73 $LAYOUT=16;
74 $column=strtok($tableinfo->fields,",");
75 while ($column) {
76 ${$column}=$HTTP_POST_VARS[$column];
77 $column=strtok(",");
78 }
79 if ($nowfield['datatype']== 'link')
80 echo "<td style='width: 10%'> </td>\n";
81 // datatype of column date is text (historical oversight...)
82 elseif ($nowfield['name']=='date')
83 echo "<td style='width: 10%'> </td>\n";
84 // datatype of column ownerid is text (historical oversight...)
85 elseif ($nowfield['name']=='ownerid') {
86 //if ($list) {
87 $rowners=$db->Execute("SELECT ownerid FROM $tableinfo->realname");
88 //$rowners=$db->Execute("SELECT ownerid FROM $tableinfo->realname WHERE $list");
89 while ($rowners && !$rowners->EOF) {
90 $ownerids[]=$rowners->fields[0];
91 $rowners->MoveNext();
92 }
93 if ($ownerids)
94 $ownerlist=implode(',',$ownerids);
95 // }
96 if ($ownerlist) {
97 $rowners2=$db->Execute("SELECT lastname,id FROM users WHERE id IN ($ownerlist)");
98 $text=$rowners2->GetMenu2("$nowfield[name]",${$nowfield[name]},true,false,0,"style='width: 80%' $jscript");
99 echo "<td style='width:10%'>$text</td>\n";
100 }
101 else
102 echo "<td style='width:10%'> </td>\n";
103 }
104 elseif ($nowfield['datatype']=='int' || $nowfield['datatype']=='float' || $nowfield['datatype']=='sequence' || $nowfield['datatype']=='date') {
105 echo " <td style='width: 10%'><input type='text' name='$nowfield[name]' value='".${$nowfield[name]}."'size=8 align='center'></td>\n";
106 }
107 elseif ($nowfield['datatype']== 'text' || $nowfield['datatype']=='file')
108 echo " <td style='width: 25%'><input type='text' name='$nowfield[name]' value='".${$nowfield[name]}."'size=8></td>\n";
109 elseif ($nowfield['datatype']== 'textlong')
110 echo " <td style='width: 10%'><input type='text' name='$nowfield[name]' value='".${$nowfield[name]}."'size=8></td>\n";
111 elseif ($nowfield['datatype']== 'pulldown' || $nowfield['datatype']=='mpulldown') {
112 echo "<td style='width: 10%'>";
113 if ($USER['permissions'] & $LAYOUT) {
114 $jscript2=" onclick='MyWindow=window.open (\"general.php?tablename=".$tableinfo->name."&edit_type=$nowfield[ass_t]&jsnewwindow=true&formname=$formname&selectname=$nowfield[name]".SID."\",\"type\",\"scrollbars,resizable,toolbar,status,menubar,width=600,height=400\");MyWindow.focus()'";
115 echo "<input type='button' name='edit_button' value='Edit $nowfield[label]' $jscript2><br>\n";
116 }
117 $rpull=$db->Execute("SELECT typeshort,id from $nowfield[ass_t] ORDER by sortkey,typeshort");
118 if ($rpull)
119 if ($nowfield['datatype']=='mpulldown')
120 $text=$rpull->GetMenu2("$nowfield[name]",${$nowfield[name]},true,true,0,"style='width: 80%' ");
121 else
122 $text=$rpull->GetMenu2("$nowfield[name]",${$nowfield[name]},true,false,0,"style='width: 80%' $jscript");
123 else
124 $text=" ";
125 echo "$text</td>\n";
126 }
127 elseif ($nowfield['datatype']== 'table') {
128 $ass_tableinfo=new tableinfo ($db,$nowfield['ass_table_name'],false);
129 $rasslk=$db->Execute("SELECT columnname FROM {$ass_tableinfo->desname} WHERE id={$nowfield['ass_column']}");
130 $ass_Allfields=getvalues($db,$ass_tableinfo,$rasslk->fields[0]);
131 // scary hacks, their ugliness shows that we need to reorganize some stuff
132 $ass_Allfields[0]['name']=$nowfield['name'];
133 $ass_tableinfo->fields="{$nowfield['name']}";
134 searchfield($db,$ass_tableinfo,$ass_Allfields[0],$HTTP_POST_VARS,$jscript);
135 }
136 elseif ($nowfield["datatype"]=="image")
137 echo "<td style='width: 10%'> </td>";
138 }
140 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
141 ////
142 // !Displays information in table in edit mode
143 function display_table_change($db,$tableinfo,$Fieldscomma,$pr_query,$num_p_r,$pr_curr_page,$page_array,$r=false) {
144 global $nr_records,$max_menu_length,$USER,$LAYOUT,$HTTP_SESSION_VARS;
146 $first_record=($pr_curr_page - 1) * $num_p_r;
147 $current_record=$first_record;
148 $last_record=$pr_curr_page * $num_p_r;
149 if (!$r)
150 $r=$db->Execute($pr_query);
151 $r->Move($first_record);
152 if ($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['javascript_enabled']) {
153 echo "<script language='JavaScript'><!--window.name='mainwin';--></script>\n";
154 }
155 // print all entries
156 while (!($r->EOF) && $r && $current_record < $last_record) {
157 // Get required ID and title
158 $id=$r->fields["id"];
159 $title=$r->fields["title"];
160 $Allfields=getvalues($db,$tableinfo,$Fieldscomma,id,$id);
161 $may_write=may_write($db,$tableinfo->id,$id,$USER);
163 // print start of row of selected record
164 if ($current_record % 2) echo "<tr class='row_even' align='center'>\n";
165 else echo "<tr class='row_odd' align='center'>\n";
166 echo "<input type='hidden' name='chgj_".$id."' value=''>\n";
167 $js="onChange='document.g_form.chgj_".$id.".value=\"Change\";document.g_form.submit()'";
168 foreach($Allfields as $nowfield) {
169 if ($nowfield[required]=='Y')
170 $thestar="<sup style='color:red'> *</sup>";
171 else
172 $thestar=false;
173 if ( ($nowfield['modifiable']=='N') || !$may_write) {
174 echo "<input type='hidden' name='$nowfield[name]_$id' value='$nowfield[values]'>\n";
175 echo "<td>$nowfield[text]</td>\n";
176 }
177 elseif ($nowfield['datatype']=='text') {
178 echo "<td><input type='text' name='$nowfield[name]_$id' value='$nowfield[values]' size=15 $js>$thestar</td>\n";
179 }
180 elseif ($nowfield['datatype']=='int' || $nowfield['datatype']=='sequence' || $nowfield['datatype']=='float') {
181 echo "<td><input type='text' name='$nowfield[name]_$id' value='$nowfield[values]' size=8 $js>$thestar</td>\n";
182 }
183 elseif ($nowfield['datatype']=='textlong') {
184 echo "<td><input type='text' name='$nowfield[name]_$id' value='$nowfield[values]' size=15>$thestar</td>\n";
185 }
186 elseif ($nowfield['datatype']=='link') {
187 echo "<td><input type='text' name='$nowfield[name]_$id' value='$nowfield[values]' size=15>$thestar</td>\n";
188 }
189 elseif ($nowfield['datatype']=='pulldown') {
190 // get previous value
191 $rp=$db->Execute("SELECT typeshort,id FROM $nowfield[ass_t] ORDER BY sortkey,typeshort");
192 $text=$rp->GetMenu2("$nowfield[name]_$id",$nowfield[values],true,false,0,$js);
193 echo "\n<td>$text $thestar</td>\n";
194 }
195 elseif ($nowfield['datatype']=='mpulldown') {
196 // get previous values
197 unset ($rp);
198 $rp=$db->Execute("SELECT typeshort,id FROM {$nowfield['ass_t']} ORDER BY sortkey,typeshort");
199 unset ($rbv);
200 unset ($valueArray);
201 $rbv=$db->Execute("SELECT typeid FROM {$nowfield['key_t']} WHERE recordid=$id");
202 while ($rbv && !$rbv->EOF) {
203 $valueArray[]=$rbv->fields[0];
204 $rbv->MoveNext();
205 }
206 $text=$rp->GetMenu2($nowfield['name']."_$id",$valueArray,true,true,4,$js);
207 echo "\n<td>$text $thestar</td>\n";
208 }
209 elseif ($nowfield['datatype']=='table') {
210 // only display primary key here
211 if (!$nowfield['ass_local_key']) {
212 $text=false;
213 // get previous value
214 if ($nowfield['ass_column_name'] && $nowfield['ass_table_name']) {
215 $rcount=$db->Execute("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM {$nowfield['ass_table_name']}");
216 if ($rcount && ($rcount->fields[0] < $max_menu_length))
217 $text=GetValuesMenu($db,"{$nowfield['name']}_$id",$nowfield['values'],$nowfield['ass_table_name'],$nowfield['ass_column_name'],false,$js);
218 else {
219 //print_r ($nowfield);
220 //echo ".<br>\n";
221 $text="<input type='hidden' name='max_{$nowfield['name']}_$id' value='true'>\n";
222 $text.="<input type='text' name='{$nowfield['name']}_$id' value='{$nowfield['text']}'>\n<br>";
223 }
224 }
225 echo "<td>$text $thestar</td>\n";
226 }
227 else
228 echo "<td>$nowfield[text] $thestar</td>\n";
229 }
230 elseif ($nowfield['datatype']=='textlarge') {
231 echo "<td colspan=6><textarea name='$nowfield[name]_$id' rows='5' cols='100%'>$nowfield[values]</textarea>$thestar</td>\n";
232 }
233 else
234 echo "<td>$nowfield[text]</td>\n";
235 }
237 echo "<td align='center'> \n";
238 if ($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['javascript_enabled']) {
239 $jscript=" onclick='MyWindow=window.open (\"general.php?tablename=".$tableinfo->name."&showid=$id&jsnewwindow=true\",\"view\",\"scrollbars,resizable,toolbar,status,menubar,width=700,height=500\");MyWindow.focus()'";
240 echo "<input type=\"button\" name=\"view_" . $id . "\" value=\"View\" $jscript>\n";
241 }
242 else
243 echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"view_" . $id . "\" value=\"View\">\n";
244 if ($may_write) {
245 echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"chg_" . $id . "\" value=\"Change\">\n";
246 $delstring = "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"del_" . $id . "\" value=\"Remove\" ";
247 $delstring .= "Onclick=\"if(confirm('Are you sure that you want to remove record $title?'))";
248 $delstring .= "{return true;}return false;\">";
249 echo "$delstring\n";
250 }
251 echo "</td>\n";
252 echo "</tr>\n";
253 $r->MoveNext();
254 $current_record++;
255 }
256 // Add Record button
257 if (may_write($db,$tableinfo->id,false,$USER)) {
258 echo "<tr><td colspan=20 align='center'>";
259 echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"add\" value=\"Add Record\">";
260 echo "</td></tr>";
261 }
263 echo "</table>\n";
264 next_previous_buttons($page_array);
265 echo "</form>\n";
266 }
269 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
270 ////
271 // !Displays all information within the table
272 function display_table_info($db,$tableinfo,$Fieldscomma,$pr_query,$num_p_r,$pr_curr_page,$page_array,$r=false) {
273 global $nr_records,$USER,$LAYOUT,$HTTP_SESSION_VARS;
275 $first_record=($pr_curr_page - 1) * $num_p_r;
276 $current_record=$first_record;
277 $last_record=$pr_curr_page * $num_p_r;
278 if (!$r)
279 $r=$db->Execute($pr_query);
280 $r->Move($first_record);
282 // we keep a list with fileids in the user settings
283 // these files can be seen without checking the database
284 // to be sure that only the current files can be seen, unset the entry first
285 unset($USER['settings']['fileids']);
287 // print all entries
288 while (!($r->EOF) && $r && ($current_record < $last_record) ) {
289 // Get required ID and title
290 $id=$r->fields['id'];
291 $title=$r->fields['title'];
292 $Allfields=getvalues($db,$tableinfo,$Fieldscomma,id,$id);
293 // print start of row of selected group
294 if ($current_record % 2) echo "<tr class='row_odd' align='center'>\n";
295 else echo "<tr class='row_even' align='center'>\n";
297 foreach($Allfields as $nowfield) {
298 if ($nowfield['link'])
299 echo "<td>{$nowfield['link']}</td>\n";
300 elseif ($nowfield['datatype']=='mpulldown')
301 echo "<td align='left' cellpadding='5%'>{$nowfield['text']}</td>\n";
302 else
303 echo "<td>{$nowfield['text']}</td>\n";
304 // write file ids to a file so that we do not need to check them again when downloading thumbnails
305 if (($nowfield['datatype']=='image' || $nowfield['datatype']=='file') && isset($nowfield['fileids'])) {
306 foreach ($nowfield['fileids'] as $fileid)
307 $USER['settings']['fileids'][]=$fileid;
308 }
309 }
311 echo "<td align='center'> \n";
312 if ($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['javascript_enabled']) {
313 //$jscript=" onclick='MyWindow=window.open (\"general.php?tablename=".$tableinfo->name."&showid=$id&jsnewwindow=true\",\"view\",\"status,menubar,scrollbar,resizable,width=600,height=400\");MyWindow.focus()'";
314 $jscript=" onclick='MyWindow=window.open (\"general.php?tablename=".$tableinfo->name."&showid=$id&jsnewwindow=true\",\"view\",\"status,menubar,toolbar,scrollbars,resizable,titlebar,width=700,height=500\");MyWindow.focus()'";
315 echo "<input type=\"button\" name=\"view_" . $id . "\" value=\"View\" $jscript>\n";
316 }
317 else
318 echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"view_" . $id . "\" value=\"View\">\n";
319 if (may_write($db,$tableinfo->id,$id,$USER)) {
320 // this works, but how do you go back from the modify window to this one???
321 if ($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['javascript_enabled']) {
322 $jscript="onclick='MyWindow=window.open (\"general.php?tablename=".$tableinfo->name."&jsnewwindow=true&modify=true&mod_".$id."=Modify\",\"modify\",\"scrollbars,resizable,status,menubar,toolbar,width=700,height=500\");MyWindow.focus()'";
323 echo "<input type=\"button\" name=\"mod_" . $id . "\" value=\"Modify\" $jscript>\n";
324 }
325 else
326 echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"mod_" . $id . "\" value=\"Modify\">\n";
327 $delstring = "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"del_" . $id . "\" value=\"Remove\" ";
328 $jstitle=str_replace("'"," ",$title);
329 $delstring .= "Onclick=\"if(confirm('Are you sure that you want to remove record $jstitle?'))";
330 $delstring .= "{return true;}return false;\">";
331 echo "$delstring\n";
332 }
333 echo "</td>\n";
334 echo "</tr>\n";
335 $r->MoveNext();
336 $current_record++;
337 }
338 // Add Record button
339 if (may_write($db,$tableinfo->id,false,$USER)) {
340 echo "<tr><td colspan=20 align='center'>";
341 echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"add\" value=\"Add Record\">";
342 echo "</td></tr>";
343 }
345 echo "</table>\n";
346 next_previous_buttons($page_array);
347 echo "</form>\n";
348 }
350 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
351 ////
352 // !Display a record in a nice format
353 function display_record($db,$Allfields,$id,$tableinfo,$backbutton=true,$previousid=false,$nextid=false)
354 {
355 global $PHP_SELF, $md,$USER;
357 if (!$Allfields[1]['recordid']) {
358 echo "<table border=0 align='center'>\n";
359 echo "<tr>\n<td align='center'><h3>Record not found</h3>\n</td>\n</tr>";
360 echo "<tr>\n<td align='center'>\n<button onclick='self.close();window.opener.focus();' name='Close' value='close'>Close</button></td></tr>\n";
361 echo "</table>\n";
362 exit;
363 }
364 echo " <br>\n";
365 echo "<table border=0 align='center'>\n";
366 $count=0;
367 echo "<tr>\n";
368 foreach ($Allfields as $nowfield) {
369 //Only show the entry when display_record is set
370 if ($nowfield[display_record]=="Y") {
371 // We display the fieldsin two columns
372 if ($count && !($count % 2))
373 echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
374 if ($nowfield[datatype]=="textlong") {
375 $textlarge=nl2br(htmlentities($nowfield[values]));
376 echo "<th>$nowfield[label]</th><td colspan=2>$textlarge</td>\n";
377 }
378 elseif ($nowfield['datatype']=='file' || $nowfield['datatype']=='image') {
379 $files=get_files($db,$tableinfo->name,$id,$nowfield['columnid'],0,'big');
380 if ($files) {
381 echo "<th>$nowfield[label]:</th>\n<td colspan=5>";
382 for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($files);$i++) {
383 echo $files[$i]['link']." (<i>".$files[$i]['name']."</i>, ".$files[$i]['type'];
384 echo " file, ".$files[$i]["size"].")<br>\n";
385 }
386 echo "<td>\n";
387 }
388 // to keep odd and even fields right
389 else
390 $count--;
391 }
392 // most datatypes are handled in getvalues
393 else {
394 echo "<th>$nowfield[label]</th>\n";
395 if ($nowfield['link'])
396 echo "<td colspan=2>{$nowfield['link']}</td>\n";
397 else
398 echo "<td colspan=2>$nowfield[text]</td>\n";
399 }
400 $count++;
401 }
402 }
403 echo "</tr>\n";
404 make_link($id,$tableinfo->name);
405 show_reports($db,$tableinfo,$id);
406 if (function_exists ("plugin_display_show")){
407 plugin_display_show ($db,$Allfields,$id);
408 return $Allfields;
409 }
410 echo "<form method='post' action='$PHP_SELF?tablename=".$tableinfo->name."&".SID."'>\n";
411 echo "<input type='hidden' name='md' value='$md'>\n";
413 // for organizational purpose, define buttons here:
414 // next and previous buttons
415 if ($previousid)
416 $previousbutton="<input type=\"button\" name=\"view_".$previousid."\" value=\"Previous\" onClick='MyWindow=window.open(\"general.php?tablename={$tableinfo->name}&showid=$previousid&jsnewwindow=true\",\"view\",\"scrollbars,resizable,toolbar,width=600,height=400\")'>\n";
417 if ($nextid)
418 $nextbutton="<input type=\"button\" name=\"view_".$nextid."\" value=\"Next\" onClick='MyWindow=window.open(\"general.php?tablename={$tableinfo->name}&showid=$nextid&jsnewwindow=true\",\"view\",\"scrollbars,resizable,toolbar,width=600,height=400\")'>\n";
419 // closebutton
420 $closebutton="<input type=\"button\" onclick='self.close();window.opener.focus();' name='Close' value='Close'>\n";
421 if ($backbutton) {
422 $backbutton="<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Back'>\n";
423 }
424 // modify button
425 if (may_write($db,$tableinfo->id,$id,$USER)) {
426 $modifybutton= "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"mod_" . $id . "\" value=\"Modify\">\n";
427 }
429 // and now display the buttons
430 echo "</table>\n";
431 echo "<table border=0 align='center' width='100%'>\n";
432 if ($backbutton) {
433 echo "<tr>\n<td align='left'>";
434 echo " $previousbutton</td><td align='center'>$modifybutton $backbutton</td><td align='right'>$nextbutton </td>\n</tr>\n";
435 }
436 else
437 echo "<tr><td align='left'>$previousbutton </td><td align='center'> $modifybutton $closebutton </td><td align='right'>$nextbutton </td></tr>\n";
438 echo "</table>";
439 }
441 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
442 ////
443 // !make a nice link to the record
444 function make_link($id,$DBNAME) {
445 global $PHP_SELF,$system_settings;
446 echo "<tr><th>Link:</th><td colspan=7><a href='$PHP_SELF?tablename=$DBNAME&showid=$id&".SID;
447 //echo "'>".$system_settings["baseURL"].getenv("SCRIPT_NAME")."?tablename=$DBNAME&showid=$id</a></td></tr>\n";
448 echo "'>".$system_settings["baseURL"].$PHP_SELF."?tablename=$DBNAME&showid=$id</a></td></tr>\n";
449 }
452 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
453 ////
454 // ! Make dropdown menu with available templates
455 // When one is chosen, open the formatted record in a new window
456 function show_reports($db,$tableinfo,$recordid=false) {
457 $r=$db->Execute("SELECT id,label FROM reports WHERE tableid=".$tableinfo->id);
458 if ($r && !$r->EOF) {
459 if ($recordid) {
460 $menu="<tr><th>Report:</th>\n";
461 $menu.="<td><select name='reportlinks' onchange='linkmenu(this)'>\n";
462 $menu.="<option value=''>---Reports---</option>\n";
463 $menu.="<option value='-1'>xml</option>\n";
464 while (!$r->EOF) {
465 $url="target "."report.php?tablename=".$tableinfo->name."&reportid=".$r->fields["id"]."&recordid=$recordid";
466 $menu.="<option value='$url'>".$r->fields["label"]."</option>\n";
467 $r->MoveNext();
468 }
469 $menu.="</select>\n";
470 $menu.="</td></tr>\n";
471 }
472 else { // for tableview reports
473 $menu="<td>Report:</td>\n";
474 $menu.="<td><select name='reportlinks' onchange='linkmenu(this)'>\n";
475 $menu.="<option value=''>---Reports---</option>\n";
476 $url="target "."report.php?tablename=".$tableinfo->name."&reportid=-1&tableview=true";
477 $menu.="<option value='$url'>xml</option>\n";
478 while (!$r->EOF) {
479 $url="target "."report.php?tablename=".$tableinfo->name."&reportid=".$r->fields["id"]."&tableview=true";
480 $menu.="<option value='$url'>".$r->fields["label"]."</option>\n";
481 $r->MoveNext();
482 }
483 $menu.="</select>\n";
484 $menu.="</td>\n";
485 }
486 echo $menu;
487 }
488 }
490 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
491 ////
492 // !display addition and modification form
493 function display_add($db,$tableinfo,$Allfields,$id,$namein,$system_settings) {
494 global $PHP_SELF,$md,$max_menu_length,$USER,$LAYOUT,$HTTP_POST_VARS,$HTTP_SESSION_VARS;
496 $dbstring=$PHP_SELF;$dbstring.="?";$dbstring.="tablename=".$tableinfo->name."&";
497 echo "<form method='post' id='protocolform' enctype='multipart/form-data' name='subform' action='$dbstring";
498 ?><?=SID?>'><?php
500 if (!$magic)
501 $magic=time();
502 echo "<input type='hidden' name='magic' value='$magic'>\n";
503 echo "<input type='hidden' name='md' value='$md'>\n";
504 echo "<table border=0 align='center'>\n";
505 if ($id) {
506 echo "<tr><td colspan=5 align='center'><h3>Modify ".$tableinfo->label." entry <i>$namein</i></h3></td></tr>\n";
507 echo "<input type='hidden' name='id' value='$id'>\n";
508 }
509 else {
510 echo "<tr><td colspan=5 align='center'><h3>New ".$tableinfo->label." entry</h3></td></tr>\n";
511 }
512 echo "<table border=0 align='center'>\n<tr align='center'>\n<td colspan=2></td>\n";
514 foreach ($Allfields as $nowfield) {
515 // give plugin a chance to modify data
516 if (function_exists('plugin_display_add_pre'))
517 plugin_display_add_pre($db,$tableinfo->id,$nowfield);
519 // see if display_record is set
520 if ( (($nowfield['display_record']=="Y") || ($nowfield['display_table']=='Y')) ) {
521 // To persist between multiple invocation, grab POST vars
522 if ($nowfield['modifiable']=='Y' && isset($HTTP_POST_VARS[$nowfield['name']]) && $HTTP_POST_VARS[$nowfield['name']] && isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['submit'])) {
523 $nowfield['values']=$HTTP_POST_VARS[$nowfield['name']];
524 $nowfield['text']=$HTTP_POST_VARS[$nowfield['name']];
525 }
526 if ($nowfield['modifiable']=='N' && $nowfield['datatype']!='sequence') {
527 echo "<input type='hidden' name='$nowfield[name]' value='$nowfield[values]'>\n";
528 if ($nowfield['text'] && $nowfield['text']!="" && $nowfield['text']!=" ") {
529 echo "<tr><th>$nowfield[label]:</th>";
530 echo "<td>$nowfield[text]";
531 }
532 }
533 elseif ($nowfield['modifiable']=='Y' && ($nowfield['datatype']=='text' || $nowfield['datatype']=='int' || $nowfield['datatype']=='float' || $nowfield['datatype']=='date')) {
534 echo "<tr><th>$nowfield[label]:";
535 if ($nowfield['required']=='Y') {
536 echo "<sup style='color:red'> *</sup>";
537 }
538 echo "</th>\n";
539 if ($nowfield['datatype']=='text')
540 $size=60;
541 else
542 $size=10;
543 echo "<td><input type='text' name='$nowfield[name]' value='$nowfield[text]' $size>";
544 }
545 elseif ($nowfield['datatype']=='sequence') {
546 if (!$nowfield['text']) {
547 // find the highest sequence and return that plus one
548 $rmax=$db->Execute("SELECT MAX ($nowfield['name']}) AS $nowfield['name']} FROM ".$tableinfo->realname);
549 $newseq=$rmax->fields[0]+1;
550 }
551 else
552 $newseq=$nowfield['text'];
553 echo "<input type='hidden' name='$nowfield[name]' value='$newseq'>\n";
554 echo "<tr><th>$nowfield[label]:";
555 if ($nowfield['required']=='Y') {
556 echo "<sup style='color:red'> *</sup>";
557 }
558 echo "</th>\n";
559 if ($nowfield['modifiable']=='N') {
560 echo "<td>$newseq";
561 }
562 else
563 echo "<td><input type='text' name='$nowfield[name]' value='$newseq' 10>";
564 }
565 elseif ($nowfield['datatype']=='textlong') {
566 echo "<tr><th>$nowfield[label]:";
567 if ($nowfield['required']=='Y')
568 echo "<sup style='color:red'> *</sup>";
569 echo "<td><textarea name='$nowfield[name]' rows='5' cols='100%' value='$nowfield[values]'>$nowfield[values]</textarea>";
570 }
571 elseif ($nowfield['datatype']=='link') {
572 echo "<tr><th>$nowfield[label] (http link):";
573 if ($nowfield['required']=='Y')
574 echo "<sup style='color:red'> *</sup>";
575 echo "<td><input type='text' name='$nowfield[name]' value='$nowfield[values]' size=60>";
576 }
577 elseif ($nowfield['datatype']=='pulldown') {
578 // get previous value
579 $r=$db->Execute("SELECT typeshort,id FROM {$nowfield['ass_t']} ORDER BY sortkey,typeshort");
580 if ($nowfield['datatype']=='pulldown')
581 $text=$r->GetMenu2("$nowfield[name]",$nowfield['values'],true,false);
582 else
583 $text=$r->GetMenu2("$nowfield[name]",$nowfield['values'],true,true);
584 echo "<tr><th>$nowfield[label]:";
585 if ($nowfield['required']=='Y')
586 echo"<sup style='color:red'> *</sup>";
587 echo "</th>\n<td>";
588 if ($USER['permissions'] & $LAYOUT) {
589 $jscript=" onclick='MyWindow=window.open (\"general.php?tablename=".$tableinfo->name."&edit_type=$nowfield[ass_t]&jsnewwindow=true&formname=subform&selectname=$nowfield[name]".SID."\",\"type\",\"scrollbars,resizable,toolbar,status,width=700,height=500\");MyWindow.focus()'";
590 echo "<input type='button' name='edit_button' value='Edit $nowfield[label]' $jscript><br>\n";
591 }
592 echo "$text<br>";
593 }
594 elseif ($nowfield['datatype']=='table') {
595 // only display primary key here
596 if (!$nowfield['ass_local_key']) {
597 // get previous value
598 $r=$db->Execute("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM {$nowfield['ass_table_name']}");
599 if ($r->fields[0] > $max_menu_length) {
600 $text="<input type='hidden' name='max_{$nowfield['name']}' value='true'>\n";
601 $text.="<input type='text' name='{$nowfield['name']}' value='{$nowfield['text']}'>";
602 }
603 else {
604 $text=GetValuesMenu($db,$nowfield['name'],$nowfield['values'],$nowfield['ass_table_name'],$nowfield['ass_column_name'],false);
605 }
606 echo "<tr><th>$nowfield[label]:";
607 if ($nowfield[required]=="Y")
608 echo"<sup style='color:red'> *</sup>";
609 echo "</th>\n<td>$text<br>";
610 }
611 }
612 if ($nowfield['datatype']=='textlarge') {
613 echo "<tr><th>$nowfield[name]:";
614 if ($nowfield['required']=='Y')
615 echo"<sup style='color:red'> *</sup>";
616 echo "</th><td colspan=6><textarea name='$nowfield[name]' rows='5' cols='100%'>$nowfield[values]</textarea>";
617 }
618 if ($nowfield['datatype']=='file' || $nowfield['datatype']=='image') {
619 $files=get_files($db,$tableinfo->name,$id,$nowfield['columnid'],0,'big');
620 echo '<tr>';
621 echo "<th>$nowfield[label]:</th>\n";
622 echo "</th>\n";
623 echo '<td colspan=4> <table border=0>';
624 for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($files);$i++) {
625 echo "<tr><td colspan=2>".$files[$i]['link'];
626 echo " (<i>".$files[$i]['name']."</i>, ".$files[$i]['type']." file)</td>\n";
627 echo "<td><input type='submit' name='def_".$files[$i]["id"]."' value='Delete' Onclick=\"if(confirm('Are you sure the file ".$files[$i]["name"]." should be removed?')){return true;}return false;\"></td></tr>\n";
628 }
629 if ($files)
630 echo '<tr><th>Replace '.$nowfield['datatype']."(s) with</th>\n";
631 else
632 echo '<tr><th>Upload '.$nowfield['datatype']."</th>\n";
633 echo "<td> </td><td><input type='file' name='".$nowfield[name]."[]' value='$filename'></td>\n";
634 echo "</tr></table><br>\n\n";
635 }
636 elseif ($nowfield['datatype']=='mpulldown') {
637 unset ($valueArray);
638 // get previous value
639 $r=$db->Execute("SELECT typeshort,id FROM {$nowfield['ass_t']} ORDER BY sortkey,typeshort");
640 $rbv=$db->Execute("SELECT typeid FROM {$nowfield['key_t']} WHERE recordid=$id");
641 while ($rbv && !$rbv->EOF) {
642 $valueArray[]=$rbv->fields[0];
643 $rbv->MoveNext();
644 }
645 $text=$r->GetMenu2($nowfield['name'].'[]',$valueArray,true,true);
646 echo "<tr><th>$nowfield[label]:";
647 if ($nowfield['required']=='Y')
648 echo"<sup style='color:red'> *</sup>";
649 echo "</th>\n<td>";
650 if ($USER['permissions'] & $LAYOUT) {
651 $jscript=" onclick='MyWindow=window.open (\"general.php?tablename=".$tableinfo->name."&edit_type=$nowfield[ass_t]&jsnewwindow=true&formname=subform&selectname=$nowfield[name]".SID."\",\"type\",\"scrollbars,resizable,toolbar,status,width=700,height=500\");MyWindow.focus()'";
652 echo "<input type='button' name='edit_button' value='Edit $nowfield[label]' $jscript><br>\n";
653 }
654 echo "$text<br>";
655 }
656 }
657 if (function_exists('plugin_display_add'))
658 plugin_display_add($db,$tableinfo->id,$nowfield);
659 echo "</td></tr>\n";
662 }
663 /* Call to a function that runs at the end when adding a new record*/
664 if ((function_exists("plugin_display_add_post")) && (!($id))){
665 plugin_display_add_post($db,$tableinfo->id);
666 }
668 echo "<td colspan=4>";
669 show_access($db,$tableinfo->id,$id,$USER,$system_settings);
670 echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr>";
671 if ($id) $value="Modify Record";
672 else $value="Add Record";
674 // submit and clear buttons
675 echo "<td colspan=7 align='center'>\n";
676 if ($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['javascript_enabled']) {
677 echo "<input type='hidden' name='subm' value=''>\n";
678 //echo "<input type='button' name='sub' value='$value' onclick='document.subform.subm.value=\"$value\"; document.subform.submit(); window.opener.document.g_form.search.value=\"Search\"; setTimeout(\"window.opener.document.g_form.submit(); window.opener.focus(); self.close()\",300);'>\n";
679 echo "<input type='button' name='sub' value='$value' onclick='document.subform.subm.value=\"$value\"; document.subform.submit(); window.opener.document.g_form.search.value=\"Search\"; window.opener.document.g_form.submit(); window.opener.focus(); '>\n";
680 echo "<input type='button' name='Close' onclick='self.close(); window.opener.focus();' value='Cancel'>\n";
681 }
682 else {
683 echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='$value'>\n";
684 echo " ";
685 echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Cancel'></td>\n";
686 }
687 echo "</tr>\n</table>\n</form>\n";
689 //end of table
690 $dbstring=$PHP_SELF;$dbstring.="?";$dbstring.="tablename=$tableinfo[name]&";
691 echo "<form method='post' id='protocolform' enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$dbstring";
692 ?><?=SID?>'><?php
694 }
696 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
697 ////
698 // !Get all description table values out for a display
699 // Returns an array with lots of information on every column
700 // If qfield is set, database values for that record will be returned as well
701 function getvalues($db,$tableinfo,$fields,$qfield=false,$field=false) {
702 global $system_settings;
703 if ($qfield) {
704 $r=$db->Execute("SELECT $fields FROM $tableinfo->realname WHERE $qfield=$field");
705 $rid=$db->Execute("SELECT id FROM $tableinfo->realname WHERE $qfield=$field");
706 $id=$rid->fields['id'];
707 }
708 $columns=split(',',$fields);
709 $Allfields=array();
710 foreach ($columns as $column) {
711 if($column!="id") {
712 if ($r)
713 ${$column}['values']= $r->fields[$column];
714 $rb=$db->CacheExecute(2,"SELECT id,label,datatype,display_table,display_record,associated_table,key_table,associated_column,associated_local_key,required,link_first,link_last,modifiable FROM $tableinfo->desname WHERE columnname='$column'");
715 ${$column}['name']=$column;
716 ${$column}['columnid']=$rb->fields['id'];
717 ${$column}['label']=$rb->fields['label'];
718 ${$column}['datatype']=$rb->fields['datatype'];
719 ${$column}['display_table']=$rb->fields['display_table'];
720 ${$column}['display_record']=$rb->fields['display_record'];
721 ${$column}['ass_t']=$rb->fields['associated_table'];
722 ${$column}['key_t']=$rb->fields['key_table'];
723 ${$column}['ass_column']=$rb->fields['associated_column'];
724 ${$column}['ass_local_key']=$rb->fields['associated_local_key'];
725 ${$column}['required']=$rb->fields['required'];
726 ${$column}['modifiable']=$rb->fields['modifiable'];
727 if ($rb->fields['datatype']=='table') {
728 ${$column}['ass_table_desc_name']=get_cell($db,'tableoftables','table_desc_name','id',$rb->fields['associated_table']);
729 ${$column}['ass_table_name']=get_cell($db,'tableoftables','real_tablename','id',$rb->fields['associated_table']);
730 ${$column}['ass_column_name']=get_cell($db,${$column}['ass_table_desc_name'],'columnname','id',$rb->fields['associated_column']);
731 }
732 if ($id) {
733 ${$column}['recordid']=$id;
734 if ($rb->fields['datatype']=='table') {
735 if ($rb->fields['associated_local_key']) {
736 ${$column}['ass_local_column_name']=get_cell($db,$tableinfo->desname,'columnname','id',$rb->fields['associated_local_key']);
737 ${$column}['values']=get_cell($db,$tableinfo->realname,${$column}['ass_local_column_name'],'id',$id);
738 }
739 $text=false;
740 if (${$column}['values']) {
741 $asstableinfo=new tableinfo($db,${$column}['ass_table_name']);
742 $tmpvalue=getvalues($db,$asstableinfo,${$column}['ass_column_name'],'id',${$column}['values']);
743 if (is_array($tmpvalue[0]))
744 $text=$tmpvalue[0]['text'];
745 else
746 $text=$tmpvalue[0];
747 ${$column}['link']="<a target=_ href=\"general.php?tablename={$asstableinfo->name}&showid=".${$column}['values']."\">$text</a>\n";
748 }
749 if (!$text)
750 $text=" ";
751 ${$column}['text']=$text;
752 }
753 elseif ($rb->fields['datatype']=='link') {
754 if (${$column}['values'])
755 ${$column}['text']="<a href='".${$column}["values"]."' target='_blank'>link</a>";
756 }
757 elseif ($rb->fields['datatype']=='pulldown') {
758 ${$column}['text']=get_cell($db,${$column}['ass_t'],'typeshort','id',${$column}['values']);
759 }
760 elseif ($rb->fields['datatype']=='mpulldown') {
761 unset($rasst);
762 unset($rasst2);
763 unset ($typeids);
764 $rasst=$db->Execute("SELECT typeid FROM {${$column}['key_t']} WHERE recordid='$id'");
765 while ($rasst && !$rasst->EOF){
766 $typeids.=$rasst->fields[0].',';
767 $rasst->MoveNext();
768 }
769 if ($typeids){
770 $typeids=substr($typeids,0,-1);
771 $rasst2=$db->Execute("SELECT typeshort from {${$column}['ass_t']} where id IN ($typeids) ORDER BY sortkey");
772 while ($rasst2 && !$rasst2->EOF) {
773 ${$column}['text'].=$rasst2->fields[0].'<br>';
774 $rasst2->MoveNext();
775 }
776 }
777 }
778 elseif ($rb->fields['datatype']=='textlong') {
779 if (${$column}['values']=="")
780 ${$column}['text']='';
781 else
782 //${$column}['text']='Click on View';
783 ${$column}['text']="<input type=\"button\" name=\"view_$id\" value=\"View\" onclick='MyWIndow=window.open(\"general.php?tablename={$tableinfo->name}&showid=$id&jsnewwindow=true\",\"view\",\"scrollbars,resizable,width=600,height=400\")'>\n";
784 }
785 elseif ($rb->fields['datatype']=='file' || $rb->fields['datatype']=='image') {
786 $tbname=get_cell($db,'tableoftables','tablename','id',$tableinfo->id);
787 // we can get naming conflicts here. Use a really weird name
788 $fzsk=get_files($db,$tbname,$id,${$column}['columnid'],3);
789 if ($fzsk)
790 for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($fzsk);$i++) {
791 ${$column}['text'].=$fzsk[$i]['link'];
792 ${$column}['fileids'][]=$fzsk[$i]['id'];
793 }
794 }
795 elseif ($rb->fields['datatype']=='user') {
796 $rname=$db->Execute("SELECT firstname,lastname,email FROM users WHERE id=".${$column}["values"]);
797 if ($rname && $rname->fields) {
798 if ($rname->fields['email'])
799 ${$column}['text']="<a href='mailto:".$rname->fields['email']."'>".$rname->fields['firstname']." ".$rname->fields['lastname']."</a>\n";
800 else
801 ${$column}['text']=$rname->fields['firstname']." ".$rname->fields['lastname']."\n";
802 }
803 }
804 elseif ($rb->fields['datatype']=='date' && ${$column}['values']>0) {
805 $dateformat=get_cell($db,'dateformats','dateformat','id',$system_settings['dateformat']);
806 ${$column}['text']=date($dateformat,${$column}['values']);
807 }
808 else
809 ${$column}['text']=${$column}['values'];
811 if ($rb->fields['link_first'] && ${$column}['values']) {
812 ${$column}['text']="<a href='".$rb->fields['link_first'].${$column}['text'].$rb->fields['link_last']."'>".${$column}['text']."</a>\n";
813 }
815 if (! isset(${$column}['text']) || strlen(${$column}['text'])<1 )
816 ${$column}['text']=' ';
817 }
818 }
819 array_push ($Allfields, ${$column});
820 }
821 if (function_exists("plugin_getvalues"))
822 plugin_getvalues($db,$Allfields,$id,$tableinfo->id);
823 return $Allfields;
824 }
827 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
828 //// general functions
829 /****************************FUNCTIONS***************************/
830 ////
831 // !Checks input data to addition
832 // returns false if something can not be fixed
833 function check_g_data ($db,&$field_values,$tableinfo,$modify=false) {
834 global $max_menu_length;
836 // make sure all the required fields are there
837 $rs = $db->Execute("SELECT columnname,datatype FROM {$tableinfo->desname} where required='Y' and (datatype != 'file')");
838 while (!$rs->EOF) {
839 $fieldA=$rs->fields[0];
840 if (!$field_values["$fieldA"]) {
841 echo "<h3 color='red' align='center'>Please enter all fields marked with a <sup style='color:red'> *</sup>.</h3>";
842 return false;
843 }
844 $rs->MoveNext();
845 }
847 // make sure ints and floats are correct, try to set the UNIX date
848 $rs = $db->Execute("SELECT columnname,datatype,label,associated_table,associated_column FROM {$tableinfo->desname} WHERE datatype IN ('int','float','table','date','sequence')");
849 while ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
850 $fieldA=$rs->fields[0];
851 if (isset($field_values["$fieldA"]) && (strlen($field_values[$fieldA]) >0)) {
852 if ($rs->fields[1]=='int') {
853 if ($field_values["$fieldA"]==' ')
854 $field_values["$fieldA"]='';
855 else
856 $field_values["$fieldA"]=(int)$field_values["$fieldA"];
857 }
858 elseif ($rs->fields[1]=='float') {
859 if ($field_values["$fieldA"]==' ')
860 $field_values["$fieldA"]='';
861 else
862 $field_values["$fieldA"]=(float)$field_values["$fieldA"];
863 }
864 elseif ($rs->fields[1]=='table') {
865 $field_values["$fieldA"]=(int)$field_values["$fieldA"];
866 }
867 elseif ($rs->fields[1]=='date') {
868 $field_values["$fieldA"]=strtotime($field_values["$fieldA"]);
869 if ($field_values["$fieldA"] < 0)
870 $field_values["$fieldA"]="";
871 }
872 elseif ($rs->fields[1]=='sequence') {
873 $field_values["$fieldA"]=(int)$field_values["$fieldA"];
874 if ($field_values["$fieldA"]<1)
875 unset($field_values["$fieldA"]);
876 // for new additions, check if this number was given out before:
877 if (!$modify) {
878 if (get_cell($db,$tableinfo->realname,$rs->fields[0],$rs->fields[0],$field_values["$fieldA"])) {
879 $rmax=$db->Execute("SELECT max({$rs->fields[0]}) FROM {$tableinfo->realname}");
880 if ($rmax->fields[0])
881 $nextmax=$rmax->fields[0]+1;
882 echo "<h3 color='red' align='center'>The number <i>{$field_values[$fieldA]}</i> has already been used in field <i>{$rs->fields[2]}</i>. ";
883 if ($nextmax) {
884 echo "Try <i>$nextmax</i> instead.";
885 $field_values[$fieldA]=$nextmax;
886 }
887 echo "</h3>\n";
888 return false;
889 }
890 }
891 }
893 }
894 $rs->MoveNext();
895 }
897 // Hooray, the first call to a plugin function!!
898 if (function_exists("plugin_check_data")) {
899 if (!plugin_check_data($db,$field_values,$tableinfo->desname,$modify))
900 return false;
901 }
903 return true;
904 }
907 ////
908 // !Prints a form with addition stuff
909 // $fields is a comma-delimited string with column names
910 // $field_values is hash with column names as keys
911 // $id=0 for a new entry, otherwise it is the id
912 function add_g_form ($db,$tableinfo,$field_values,$id,$USER,$PHP_SELF,$system_settings) {
913 if (!may_write($db,$tableinfo->id,$id,$USER))
914 return false;
915 if ($id) {
916 $Allfields=getvalues($db,$tableinfo,$tableinfo->fields,id,$id);
917 $namein=get_cell($db,$tableinfo->desname,"title","id",$id);
918 display_add($db,$tableinfo,$Allfields,$id,$namein,$system_settings);
919 }
920 else {
921 $Allfields=getvalues($db,$tableinfo,$tableinfo->fields);
922 display_add($db,$tableinfo,$Allfields,$id,"",$system_settings);
923 }
924 }
926 ////
927 // !Shows a page with nice information on the record
928 function show_g($db,$tableinfo,$id,$USER,$system_settings,$backbutton=true,$previousid=false,$nextid=false) {
929 if (!may_read($db,$tableinfo,$id,$USER))
930 return false;
931 $Allfields=getvalues($db,$tableinfo,$tableinfo->fields,id,$id);
932 display_record($db,$Allfields,$id,$tableinfo,$backbutton,$previousid,$nextid);
933 }
935 ////
936 // !Tries to convert a MsWord file into html
937 // It calls wvHtml.
938 // When succesfull, the file is added to the database
939 // Returns id of uploaded file
940 function process_file($db,$fileid,$system_settings) {
942 $mimetype=get_cell($db,"files","mime","id",$fileid);
943 if (!strstr($mimetype,"html")) {
944 $word2html=$system_settings["word2html"];
945 $wv_version=$system_settings["wvHtml_version"];
946 $filepath=file_path($db,$fileid);
947 if (!$filepath)
948 return false;
949 if ($wv_version<0.7) {
950 $temp=$system_settings["tmpdir"]."/".uniqid("file");
951 $command= "$word2html $filepath $temp";
952 $result=exec($command);
953 }
954 // version of wvHtml >= 0.7 have to be called differently:
955 //if (@is_readable($temp) || @filesize($temp) < 1) {
956 else {
957 $converted_file=uniqid("file");
958 $command="$word2html --targetdir=".$system_settings["tmpdir"]." \"$filepath\" $converted_file";
959 $result=exec($command);
960 $temp=$system_settings["tmpdir"]."/".$converted_file;
961 }
962 if (@is_readable($temp) && filesize($temp)) {
963 unset ($HTTP_POST_FILES);
964 $r=$db->query ("SELECT filename,mime,title,tablesfk,ftableid,ftablecolumnid FROM files WHERE id=$fileid");
965 if ($r && !$r->EOF) {
966 $filename=$r->fields("filename");
967 // change .doc to .html in a lousy way
968 $filename=str_replace(".doc",".htm",$filename);
969 $mime="text/html";
970 $type=substr(strrchr($mime,"/"),1);
971 $size=filesize($temp);
972 $id=$db->GenID("files_id_seq");
973 $query="INSERT INTO files (id,filename,mime,size,title,tablesfk,ftableid,ftablecolumnid,type) VALUES ($id,'$filename','$mime','$size','".$r->fields("title")."','".$r->fields("tablesfk")."','".$r->fields("ftableid")."','".$r->fields("ftablecolumnid")."','$type')";
974 if ($db->execute($query)) {
975 $newloc=file_path($db,$id);
976 `mv $temp '$newloc'`;
977 return $id;
978 }
979 else
980 unlink($temp);
981 }
982 }
983 else
984 @unlink($temp);
985 }
986 return false;
987 }
990 ////
991 // !Indexes the content of the given file
992 // The file is converted to a text file (pdfs with ghost script,
993 // word files were already converted to html,html characters are stripped),
994 // all words are lowercased, it is checked whether an entry in the table words
995 // already exists, if not, it is added. A relation to the word is made in
996 // the table associated with the given column
997 function indexfile ($db,$tableinfo,$indextable,$recordid,$fileid,$htmlfileid)
998 {
999 return false;
1000 if (!$indextable)
1001 return false;
1002 // if the html file exists, we'll work with that one
1003 if ($htmlfileid) {
1004 $fp=fopen(file_path($db,$htmlfileid),"r");
1005 if ($fp) {
1006 while (!feof($fp)) {
1007 $filetext.=fgetss($fp,64000);
1008 }
1009 fclose($fp);
1010 }
1011 $filetext=strtolower($filetext);
1012 doindexfile ($db,$filetext,$htmlfileid,$indextable,$recordid,$pagenr);
1013 }
1014 }
1016 ////
1017 // !Searches (nested) for a match with $value
1018 // returns the associated value by searching recursively
1019 // that can be used in a SQL search
1020 function find_nested_match($db,$tableinfo,$field,$value,$first=true) {
1021 $info=getvalues($db,$tableinfo,$field);
1023 if ($info[0]['datatype']=='table') {
1024 $ass_tableinfo=new tableinfo($db,$info[0]['ass_table_name']);
1025 $value=find_nested_match($db,$ass_tableinfo,$info[0]['ass_column_name'],$value,false);
1026 }
1027 elseif ($info[0]['datatype']=='pulldown') {
1028 $value=get_cell($db,$info[0]['ass_t'],'id','typeshort',$value);
1029 return get_cell($db,$tableinfo->realname,'id',$field,$value);
1030 }
1031 elseif (!$first) {
1032 return get_cell($db,$tableinfo->realname,'id',$field,$value);
1033 }
1034 return $value;
1035 }
1036 ?>