PhpLabWare version 0.3 
/includes/ -> auth_inc.php

1  <?php
3    // auth_inc.php - Takes care of authorization.
4    // auth_inc.php - author: Nico Stuurman <>
5    /***************************************************************************
6    * Copyright (c) 2001 by Nico Stuurman *
7    * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
8    * Part of phplabware, a web-driven groupware suite for research labs *
9    * *
10    * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
11    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
12    * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
13    * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
14    * option) any later version. *
15    \**************************************************************************/
18  $client = new cl_client;
20  // protect from outside variables
21  $auth=false;
22  $use_sessions=true;
24  if ($use_sessions) {
25     if (isset($system_settings['tmpdir']))
26        session_save_path($system_settings['tmpdir']);
27     if (function_exists ('session_cache_limiter'))
28        session_cache_limiter('private');
29     session_start();
31     // if this is a login, authenticate the user:
32     if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['logon']=='true') {
33        $PHP_AUTH_USER=$HTTP_POST_VARS['user'];
34        $PHP_AUTH_PW=$HTTP_POST_VARS['pwd'];
35        if ($PHP_AUTH_USER && $PHP_AUTH_PW) {
37           // check submitted login and passwd in SQL database
38           $pwd=md5($PHP_AUTH_PW);
39           $db_query = "SELECT login FROM users WHERE login='$PHP_AUTH_USER' AND pwd='$pwd'";
40           $db_result = $db->Execute($db_query);
41           if ($db_result)
42              $auth=$db_result->fields['login'];
43           // check that there is no one else like this
44           $db_result->Movenext();
45           if (!$db_result->EOF)
46              $auth=false;
48           // if pam_prg is present, check whether the user is known on the system
49           $pam_prg=$system_settings['checkpwd'];
50           if ($system_settings['authmethod']==2 && $pam_prg && ! $auth) {
51              // this only makes sense if the user has an account on sidb
52              if (get_cell($db,'users','login','login',$PHP_AUTH_USER)) {
53                 $esc_user = escapeshellarg($PHP_AUTH_USER);
54                 $esc_pass = escapeshellarg($PHP_AUTH_PW);
55                 $test = exec ("echo $esc_pass | $pam_prg $esc_user", $dummy,$result);
56                 if ($result) { // we are authenticated
57                    $auth = true;
58                    $authmethod='pam';
59                 }
60              }
61           }
63           // if authenticated, this session is OK:
64           if ($auth) {
65              if ($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['javascript_enabled'] || $HTTP_POST_VARS["javascript_enabled"])
66                 $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['javascript_enabled']=true;
67              else
68                 $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['javascript_enabled']=false;
69              session_register('javascript_enabled');
70              if (!$authmethod)
71                 $authmethod='sql';
72              $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['authmethod']=$authmethod;
73              session_register ('authmethod');
75              session_register ('PHP_AUTH_USER');
76              // when the login was secure but user does not wanna stay secure
77              if (getenv('HTTPS') && !$HTTP_POST_VARS['ssl']) {
78                 // send meta tag redirecting to http page and exit
79                 $PHP_SELF=$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'];
80                 $server= getenv ('HTTP_HOST');
81                 $url="http://$server$PHP_SELF";
82                 $get_string=getenv('QUERY_STRING');
83                 $url=url_get_string($url);
84                 echo "<html>\n<head>\n";
85                 echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content=0;URL='$url'>";
86                 //echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content=0;URL='$url'>\n";
87                 echo "</head>\n</html>";
88                 exit();
89              }
90           }
91           else {
92              $PHP_AUTH_USER = false;
93              loginscreen("<h4>Your credentials were not accepted, Please try again</h4>");
94              exit();
95           }
96        }
97        else {
98           loginscreen("<h4>Please enter your username and password</h4>");
99           exit();
100        }
101     }
103     // if the $PHP_AUTH_USER is not set, we need to identify and authenticate
104     if (!$PHP_AUTH_USER)
106     // need to call this to maintain javascript state
107     $javascript_enabled=$HTTP_SESSION_VARS['javascript_enabled'];
108     if (!$PHP_AUTH_USER) {
109        // display logon screen
110        loginscreen();
111        exit();
112     }
113     else {
114        // we must have been authenticated directly or through the session
115        $db_query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE login='$PHP_AUTH_USER'";
116        $db_result = $db->Execute($db_query);
117        if (! ($db_result) ) {
118           echo "Fatal database error.<br>";
119           exit();
120        }
121        // save frequently used variables
122        $USER=$db_result->fields;
123        $USER['settings']=unserialize($USER['settings']);
124        $USER['group_list']=$USER['groupid'];
125        $USER['group_array'][]=$USER['groupid'];
126        $rg=$db->Execute("SELECT groupsid FROM usersxgroups WHERE usersid='".$USER["id"]."'");
127        while ($rg && !$rg->EOF) {
128           $USER['group_list'].=','.$rg->fields['groupsid'];
129           $USER['group_array'][]=$rg->fields['groupsid'];
130           $rg->MoveNext();
131        }
133        // check whether account allows logins
134        $active = $USER['permissions'] & $ACTIVE;
135        if ($active) {
136           $BROWSER = $client->browser;
137           $NAME = $USER['firstname'] . ' ' . $USER['lastname'];
138        }
139        else {
140           loginscreen();
141           exit();
142        }
143     }
144  }
146  ?>

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