/ -> import.php
1 <?php
3 // import.php - imports delimited data into phplabware tables
4 // import.php - author: Nico Stuurman <nicost@sourceforge.net>
6 /***************************************************************************
7 * This script imports data into phplabware tables *
8 * *
9 * Copyright (c) 2001 by Nico Stuurman *
10 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
11 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
12 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
13 * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
14 * option) any later version. *
15 \**************************************************************************/
18 require('include.php');
19 require('includes/db_inc.php');
20 require('includes/general_inc.php');
21 require('includes/tablemanage_inc.php');
22 include ('includes/defines_inc.php');
24 $post_vars='delimiter,delimiter_type,quote,quote_type,tableid,nrfields,pkey,pkeypolicy,skipfirstline,tmpfile,ownerid,localfile';
25 globalize_vars($post_vars, $HTTP_POST_VARS);
27 $permissions=$USER['permissions'];
28 $httptitle.=' Import data';
29 printheader($httptitle,false,$jsfile);
30 $tmpdir=$system_settings['tmpdir'];
32 if (!($permissions & $SUPER)) {
33 navbar($USER['permissions']);
34 echo "<h3 align='center'><b>Sorry, this page is not for you</B></h3>";
35 printfooter($db,$USER);
36 exit;
37 }
39 navbar($USER['permissions']);
41 ////
42 //
43 function move ($fromfile, $tofile) {
44 // guess this won't work on Windows
45 `mv '$fromfile' '$tofile'`;
46 // but this should
47 if (!filesize($tofile))
48 copy($fromfile,$tofile);
49 return filesize($tofile);
50 }
52 function mymktime($datestring) {
53 global $system_settings;
55 if ($system_settings['dateformat']==1) {
56 $month=strtok($datestring,'/');
57 $day=strtok('/');
58 $year=strtok('/');
59 }
60 elseif ($system_settings['dateformat']==2) {
61 $month=strtok($datestring,' ');
62 $day=strtok(' ');
63 $year=strtok(' ');
64 }
65 elseif ($system_settings['dateformat']>=3) {
66 $day=strtok($datestring,' ');
67 $month=strtok(' ');
68 $year=strtok(' ');
69 }
70 return mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year);
71 }
73 ////
74 // !Upload files and enters then into table files
75 // files should be called file[] in HTTP_POST_FILES
76 // filetitle in HTTP_POST_VARS will be inserted in the title field of table files
77 // returns id of last uploaded file upon succes, false otherwise
78 function import_file ($db,$tableid,$id,$columnid,$columnname,$tmpfileid,$system_settings)
79 {
80 if (!$tmpfileid)
81 return false;
82 $table=get_cell($db,'tableoftables','tablename','id',$tableid);
83 $real_tablename=get_cell($db,'tableoftables','real_tablename','id',$tableid);
85 if (!($db && $table && $id)) {
86 echo "Error in code: $db, $table, or $id is not defined.<br>";
87 return false;
88 }
89 if (isset($tmpfileid) && !$filedir=$system_settings['filedir']) {
90 echo "<h3><i>Filedir</i> was not set. The file was not uploaded. Please contact your system administrator</h3>";
91 return false;
92 }
93 $r=$db->Execute("SELECT name,mime,type FROM tmpfiles WHERE id=$tmpfileid");
94 if (!$r->fields[0])
95 return false;
96 if (!$fileid=$db->GenID("files_id_seq"))
97 return false;
98 $originalname=$r->fields['name'];
99 $mime=$r->fields['type'];
100 $filestype=$r->fields['type'];
101 $filesdir=$system_settings['tmpdir'].'/phplabwaredump/files/';
102 $tmplocation=$filesdir.$tmpfileid.'_'.$originalname;
103 $size=filesize($tmplocation);
104 $title=$$originalname;
105 if (!$title)
106 $title='NULL';
107 else
108 $title="'$title'";
109 $type=$filestype;
110 if (move($tmplocation,"$filedir/$fileid".'_'."$originalname")) {
111 $query="INSERT INTO files (id,filename,mime,size,title,tablesfk,ftableid,ftablecolumnid,type) VALUES ($fileid,'$originalname','$mime','$size',$title,'$tableid',$id,'$columnid','$filestype')";
112 $db->Execute($query);
113 }
114 else
115 $fileid=false;
116 return $fileid;
117 }
119 ////
120 // !returns variable delimiter, based on delimiter_type (a POST variable)
121 function get_delimiter ($delimiter,$delimiter_type) {
122 if ($delimiter)
123 return $delimiter;
124 if ($delimiter_type=='space')
125 $delimiter=" ";
126 elseif ($delimiter_type=='tab')
127 $delimiter="\t";
128 elseif ($delimiter_type=='comma')
129 $delimiter=',';
130 elseif ($delimiter_type=='semi-colon')
131 $delimiter=';';
132 return $delimiter;
133 }
135 ////
136 // !returns the string 'quote', based on quote_type (a POST variable)
137 function get_quote ($quote,$quote_type) {
138 if ($$quote)
139 return $$quote;
140 if ($quote_type=='doublequote')
141 $quote="\"";
142 elseif ($quote_type=='singlequote')
143 $quote="'";
144 elseif ($quote_type=='none')
145 $quote=false;
146 return $quote;
147 }
149 ////
150 // !corrects problems in input data (Removes quotes around text,
151 // checks for ints and floats, quotes text
152 function check_input ($tableinfo, &$fields, $to_fields, $field_types, $field_datatypes, $nrfields)
153 {
154 global $db;
156 for ($i=0;$i<$nrfields;$i++) {
157 if ($fields[$i]) {
158 // strip quotes semi-inteligently Can not use trim when php <4.1
159 if ($fields[$i]{0}==$fields[$i]{strlen($fields[$i])-1} &&
160 ($fields[$i]{0}=="\"" || $fields[$i]{0}=="'") )
161 $fields[$i]=substr($fields[$i],1,-1);
162 if ($field_datatypes[$i]=='pulldown') {
163 // see if we have this value already, otherwise make a new entry in the type table....
164 // is used as a place holder in output of phplabware. Unset the value if found
165 if ($fields[$i]==" ")
166 unset ($fields[$i]);
167 else {
168 $Allfields=getvalues($db,$tableinfo,$to_fields[$i]);
169 $rtemp=$db->Execute("SELECT id FROM {$Allfields[0]['ass_t']} WHERE typeshort='{$fields[$i]}'");
170 if ($rtemp && $rtemp->fields[0]) {
171 $fields[$i]=$rtemp->fields[0];
172 }
173 else { // insert this new value in the type table:
174 $typeid=$db->GenId($Allfields[0]['ass_t'].'_id_seq');
175 unset($rtemp);
176 $rtemp=$db->Execute("INSERT INTO {$Allfields[0]['ass_t']} (id,type,typeshort,sortkey) VALUES ($typeid,'{$fields[$i]}','{$fields[$i]}','0')");
177 if ($rtemp && $rtemp->fields[0]) {
178 $fields[$i]=$rtemp->fields[0];
179 }
180 }
181 }
182 }
183 // for mpulldowns we have a problem since we do not have the new id yet
185 if ($field_types[$i]=='int'){
186 $fields[$i]=(int)$fields[$i];
187 }
188 elseif($field_types[$i]=='id')
189 $fields[$i]=(int)$fields[$i];
190 elseif($field_types[$i]=='float')
191 $fields[$i]=(float)$fields[$i];
192 else
193 $fields[$i]=addslashes($fields[$i]);
194 }
195 }
196 //return $fields;
197 }
199 ////
200 // !in quoted lines, empty fields are (sometimes) not quoted
201 // we try to deal nicely with those here
202 function check_line(&$line,$quote,$delimiter) {
203 if ($quote) {
204 // delimiters without quotes can be a problem, so add quotes to them
205 $newlength=1;
206 $length=0;
207 while ($newlength!=$length) {
208 $length=strlen($line);
209 $line=str_replace($quote.$delimiter.$delimiter,$quote.$delimiter.$quote.$quote.$delimiter,$line);
210 $newlength=strlen($line);
211 }
212 $newlength=1;
213 $length=0;
214 while ($newlength!=$length) {
215 $length=strlen($line);
216 $line=str_replace($delimiter.$delimiter.$quote,$delimiter.$quote.$quote.$delimiter.$quote,$line);
217 $newlength=strlen($line);
218 }
219 $line=substr($line,1,-1);
220 }
221 }
224 // do the final parsing (part 3)
225 if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['assign']=='Import Data') {
226 // set longer time-out
227 ini_set('max_execution_time','0');
228 // get description table name
229 $tableinfo=new tableinfo($db,false,$tableid);
230 $desc=$tableinfo->desname;
231 $table=$tableinfo->realname;
232 $table_label=$tableinfo->name;
234 // Columns with datatype 'sequence' are going to be automatically updated:
235 // Here we query for them
236 $rseq=$db->Execute("SELECT columnname FROM $desc WHERE datatype='sequence'");
238 if ($table_custom)
239 $table_link="$table_custom?".SID;
240 else
241 $table_link="general.php?tablename=$table_label"."&".SID;
243 // fill the tmp table with file related data
244 if ($localfile) {
245 $dumpdir='phplabwaredump';
246 $filename=$dumpdir.'/dumpcontent.txt';
247 // read in table file and put into temp table
248 $tablefile=$dumpdir.'/files.txt';
249 $ft=fopen("$tmpdir/$tablefile",'r');
250 $columnnames=explode("\t",$firstline);
251 if ($ft) {
252 $firstline=chop(fgets($ft,1000000));
253 $columns=explode("\t",$firstline);
254 // create the table for temp file data
255 $db->Execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmpfiles (
256 id int UNIQUE NOT NULL,
257 name TEXT,
258 mime TEXT,
259 size TEXT,
260 type TEXT)");
261 // and file with data from file
262 $rs=$db->Execute("SELECT * FROM tmpfiles");
263 while (!feof($ft)) {
264 $line=chop(fgets($ft,1000000));
265 $columnvalues=explode("\t",$line);
266 foreach ($columns as $columnname) {
267 list($t,$value)=each($columnvalues);
268 $row[$columnname]=$value;
269 }
270 if ($line)
271 $db->Execute($db->GetInsertSQL(&$rs,$row));
272 }
273 }
274 }
276 // find out to which columns each parsed file text will be assigned to
277 // Array $to_fields contains the target column ids,
278 // Array $to_types contains the target column types
279 for ($i=0;$i<$nrfields;$i++) {
280 $the_field=$HTTP_POST_VARS["fields_$i"];
281 if (isset($the_field) && $the_field && $the_field!="") {
282 $to_fields[$i]=get_cell($db,$desc,'columnname','id',$the_field);
283 if ($to_fields[$i]=='id')
284 $id_chosen=true;
285 $to_types[$i]=get_cell($db,$desc,'type','id',$the_field);
286 $to_datatypes[$i]=get_cell($db,$desc,'datatype','id',$the_field);
287 // type checking and cleanup for database upload
288 // since we can have int(11) etc...
289 if ($to_datatypes[$i]=='file'){
290 // this has type int, but its value changed, so set to_type to text
291 $to_types[$i]='text';
292 }
293 elseif ($to_datatypes[$i]=='date'){
294 // this has type int (wrong!), set to_type to text
295 $to_types[$i]='text';
296 }
297 elseif (substr($to_types[$i],0,3)=='int'){
298 $to_types[$i]='int';
299 $fields[$i]=(int)$fields[$i];
300 }
301 // and float8...
302 elseif(substr($to_types[$i],0,5)=='float') {
303 $to_types[$i]='float';
304 $fields[$i]=(float)$fields[$i];
305 }
306 else
307 $fields[$i]=addslashes($fields[$i]);
308 }
309 }
310 // sanity check:
311 $freq_array=array_count_values($to_fields);
312 if (sizeof($freq_array) < sizeof($to_fields)) {
313 $error_string="<h3 align='center'>Some columns in the database were selected more than once. Please correct this and try again.</h3>";
314 $HTTP_POST_VARS['dataupload']='Continue';
315 }
316 // do the database upload
317 else {
318 $delimiter=get_delimiter($delimiter,$delimiter_type);
319 $quote=get_quote($quote,$quote_type);
320 $fh=fopen("$tmpdir/$tmpfile",'r');
321 if ($fh) {
322 $access=$system_settings['access'];
323 $lastmoddate=time();
324 $lastmodby=$USER['id'];
325 if ($skipfirstline=='yes')
326 $line=chop(fgets($fh,1000000));
327 // fgets should not need second parameter, but my php version does...
328 while ($line=chop(fgets($fh,1000000))) {
329 check_line($line,$quote,$delimiter);
331 //$fields=check_input (explode($quote.$delimiter.$quote,$line),$to_types,$nrfields);
332 $fields=explode($quote.$delimiter.$quote,$line);
333 check_input ($tableinfo,$fields,$to_fields,$to_types,$to_datatypes,$nrfields);
334 $worthit=false;
335 unset($recordid);
336 // if there is a column being used as primary key, we do an SQL
337 // UPDATE, otherwise an insert
338 if (isset($pkey) && $pkey!="") {
339 // check if we already had such a record
340 $r=$db->Execute("SELECT id FROM $table WHERE $to_fields[$pkey]='$fields[$pkey]'");
341 $recordid=$r->fields[0];
342 }
343 if (isset($recordid) && ($pkeypolicy=='overwrite' || $pkeypolicy=='onlyupdate')) {
344 $query="UPDATE $table SET ";
345 // import data from file into SQL statement
346 for ($i=0; $i<$nrfields;$i++) {
347 if ($to_fields[$i] && $to_datatypes[$i]!='file') {
348 $worthit=true;
349 $query.="$to_fields[$i]='$fields[$i]',";
350 }
351 }
352 while ($rseq && !$rseq->EOF) {
353 $rmax=$db->Execute("SELECT max(".$rseq->fields[0].") FROM $table");
354 $vmax=$rmax->fields[0]+1;
355 $query.=$rseq->fields[0]."='$vmax',";
356 $rseq->MoveNext();
357 }
358 $rseq->MoveFirst();
359 if ($worthit) {
360 // strip last comma
361 // $query.=" WHERE $to_fields[$pkey]='$fields[$pkey]'";
362 // only the first record that matched will be modified
363 // when doing an update we leave access and owner untouched
364 $query.=" lastmoddate='$lastmoddate', lastmodby='$lastmodby' WHERE $to_fields[$pkey]='$fields[$pkey]'";
365 if ($r=$db->Execute($query)) {
366 $modified++;
367 for ($i=0; $nrfields;$i++) {
368 if ($to_datatypes[$i]=='file') {
369 $fileids=explode(',',$fields[$i]);
370 foreach ($fileids as $fileid)
371 import_file ($db,$tableid,$recordid,$HTTP_POST_VARS["fields_$i"],$to_fields[$i],$fileid,$system_settings);
372 }
373 }
374 }
375 }
376 }
378 // if there is no primary key set, we simply INSERT a new record
379 //if ( !(isset($pkey) || isset($recordid)) ) {
380 elseif ($pkeypolicy!='onlyupdate') {
381 $query_start="INSERT INTO $table (";
382 $query_end=" VALUES (";
383 $newid=false;
384 for ($i=0;$i<$nrfields;$i++) {
385 if ($fields[$i] && $to_fields[$i] && $to_datatypes[$i]!='file') {
386 // when importing a date field we'll have to suppress insertion of the date field or the SQL query will fail
387 if ($to_fields[$i]=='date') {
388 $newdate=true;
389 $fields[$i]=mymktime($fields[$i]);
390 }
391 $worthit=true;
392 $query_start.="$to_fields[$i],";
393 $query_end.="'$fields[$i]',";
394 if ($to_fields[$i]=="id")
395 $newid=$fields[$i];
396 }
397 }
398 while ($rseq && !$rseq->EOF) {
399 $rmax=$db->Execute("SELECT max(".$rseq->fields[0].") FROM $table");
400 $vmax=$rmax->fields[0]+1;
401 $query_start.=$rseq->fields[0].",";
402 $query_end.="'$vmax',";
403 $rseq->MoveNext();
404 }
405 $rseq->MoveFirst();
406 // delete last commas and combine into SQL INSERT query
407 if ($worthit) {
408 if (!$newid) {
409 $id=$db->GenID($table."_id_seq");
410 if ($id && $newdate)
411 $query="$query_start id,access,lastmoddate,lastmodby,ownerid) $query_end '$id','$access','$lastmoddate','$lastmodby','$ownerid')";
412 else
413 $query="$query_start id,access,date,lastmoddate,lastmodby,ownerid) $query_end '$id','$access','$lastmoddate','$lastmoddate','$lastmodby','$ownerid')";
414 }
415 else {
416 // let's make sure the 'next' id will be higher
417 if ($newid)
418 while ($id<$newid)
419 $id=$db->GenID($table.'_id_seq');
420 // check whether this id was used
421 if (get_cell($db,$table,'id','id',$newid))
422 $duplicateid++;
423 if ($newdate)
424 $query="$query_start access,lastmoddate,lastmodby,ownerid) $query_end '$access','$lastmoddate','$lastmodby','$ownerid')";
425 else
426 $query="$query_start access,date,lastmoddate,lastmodby,ownerid) $query_end '$access','$lastmoddate','$lastmoddate','$lastmodby','$ownerid')";
427 }
428 if ($r=$db->Execute($query)) {
429 $inserted++;
430 for ($i=0; $i<$nrfields;$i++) {
431 if ($to_datatypes[$i]=='file') {
432 $fileids=explode(',',$fields[$i]);
433 foreach ($fileids as $fileid)
434 import_file ($db,$tableid,$id,$HTTP_POST_VARS["fields_$i"],$to_fields[$i],$fileid,$system_settings);
435 }
436 }
437 }
438 }
439 }
440 }
442 // communicate results
443 if (!isset($inserted))
444 $inserted=0;
445 if (!isset($modified))
446 $modified=0;
447 if (!isset($duplicateid))
448 $duplicateid=0;
449 if ($inserted==1)
450 $inserted_text='record was';
451 else
452 $inserted_text='records were';
453 if ($modified==1)
454 $modified_text='record was';
455 else
456 $modified_text='records were';
457 if ($duplicateid==1)
458 $duplicate_text='record was';
459 else
460 $duplicate_text='records were';
461 echo "<h3 align='center'>$inserted $inserted_text inserted, and $modified $modified_text modified in Database <a href='$table_link'>$table_label</a></h3>";
462 if ($duplicateid)
463 echo "<h3 align='center'>$duplicateid $duplicate_text rejected because their ids have already been used.</h3>\n";
465 fclose($fh);
466 unlink ("$tmpdir/$tmpfile");
467 printfooter();
468 }
469 exit();
470 }
471 }
474 // interpret uploaded file and get information for final parsing (part 2)
475 if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['dataupload']=='Continue') {
476 if ($error_string)
477 echo $error_string;
478 $filename=$HTTP_POST_FILES['datafile']['name'];
479 $delimiter=get_delimiter($delimiter,$delimiter_type);
480 $quote=get_quote($quote,$quote_type);
481 if ($delimiter && $tableid && $ownerid && ($filename || $tmpfile || $localfile) ) {
482 if (!$system_settings['filedir']) {
483 echo "<h3><i>Filedir</i> was not set. Please correct this first in <i>setup</i></h3>\n";
484 printfooter();
485 exit();
486 }
487 $tmpdir=$system_settings['tmpdir'];
488 if ($tmpfile || $localfile || move_uploaded_file($HTTP_POST_FILES['datafile']['tmp_name'],"$tmpdir/$filename")) {
489 if ($tmpfile)
490 $filename=$tmpfile;
491 // lcoalfiles can also have associated files packaged with them
492 if ($localfile) {
493 $dumpdir='phplabwaredump';
494 $filename=$dumpdir.'/dumpcontent.txt';
495 }
496 $fh=fopen("$tmpdir/$filename",'r');
497 if ($fh) {
498 $firstline=chop(fgets($fh,1000000));
499 check_line($firstline,$quote,$delimiter);
500 $fields=explode($quote.$delimiter.$quote,$firstline);
501 $secondline=chop(fgets($fh,1000000));
502 if ($quote) {
503 check_line($secondline,$quote,$delimiter);
504 }
505 $fields2=explode($quote.$delimiter.$quote,$secondline);
506 $nrfields=sizeof($fields);
507 fclose($fh);
508 }
509 $tablename=get_cell($db,'tableoftables','tablename','id',$tableid);
510 echo "<h3 align='center'>Import Data(2): Assign fields to Columns of table <i>$tablename</i></h3>\n";
511 echo "<form method='post' id='procesdata' enctype='multipart/form-data' ";
512 $dbstring=$PHP_SELF;
513 echo "action='$dbstring?".SID."'>\n";
514 echo "<input type='hidden' name='tmpfile' value='$filename'>\n";
515 if ($localfile)
516 echo "<input type='hidden' name='localfile' value='true'>\n";
517 echo "<input type='hidden' name='tableid' value='$tableid'>\n";
518 echo "<input type='hidden' name='nrfields' value='$nrfields'>\n";
519 echo "<input type='hidden' name='delimiter_type' value='$delimiter_type'>\n";
520 echo "<input type='hidden' name='delimiter' value='$delimiter'>\n";
521 echo "<input type='hidden' name='quote_type' value='$quote_type'>\n";
522 echo "<input type='hidden' name='ownerid' value='$ownerid'>\n";
523 echo "<table align='center'>\n<tr>\n";
524 echo "<th>First line:</th>\n";
525 for($i=0;$i<$nrfields;$i++)
526 echo " <td align='center'>$fields[$i]</td>\n";
527 echo "</tr>\n";
528 echo "<th>Second line:</th>\n";
529 for($i=0;$i<$nrfields;$i++)
530 echo " <td align='center'>$fields2[$i]</td>\n";
531 echo "</tr>\n";
532 echo "<tr>\n <th>Assign to Column:</th>\n";
533 $desc=get_cell($db,'tableoftables','table_desc_name','id',$tableid);
534 $r=$db->Execute("SELECT label,id FROM $desc WHERE (display_record='Y' OR display_table='Y' OR columnname='id') AND datatype<>'sequence' ORDER BY sortkey");
535 for($i=0;$i<$nrfields;$i++) {
536 $menu=$r->GetMenu2("fields_$i");
537 echo " <td align='center'>$menu</td>\n";
538 $r->Move(0);
539 }
540 echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n <th>Primary Key:</th>\n";
541 for($i=0;$i<$nrfields;$i++)
542 echo " <td align='center'><input type='radio' name='pkey' value='$i'></td>\n";
543 echo " <td align='center'><input type='radio' name='pkey' value='' checked> (none)</td>\n";
544 echo "</tr>\n";
545 $colspan=$nrfields+2;
546 echo "</table>\n";
548 echo "<br><table align='center'>\n";
550 echo "<tr><th>Update/Overwrite policy</th>\n";
551 echo "<td colspan=3><input type='radio' name='pkeypolicy' value='overwrite'> Overwrite when primary key matches, otherwise add the new record</input><br>\n";
552 echo "<input type='radio' name='pkeypolicy' value='onlyupdate'> Overwrite when primary key matches, otherwise ignore the new record</input><br>\n";
553 echo "<input type='radio' name='pkeypolicy' value='skip' checked> Skip when primary key matches, otherwise add the new record</input></td></tr>\n";
555 echo "<tr><th>Skip first line?</th>\n";
556 echo "<td><input type='radio' name='skipfirstline' value='yes'> Yes</input></td>\n";
557 echo "<td><input type='radio' name='skipfirstline' value='no' checked> no</input></td></tr>\n";
559 // echo "<br><br>\n<table align='center>\n";
561 echo "<tr><td colspan=5 align='center'><input type='submit' name='assign' value='Import Data'></input></td></tr>\n";
562 echo "</table>\n</form>\n<br>\n";
564 }
565 else {
566 echo "<h3>Problems with file upload, please try again.</h3>\n";
567 }
568 printfooter();
569 exit();
570 }
571 else
572 $string="Please enter all fields";
573 }
576 // Page with file to be uploaded, delimiter, table, and owner (Part 1)
577 echo "<h3 align='center'>$string</h3>";
578 echo "<h3 align='center'>Import Data(1): Select File, delimiter, and Table to import data into</h3>\n";
579 echo "<form method='post' id='importdata' enctype='multipart/form-data' ";
580 $dbstring=$PHP_SELF;echo "action='$dbstring?".SID."'>\n";
581 echo "<table align='center' border='0' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0'>\n";
583 echo "<tr>\n";
584 echo "<th>File with data</th>\n";
585 echo "<th>Delimiter</th>\n";
586 echo "<th>Quotes around field</th>\n";
587 echo "<th>Table</th>\n";
588 echo "<th>Assign new records to:</th>\n";
589 echo "</tr>\n";
591 echo "<tr><td><input type='file' name='datafile' value='' ><br>\n";
592 $localfile=$system_settings['tmpdir'].'/phplabwaredump/dumpcontent.txt';
593 if (file_exists($localfile))
594 echo "<b>Or:</b><input type='checkbox' name='localfile'> use $localfile";
595 echo "</td>\n";
596 echo "<td align='center'> <table><tr>
597 <td><input type='radio' name='delimiter_type' value='comma' checked> comma</td>
598 <td><input type='radio' name='delimiter_type' value='tab'> tab</td>
599 <td><input type='radio' name='delimiter_type' value='space'> space</td></tr>
600 <tr><td><input type='radio' name='delimiter_type' value='semi-colon'> ;</td>
601 <td colspan=2><input type='radio' name='delimiter_type' value='other'> other:
602 <input type='text' name='delimiter' value='$delimiter' size='2'></td></tr>
603 </table></td>\n";
604 echo "<td align='center'> <table><tr>
605 <td><input type='radio' name='quote_type' value='doublequote'> \" </td>
606 <td><input type='radio' name='quote_type' value='singlequote'> ' </td>
607 <td><input type='radio' name='quote_type' value='none' checked> none</td></tr>
608 <tr><td> </td></tr>
609 </table></td>\n";
610 $query = "SELECT label,id FROM tableoftables where id>1000 ORDER BY sortkey";
611 $r=$db->Execute($query);
612 if ($r)
613 $menu=$r->GetMenu2("tableid",$tableid);
614 echo "<td>$menu</td>\n";
615 $query = "SELECT login,id FROM users";
616 $r=$db->Execute($query);
617 if ($r)
618 $menu2=$r->GetMenu2("ownerid",$ownerid);
619 echo "<td>$menu2</td>\n";
620 echo "</tr>\n";
622 echo "<tr><td colspan='4' align='center'><input type='submit' name='dataupload' value='Continue'></td></tr>\n";
624 echo "</table>\n";
625 echo "</form>\n";
626 printfooter($db,$USER);
627 ?>