PhpLabWare version 0.3 
/ -> general.php

1  <?php
3  // general.php - List, modify, delete and add to general databases
4  // general.php - author: Nico Stuurman <>
5    /***************************************************************************
6    * This script displays a table with protocols in phplabware. *
7    * *
8    * Copyright (c) 2002 by Ethan Garner,Nico Stuurman<> *
9    * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
10    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
11    * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
12    * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
13    * option) any later version. *
14    \**************************************************************************/
16  /// main include thingies
17  require('include.php');
18  require('includes/db_inc.php');
19  require('includes/general_inc.php');
21  $tableinfo=new tableinfo($db);
23  if (!$tableinfo->id) {
24     printheader($httptitle);
25     navbar($USER['permissions']);
26     echo "<h3 align='center'> Table: <i>$HTTP_GET_VARS[tablename]</i> does not exist.</h3>";
27     printfooter();
28     exit();
29  }
31  $tableinfo->queryname=$queryname=$tableinfo->short.'_query';
32  $tableinfo->pagename=$pagename=$tableinfo->short.'_curr_page';
34  // read all fields in from the description file
35  $fields_table=comma_array_SQL($db,$tableinfo->desname,columnname,"WHERE display_table='Y'");
37  // load plugin php code if it has been defined
38  $plugin_code=get_cell($db,'tableoftables','plugin_code','id',$tableinfo->id);
39  if ($plugin_code)
40     @include($plugin_code);
42  // register variables
43  $get_vars='tablename,md,showid,edit_type,add,jsnewwindow,modify';
44  globalize_vars($get_vars, $HTTP_GET_VARS);
45  $post_vars = 'add,md,edit_type,submit,search,searchj,serialsortdirarray';
46  globalize_vars($post_vars, $HTTP_POST_VARS);
47  // hack
48  if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['subm']))
49     $submit=$HTTP_POST_VARS['subm'];
51  $httptitle .=$tableinfo->label;
53  // this shows a record entry in a new window, called through javascript
54  if ($jsnewwindow && $showid && $tableinfo->name) {
55     printheader($httptitle.' - View record ');
56     if (function_exists('plugin_show')){
57        plugin_show($db,$tableinfo,$showid,$USER,$system_settings,false);
58     }
59     else {
60        // find the next and previous ids, so that we can show prev/next buttons
61        $listb=may_read_SQL($db,$tableinfo,$USER,'tempb');
62        $r=$db->Execute($HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$tableinfo->queryname]);
63        while ($r && $r->fields['id']!=$showid && !$r->eof) {
64           $previousid=$r->fields['id'];
65           $r->MoveNext();
66        }
67        if ($r->fields['id']==$showid && !$r->eof) {
68           $r->MoveNext();
69           $nextid=$r->fields['id'];
70        }
71        show_g($db,$tableinfo,$showid,$USER,$system_settings,false,$previousid,$nextid);
72     }
73     //show_report_templates_menu($db,$tableinfo,$showid);
74     printfooter();
75     exit();
76  }
78  // open a modify window in a new window, called through javascript
79  if ($jsnewwindow && $modify) {
80     // simply translate a GET variable into a POST variable
81     // it will be picked up below
82     while((list($key, $val) = each($HTTP_GET_VARS))) {
83        // display form with information regarding the record to be changed
84        if (substr($key, 0, 4) == 'mod_' && $val=='Modify') {
85           $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=$val;
86        }
87     }
88  }
90  // Mode can be changed through a get var and is perpetuated through post vars
91  if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['md'])
92     $md=$HTTP_GET_VARS['md'];
94  foreach($HTTP_POST_VARS as $key =>$value) {
95     // for table links, search in the linked table instead of the current one
96     if (substr($key, 0, 3) == 'max') {
97        $cname=substr($key,4);
98        $field=strtok($cname,'_');
99        $value=$HTTP_POST_VARS["$cname"];
100        // we need to replace this value with an id if appropriate
101        if ($value)
102           $HTTP_POST_VARS["$cname"]=find_nested_match($db,$tableinfo,$field,$value);
103     }
104     // check if sortup or sortdown arrow was been pressed
105     else {
106        list($testkey,$testvalue)=explode('_',$key);
107        if ($testkey=='sortup'){
108           $sortup=$testvalue;
109        }
110        if ($testkey=='sortdown') {
111           $sortdown=$testvalue;
112        }
113     }
114  }
115  reset ($HTTP_POST_VARS);
116  if ($searchj || $sortup || $sortdown)
117     $search='Search';
119  /*****************************BODY*******************************/
121  // check whether user may see this table
122  if (!may_see_table($db,$USER,$tableinfo->id)) {
123     printheader($httptitle);
124     navbar($USER['permissions']);
125     echo "<h3 align='center'>These data are not for you. Sorry;(</h3>\n";
126     printfooter();
127     exit();
128  }
129  // check if something should be modified, deleted or shown
130  while((list($key, $val) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS))) {
131     // display form with information regarding the record to be changed
132     if (substr($key, 0, 3) == 'mod' && $val=='Modify') {
133        printheader($httptitle.' - Modify record ');
134        navbar($USER['permissions']);
135        $modarray = explode('_', $key);
136        $r=$db->Execute("SELECT $tableinfo->fields FROM ".$tableinfo->realname." WHERE id=$modarray[1]");
137        add_g_form($db,$tableinfo,$r->fields,$modarray[1],$USER,$PHP_SELF,$system_settings);
138        printfooter();
139        exit();
140     }
141     if (substr($key, 0, 3) == 'chg') {
142        $chgarray = explode('_', $key);
143        if ($val=='Change') {
144           $Fieldscomma=comma_array_SQL_where($db,$tableinfo->desname,'columnname','display_table','Y');
145           $Fieldsarray=explode(',',$Fieldscomma);
146           reset($HTTP_POST_VARS);
147           while((list($key, $val) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS))) {
148              $testarray=explode('_',$key);
149              if ( ($testarray[1]==$chgarray[1]) && (in_array ($testarray[0],$Fieldsarray))) {
150                 if (is_array($val)) {
151                    // special treatment for mpulldowns
152                    $rk=$db->Execute("SELECT key_table FROM {$tableinfo->desname} WHERE columnname='{$testarray[0]}'");
153                    update_mpulldown($db,$rk->fields[0],$testarray[1],$val);
154                 }
155                 else
156                    $change_values[$testarray[0]]=$val;
157              }
158           }
159           if(check_g_data ($db,$change_values,$tableinfo,true))
160              modify($db,$tableinfo->realname,$Fieldscomma,$change_values,$chgarray[1],$USER,$tableinfo->id);
161           break;
162        }
163     }
164     // delete file and show protocol form
165     if (substr($key, 0, 3) == 'def') {
166        printheader($httptitle);
167        navbar($USER['permissions']);
168        $modarray = explode('_', $key);
169        $filename=delete_file($db,$modarray[1],$USER);
170        $id=$HTTP_POST_VARS['id'];
171        if ($filename)
172           echo "<h3 align='center'>Deleted file <i>$filename</i>.</h3>\n";
173        else
174           echo "<h3 align='center'>Failed to delete file <i>$filename</i>.</h3>\n";
175        add_g_form ($db,$tableinfo,$HTTP_POST_VARS,$id,$USER,$PHP_SELF,$system_settings);
176        printfooter();
177        exit();
178     }
179     // show the record only when javascript is not active
180     if (substr($key, 0, 4) == 'view' && !$HTTP_SESSION_VARS['javascript_enabled']) {
181        printheader($httptitle);
182        navbar($USER['permissions']);
183        $modarray = explode('_', $key);
184        if (function_exists('plugin_show'))
185           plugin_show($db,$tableinfo,$showid,$USER,$system_settings,false);
186        else
187           show_g($db,$tableinfo,$modarray[1],$USER,$system_settings,true);
188        printfooter();
189        exit();
190     }
192  // Add/modify/delete pulldown menu items
193     if (substr($key, 0, 7) == 'addtype' && ($USER['permissions'] & $LAYOUT)) {
194        printheader($httptitle,'','includes/js/tablemanage.js');
195        $modarray = explode('_', $key);
196        include('includes/type_inc.php');
197        add_type($db,$edit_type);
198        show_type($db,$edit_type,'',$tableinfo->name);
199        printfooter();
200        exit();
201     }
202     if (substr($key, 0, 6) == 'mdtype' && ($USER['permissions'] & $LAYOUT)) {
203        printheader($httptitle,"","includes/js/tablemanage.js");
204        $modarray = explode("_", $key);
205        include("includes/type_inc.php");
206        mod_type($db,$edit_type,$modarray[1]);
207        show_type($db,$edit_type,"",$tableinfo->name);
208        printfooter();
209        exit();
210     }
211     if (substr($key, 0, 6) == 'dltype' && ($USER['permissions'] & $LAYOUT)) {
212        printheader($httptitle,"","includes/js/tablemanage.js");
213        $modarray = explode("_", $key);
214        include('includes/type_inc.php');
215        del_type($db,$edit_type,$modarray[1],$tableinfo);
216        show_type($db,$edit_type,"",$tableinfo->name);
217        printfooter();
218        exit();
219     }
220  }
222  if ($edit_type && ($USER['permissions'] & $LAYOUT)) {
223     printheader($httptitle);
224     include('includes/type_inc.php');
225     $assoc_name=get_cell($db,$tableinfo->desname,label,associated_table,$edit_type);
226     show_type($db,$edit_type,$assoc_name,$tableinfo->name);
227     printfooter();
228     exit();
229  }
231  printheader($httptitle);
232  navbar($USER['permissions']);
234  // provide a means to hyperlink directly to a record
235  if ($showid && !$jsnewwindow) {
237     if (function_exists('plugin_show'))
238        plugin_show($db,$tableinfo,$showid,$USER,$system_settings,false);
239     else {
240        show_g($db,$tableinfo,$showid,$USER,$system_settings,true);
241     }
242     printfooter();
243     exit();
244  }
246  // when the 'Add' button has been chosen:
247  if ($add) {
248     add_g_form($db,$tableinfo,$field_values,0,$USER,$PHP_SELF,$system_settings);
249  }
250  else {
251      // first handle addition of a new record
252     if ($submit == 'Add Record') {
253        if (!(check_g_data($db, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $tableinfo) &&
254              $id=add($db,$tableinfo->realname,$tableinfo->fields,$HTTP_POST_VARS,$USER,$tableinfo->id) ) ) {
255           add_g_form($db,$tableinfo,$HTTP_POST_VARS,0,$USER,$PHP_SELF,$system_settings);
256           printfooter ();
257           exit;
258        }
259        else {
260           // $id ==-1 when the record was already uploaded
261           if ($id>0) {
262              // mpulldown
263              $rd=$db->Execute('SELECT columnname,key_table FROM '.$tableinfo->desname." WHERE datatype='mpulldown'");
264              while ($rd && !$rd->EOF){
265                 update_mpulldown($db,$rd->fields['key_table'],$id,$HTTP_POST_VARS[$rd->fields['columnname']]);
266                 $rd->MoveNext();
267              }
268              // upload files
269              $rb=$db->Execute("SELECT id,columnname,associated_table FROM ".$tableinfo->desname." WHERE datatype='file'");
270              while (!$rb->EOF) {
271          $fileid=upload_files($db,$tableinfo->id,$id,$rb->fields['id'],$rb->fields['columnname'],$USER,$system_settings);
272                 // try to convert word files into html files
273                 if ($fileid)
274                    $htmlfileid=process_file($db,$fileid,$system_settings);
275                 $rb->MoveNext();
276              }
277              // upload images
278              $rc=$db->Execute("SELECT id,columnname,associated_table,thumb_x_size FROM ".$tableinfo->desname." WHERE datatype='image'");
279              while (!$rc->EOF) {
280          $imageid=upload_files($db,$tableinfo->id,$id,$rc->fields['id'],$rc->fields['columnname'],$USER,$system_settings);
281                 // make thumbnails and do image specific stuff
282                 if ($imageid)
283                    process_image($db,$imageid,$rc->fields['thumb_x_size']);
284                 $rc->MoveNext();
285              }
286              // call plugin code to do something with newly added data
287              if (function_exists("plugin_add"))
288                 plugin_add($db,$tableinfo->id,$id);
289           }
290           // to not interfere with search form
291           unset ($HTTP_POST_VARS);
292           // or we won't see the new record
293           unset ($HTTP_SESSION_VARS["{$queryname}"]);
294        }
295     }
296     // then look whether it should be modified
297     elseif ($submit=='Modify Record') {
298  // $modfields=comma_array_SQL_where($db,$tableinfo->desname,"columnname","modifiable","Y");
299        // The pdf plugin wants to modify fields that have been set to modifiable=='N'
300        if (! (check_g_data($db,$HTTP_POST_VARS,$tableinfo,true) &&
301               modify($db,$tableinfo->realname,$tableinfo->fields,$HTTP_POST_VARS,$HTTP_POST_VARS['id'],$USER,$tableinfo->id)) ) {
302           add_g_form ($db,$tableinfo,$HTTP_POST_VARS,$HTTP_POST_VARS['id'],$USER,$PHP_SELF,$system_settings);
303           printfooter ();
304           exit;
305        }
306        else {
307           // mpulldown
308           $rd=$db->Execute('SELECT columnname,key_table FROM '.$tableinfo->desname." WHERE datatype='mpulldown'");
309           while ($rd && !$rd->EOF){
310              update_mpulldown($db,$rd->fields['key_table'],$HTTP_POST_VARS['id'],$HTTP_POST_VARS[$rd->fields['columnname']]);
311              $rd->MoveNext();
312           }
313           // upload files and images
314           $rc=$db->Execute("SELECT id,columnname,datatype,thumb_x_size FROM $tableinfo->desname WHERE datatype='file' OR datatype='image'");
315           while (!$rc->EOF) {
316              if ($HTTP_POST_FILES[$rc->fields['columnname']]['name'][0]) {
317                 // delete all existing files
318                 delete_column_file ($db,$tableinfo->id,$rc->fields['id'],$HTTP_POST_VARS['id'],$USER);
319                 // store the file uploaded by the user
320                 $fileid=upload_files($db,$tableinfo->id,$HTTP_POST_VARS['id'],$rc->fields['id'],$rc->fields['columnname'],$USER,$system_settings);
321                 if ($rc->fields['datatype']=='file') {
322                    // try to convert it to an html file
323                    if ($fileid)
324                       $htmlfileid=process_file($db,$fileid,$system_settings);
325                 }
326                 elseif ($rc->fields['datatype']=='image'){
327                    // make thumbnails and do image specific stuff
328                    if ($fileid)
329                       process_image($db,$fileid,$rc->fields['thumb_x_size']);
330                 }
331              }
332              $rc->MoveNext();
333           }
334           // to not interfere with search form
335           unset ($HTTP_POST_VARS);
336        }
337     }
338     elseif ($submit=='Cancel')
339        // to not interfere with search form
340        unset ($HTTP_POST_VARS);
341     // or deleted
342     elseif ($HTTP_POST_VARS) {
343        reset ($HTTP_POST_VARS);
344        while((list($key, $val) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS))) {
345           if (substr($key, 0, 3) == 'del') {
346              $delarray = explode('_', $key);
347              delete ($db,$tableinfo->id,$delarray[1], $USER);
348           }
349        }
350     }
352     if ($search=='Show All') {
353        $num_p_r=$HTTP_POST_VARS['num_p_r'];
354        unset ($HTTP_POST_VARS);
355        ${$pagename}=1;
356        unset ($HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$queryname]);
357        unset ($serialsortdirarray);
358        session_unregister($queryname);
359     }
360     $column=strtok($tableinfo->fields,',');
361     while ($column) {
362        ${$column}=$HTTP_POST_VARS[$column];
363        $column=strtok(",");
364     }
366     // sort stuff
367     $sortdirarray=unserialize(stripslashes($serialsortdirarray));
368     $sortstring=sortstring($sortdirarray,$sortup,$sortdown);
370     // set the number of records per page
371     $num_p_r=paging($num_p_r,$USER);
373     // get a list with all records we may see, create temp table tempb
374     $listb=may_read_SQL($db,$tableinfo,$USER,'tempb');
376     // prepare the search statement and remember it
377     $fields_table="id,".$fields_table;
379     ${$queryname}=make_search_SQL($db,$tableinfo,$fields_table,$USER,$search,$sortstring,$listb['sql']);
380     $r=$db->Execute(${$queryname});
382     // set variables needed for paging
383     $numrows=$r->RecordCount();
385     // set the current page to what the user ordered
386     ${$pagename}=current_page(${$pagename},$tableinfo->short,$num_p_r,$numrows);
388     // when search fails we'll revert to Show All after showing an error message
389     if (!$r) {
390        echo "<h3 align='center'>The server encountered an error executing your search. Showing all records instead.</h3><br>\n";
391        $num_p_r=$HTTP_POST_VARS['num_p_r'];
392        unset ($HTTP_POST_VARS);
393        ${$pagename}=1;
394        unset (${$queryname});
395        unset ($HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$queryname]);
396        unset ($serialsortdirarray);
397        session_unregister($queryname);
398        ${$queryname}=make_search_SQL($db,$tableinfo,$fields_table,$USER,$search,$sortstring,$listb['sql']);
399        $r=$db->Execute(${$queryname});
400     }
402     // work around bug in adodb/mysql
403     $r->Move(1);
405     // set $rp->AtFirstPage and $rp->AtLastPage, will be used in nex-Previous buttons
406     first_last_page ($rp,${$pagename},$num_p_r,$numrows);
408     // get variables for links
409     $sid=SID;
410     if ($sid) $sid='&'.$sid;
411     if ($tableinfo->name) $sid.="&tablename=$tableinfo->name";
413     // print form;
414     $headers = getallheaders();
416     $dbstring=$PHP_SELF."?"."tablename=$tableinfo->name&";
417     $formname='g_form';
418     echo "<form name='$formname' method='post' id='generalform' enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$PHP_SELF?$sid'>\n";
419     echo "<input type='hidden' name='md' value='$md'>\n";
421     echo "<table border=0 width='50%' align='center'>\n<tr>\n";
423     // variable md contains edit/view mode setting. Propagated as post var to remember state. md can only be changed as a get variable
424     $modetext="<a href='$PHP_SELF?tablename=$tableinfo->name&md=";
426     $may_write=may_write($db,$tableinfo->id,false,$USER);
427     if ($md=='edit') {
428        $tabletext='Edit Table ';
429        if ($may_write)
430           $modetext.="view&".SID."'>(to view mode)</a>\n";
431        else
432           $modetext="";
433     }
434     else {
435        $tabletext='View Table ';
436        $modetext.="edit'>(to edit mode)</a>\n";
437     }
438     echo "<td align='center'>$tabletext <B>$tableinfo->label</B> $modetext<br>";
439     if ($may_write)
440        echo "<p><a href='$PHP_SELF?&add=Add&tablename=$tableinfo->name&".SID."'>Add Record</a></td>\n";
441     echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
442     next_previous_buttons($rp,true,$num_p_r,$numrows,${$pagename},$db,$tableinfo);
444     // print header of table
445     echo "<table border='1' align='center'>\n";
447     // get a list with ids we may see, $listb has all the ids we may see
448     //$r=$db->CacheExecute(2,${$queryname});
449     if ($db_type=='mysql') {
450        $lista=make_SQL_csf ($r,false,'id',$nr_records);
451        if (!$lista)
452           $lista="-1";
453        $lista=" id IN ($lista) ";
454     }
455     else {
456        make_temp_table($db,'tempa',$r);
457        $lista= " ($tableinfo-> ";
458     }
460     // get a list of all fields that are displayed in the table
461     $Fieldscomma=comma_array_SQL_where($db,$tableinfo->desname,'columnname','display_table','Y');
462     $Labelcomma=comma_array_SQL_where($db,$tableinfo->desname,'label','display_table','Y');
463     $Allfields=getvalues($db,$tableinfo,$Fieldscomma,false,false);
465     // javascript to automatically execute search when pulling down
466     $jscript="onChange='document.g_form.searchj.value=\"Search\"; document.g_form.submit()'";
468     // row with search form
469     echo "<tr align='center'>\n";
470     echo "<input type='hidden' name='searchj' value=''>\n";
472     foreach($Allfields as $nowfield) {
473        if ($HTTP_POST_VARS[$nowfield[name]]) {
474           $list=$listb['sql'];
475           $count=$listb['numrows'];
476        }
477        else {
478           $list=$lista;
479           $count=$listb['numrows'];
480        }
481        searchfield($db,$tableinfo,$nowfield,$HTTP_POST_VARS,$jscript);
482     }
484     echo "<td style='width: 5%'><input type=\"submit\" name=\"search\" value=\"Search\">&nbsp;";
485     echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"search\" value=\"Show All\"></td>";
486     echo "</tr>\n\n";
489     //display_midbar($Labelcomma);
490     $labelarray=explode (",",$Labelcomma);
491     $fieldarray=explode (",",$Fieldscomma);
492     if ($sortdirarray)
493        echo "<input type='hidden' name='serialsortdirarray' value='".serialize($sortdirarray)."'>\n";
494     echo "<tr>\n";
495     foreach ($labelarray As $key => $fieldlabel)
496        tableheader ($sortdirarray,$fieldarray[$key], $fieldlabel);
497     echo "<th>Action</th>\n";
498     echo "</tr>\n\n";
500     if ($md=='edit')
501        display_table_change($db,$tableinfo,$Fieldscomma,${$queryname},$num_p_r,${$pagename},$rp,$r);
502     else
503        display_table_info($db,$tableinfo,$Fieldscomma,${$queryname},$num_p_r,${$pagename},$rp,$r);
504     printfooter($db,$USER);
505  }
506  ?>

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