PhpLabWare version 0.3 
/ -> dumptable.php

1  <?php
3  // dumptable.php - Creates the php code needed to re-create the table structure
4  // dumptable.php - author: Nico Stuurman<>
6  /***************************************************************************
7  * Creates the php code needed to re-create the table structure *
8  * Takes 'tablename' as a get variable *
9  * *
10  * Copyright (c) 2002 by Nico Stuurman *
11  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
12  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
13  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
14  * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
15  * option) any later version. *
16  \**************************************************************************/
18  require ('include.php');
20  printheader($httptitle,false);
21  navbar ($USER['permissions']);
23  if (!$USER['permissions'] & $SUPER) {
24     echo "<h3 align='center'>Sorry, this page is not for you.</h3>\n";
25     printfooter($db, $USER);
26     exit();
27  }
30  $tablename=$HTTP_GET_VARS['tablename'];
31  $tableid=get_cell($db,'tableoftables','id','tablename',$tablename);
32  if (!$tableid) {
33     echo "<h3>This script will create a php file with code that will re-create the table you selected in phplabware. Only the table structure, not its content will be re-created</h3>";
34     $r=$db->Execute('SELECT id,tablename FROM tableoftables');
35     if ($r) {
36        echo "<table align='center'>\n";
37        echo "<tr><td><h3>Select one of the following tables:</h3></td></tr>\n";
38        while ($r && !$r->EOF) {
39           echo "<tr><td><a href='dumptable.php?tablename=".$r->fields[1]."'>".$r->fields[1]."</a></td></tr>\n";
40           $r->MoveNext();
41        }
42     }
43     printfooter($d, $USER);
44     exit();
45  }
47  $table_desc=get_cell($db,'tableoftables','table_desc_name','tablename',$tablename);
48  $table_label=get_cell($db,'tableoftables','label','tablename',$tablename);
49  $table_plugin=get_cell($db,'tableoftables','plugin_code','tablename',$tablename);
51  // open file to write output to
52  $outfile=$system_settings['tmpdir']."/$tablename.php";
53  $fp=fopen($outfile,'w');
54  if (!$fp) {
55     echo "<h3 align='center'>Failed to open <i>$outfile</i> for output</h3>\n";
56     printfooter($db, $USER);
57     exit();
58  }
60  $header="<?php\n\n";
61  fwrite($fp,$header);
63  // Check for associated tables:
64  unset($r);
65  $r=$db->Execute("SELECT DISTINCT associated_table FROM $table_desc WHERE associated_column !='' AND datatype='table'");
66  while ($r && !$r->EOF) {
67     $asstable=get_cell($db,'tableoftables','tablename','id',$r->fields[0]);
68     echo "Please make sure that you also export table <i>$asstable</i>, and restore table $asstable before restoring table <i>$table_label</i>, since the latter containes links to the former.<br>";
69     fwrite($fp,'unset($asstableid);'."\n");
70     fwrite ($fp,'$asstableid=get_cell($db,"tableoftables","tablename","tablename","'.$asstable."\");\n");
71     fwrite ($fp,'if (!$asstableid) {
72     echo "Table <i>'.$asstable.'</i> is needed by table '.$tablename.'. Please restore table '.$asstable.' first.<br>";
73     printfooter();
74     exit();
75  }
76  ');
77     $r->MoveNext();
78  }
80  fwrite ($fp,'$newtableid=$db->GenID("tableoftables_gen_id_seq");'."\n");
81  fwrite ($fp,'$newtablename='."\"$tablename\";\n");
82  fwrite ($fp,'$newtablelabel='."\"$table_label\";\n");
83  fwrite ($fp,'for ($i=0;$i<$hownew;$i++) {$newtablelabel.="new";}'."\n");
84  fwrite ($fp, 'while (get_cell($db,"tableoftables","id","tablename",$newtablename)) {
85     $newtablename.="n";
86     $hownew++;
87  }
88  for ($i=0;$i<$hownew;$i++)
89     $newtablelabel.="new";
90  $newtableshortname=substr($newtablename,0,3).$newtableid;
91  $newtable_realname=$newtablename."_".$newtableid;
92  $newtable_desc_name=$newtable_realname."_desc";
93  $r=$db->Execute("INSERT INTO tableoftables (id,sortkey,tablename,shortname,display,permission,custom,real_tablename,table_desc_name,label,plugin_code) VALUES (\'$newtableid\',\'0\',\'$newtablename\',\'$newtableshortname\',\'Y\',\'Users\',NULL,\'$newtable_realname\',\'$newtable_desc_name\',\'$newtablelabel\',\''.$table_plugin.'\')");'."\n");
95  fwrite ($fp, '$rg=$db->Execute ("SELECT id FROM groups");
96  while (!$rg->EOF) {
97     $groupid=$rg->fields[0];
98     $db->Execute ("INSERT INTO groupxtable_display VALUES ($groupid,$newtableid)");
99     $rg->MoveNext();
100  }
102  ');
104  fwrite ($fp, 'if ($r) {
105     $rb=$db->Execute("CREATE TABLE $newtable_desc_name (
106        id int NOT NULL,
107        sortkey int,
108        label text,
109        columnname text,
110        display_table char(1),
111        display_record char(1),
112        required char(1),
113        type text,
114        datatype text,
115        associated_table text,
116        associated_column text,
117        associated_local_key text,
118        key_table text,
119        thumb_x_size int,
120        thumb_y_size int,
121        link_first text,
122        link_last text,
123        modifiable char(1) )");
124     if ($rb) {
125        ');
126  $desc_fields="sortkey,label,columnname,display_table,display_record,required,type,datatype,associated_table,associated_column,associated_local_key,key_table,thumb_x_size,thumb_y_size,link_first,link_last,modifiable";
128  $s=$db->Execute("SELECT $desc_fields FROM $table_desc");
129  while (!$s->EOF) {
130     fwrite ($fp,'$newid=$db->GenID("$newtable_desc_name"."_id");');
131     fwrite ($fp,'
132        $db->Execute("INSERT INTO $newtable_desc_name VALUES($newid');
133     // rewrite types to standard SQL
134     $value=$s->fields[6];
135     if (substr ($value,0,3)=='int')
136        $s->fields[6]='int';
137     //elseif (substr ($value,0,7)=="varchar")
138     for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($s->fields);$i++) {
139        $value=$s->fields[$i];
140        if (!$value)
141           fwrite ($fp,",NULL");
142        else
143           fwrite ($fp,",'$value'");
144     }
145     fwrite ($fp,')");
146        ');
147     // recreate pull down tables
148     if ($s->fields[7]=='pulldown' || $s->fields[7]=='mpulldown') {
149        fwrite($fp,'$ass_table=$newtable_realname."ass";
150        $id_ass=$db->GenId($ass_table,20);
151        $ass_table.="_$id_ass";
152        $db->Execute("CREATE TABLE $ass_table (
153           id int PRIMARY KEY,
154           sortkey int,
155           type text,
156           typeshort text)");
157        $db->Execute("UPDATE $newtable_desc_name SET associated_table=\'$ass_table\' WHERE id=$newid");
158        ');
159        if ($s->fields[7]=='mpulldown') {
160           fwrite ($fp,'$ask_table=$newtable_realname."ask_".$id_ass;
161              $db->Execute("CREATE TABLE $ask_table (
162                 recordid int,
163                 typeid int)");
164           $db->Execute("UPDATE $newtable_desc_name SET key_table=\'$ask_table\' WHERE id=$newid");
165           ');
166        }
167     }
168     // destroy links to tables, since those will fail
169     elseif ($s->fields[7]=='table') {
170        $asstable_name=get_cell($db,'tableoftables','tablename','id',$s->fields[8]);
171        $asstable_descname=get_cell($db,'tableoftables','table_desc_name','id',$s->fields[8]);
172        $asscolumnname=get_cell($db,$asstable_descname,'columnname','id',$s->fields[9]);
173        // also do associated local column
174        $asslocalcolumnname=get_cell($db,$table_desc,'columnname','id',$s->fields[10]);
175        // we need to write the whole description table and only then make the association to local columns:
176        if ($asslocalcolumnname) {
177           fwrite($fp,'$lid[]=$newid;
178  ');
179           fwrite($fp,'$lasscolumnname[]="'.$asslocalcolumnname."\";\n");
180        }
182        fwrite($fp,'$asstable_id=get_cell($db,"tableoftables","id","tablename","'.$asstable_name."\");\n");
183        fwrite($fp,'$asstable_desc=get_cell($db,"tableoftables","table_desc_name","tablename","'.$asstable_name."\");\n");
184        fwrite($fp,'$asscolumn_id=get_cell($db,"$asstable_desc","id","columnname","'.$asscolumnname."\");\n");
185        fwrite ($fp,'$db->Execute("UPDATE $newtable_desc_name SET associated_table=$asstable_id,associated_column=$asscolumn_id,key_table=NULL WHERE id=$newid");
186        ');
187     }
188     $s->MoveNext();
189  }
190  // if there were associated local columns in the description table, create those link now
191  fwrite ($fp,"\n".'for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($lid);$i++) {'."\n");
192  fwrite ($fp,' // find local associated column'."\n");
193  fwrite ($fp,' $r=$db->Execute("SELECT id FROM $newtable_desc_name WHERE columnname=\'{$lasscolumnname[$i]}\'");'."\n");
194  fwrite ($fp,' $db->Execute("UPDATE $newtable_desc_name SET associated_local_key='.'\'{$r->fields[0]}\' WHERE id=\'{$lid[$i]}\'");'."\n");
195  fwrite ($fp,"}\n");
197  fwrite ($fp,'// and finally create the table
198        $rc=$db->Execute(" CREATE TABLE $newtable_realname (id int NOT NULL
199  ');
200  $s->MoveFirst();
201  /*
202  $fieldname=$s->fields[2];
203  $fieldtype=$s->fields[6];
204  if (substr ($fieldtype,0,3)=='int')
205     $fieldtype='int';
206  if ($fieldname=='id')
207     $extra=' NOT NULL';
208  fwrite ($fp," $fieldname $fieldtype $extra");
209  $s->MoveNext();
210  */
211  while (!$s->EOF) {
212     unset ($extra);
213     $fieldname=$s->fields[2];
214     $fieldtype=$s->fields[6];
215     if (substr ($fieldtype,0,3)=='int')
216        $fieldtype='int';
217     if ($fieldname!='id')
218        fwrite ($fp,",\n $fieldname $fieldtype $extra");
219     $s->MoveNext();
220  }
221  fwrite ($fp,' ) ");
222  ');
225  fwrite($fp,"
226     }
227  }
228  ");
231  fwrite ($fp,"?>");
232  fclose($fp);
234  echo "<h3>Wrote script to $outfile.</h3>";
236  printfooter($db, $USER);
238  ?>

Generated: Sun Oct 5 21:17:35 2003 SourceForge Logo Generated by PHPXref 0.2