PhpLabWare version 0.3 
/ -> dumpcontent.php

1  <?php
3  // dumpcontent.php - Dumps table content in tab-delimited file
4  // dumpcontent.php - author: Nico Stuurman<>
6    /***************************************************************************
7    * Dumps table content in tab-delimited file *
8    * Takes 'tablename' as a get variable *
9    * *
10    * Copyright (c) 2003 by Nico Stuurman *
11    * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
12    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
13    * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
14    * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
15  * option) any later version. *
16    \**************************************************************************/
17  // this may take a long time. Simply kill me if I hang
18  ini_set('max_execution_time','0');
20  require ('include.php');
21  require ('includes/db_inc.php');
22  require ('includes/general_inc.php');
24  printheader($httptitle,false);
25  navbar ($USER['permissions']);
27  if (!$USER['permissions'] & $SUPER) {
28     echo "<h3 align='center'>Sorry, this page is not for you.</h3>\n";
29     printfooter($db, $USER);
30     exit();
31  }
33  // Three GET variables are useful:
34  // tablename
35  // fields - let's you export only a subset of columns
36  // valuesOnly - switch wether or not values should be 'expanded'
38  $tablename=$HTTP_GET_VARS['tablename'];
39  $tableid=get_cell($db,'tableoftables','id','tablename',$tablename);
40  if (!$tableid) {
41     echo "<h3>This script will dump the contents of a table in a tab-delimited file. The contents of that file can be imported into phplabware or any other database program.</h3>";
42     $r=$db->execute("SELECT id,tablename FROM tableoftables");
43     if ($r) {
44        echo "<table align='center'>\n";
45        echo "<tr><td><h3>Select one of the following tables:</h3></td></tr>\n";
46        while ($r && !$r->EOF) {
47           echo "<tr><td><a href='dumpcontent.php?tablename=".$r->fields[1]."'>".$r->fields[1]."</a></td></tr>\n";
48           $r->MoveNext();
49        }
50     }
51     printfooter($d, $USER);
52     exit();
53  }
55  $tableinfo=new tableinfo($db);
57  if (! ($HTTP_GET_VARS['fields'] || $HTTP_POST_VARS['selectfields'])) {
58     $rfields=$db->Execute("SELECT columnname FROM {$tableinfo->desname}");
59     $tr=$rfields->recordCount();
60     $menu=$rfields->GetMenu('selectfields'," ",false,true,$tr);
61     echo "<table align='center'>\n<tr><td>\n";
62     echo "<form method='post' action='$PHP_SELF?tablename={$tableinfo->name}'>\n";
63     echo "<h3>Select the fields you want to export: </h3><br>$menu<br>";
64     echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit'>\n";
65     echo "</form>\n</td></tr></table>\n";
66     printfooter($d,$USER);
67     exit();
68  }
69  if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['selectfields']) {
70     foreach($HTTP_POST_VARS['selectfields'] as $field)
71        $fields.=$field.",";
72     // strip the last comma
73     $fields=substr($fields,0,-1);
74     //print_r($HTTP_POST_VARS['selectfields']);
75  }
77  if (!$tableinfo->id) {
78     echo "<h3 align='center'>Table <i>$tablename</i> does not exist.</h3>\n";
79     printfooter($d, $USER);
80     exit();
81  }
83  $pre_seperator="";
84  $post_seperator="\t";
86  // open file to write output to
87  $tmpdir=$system_settings['tmpdir'].'/phplabwaredump';
88  if (!file_exists($tmpdir))
89     mkdir ($tmpdir);
90  $outfile=$tmpdir.'/dumpcontent.txt';
91  $filedir=$tmpdir.'/files/';
92  $filetable=$tmpdir.'/files.txt';
93  // since it is a tmp dir we can destroy all content (right?)
94  if (file_exists($filedir))
95     `rm -rf {$filedir}*`;
96  else
97     mkdir ($filedir);
99  $fp=fopen($outfile,'w');
100  if (!$fp) {
101     echo "<h3 align='center'>Failed to open <i>$outfile</i> for output</h3>\n";
102     printfooter($db, $USER);
103  }
104  $ff=fopen($filetable,'w');
105  if (!$ff) {
106     echo "<h3 align='center'>Failed to open <i>$filetable</i> for output</h3>\n";
107     printfooter($db, $USER);
108  }
109  // write the column headers for the temp file table
110  fwrite ($ff,"id\tname\tmime\tsize\ttype\n");
112  if (!$fields) {
113     if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['fields'])
114        $fields='id,'.$HTTP_GET_VARS['fields'];
115     else
116        $fields='id,'.comma_array_SQL($db,$tableinfo->desname,'columnname');
117  }
118  else
119     $fields='id,'.$fields;
120  // we might have accidentaly added an extra id, delete that here:
121  $fields=preg_replace('/,id/','',$fields);
123  $headers=getvalues($db,$tableinfo,$fields);
124  if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['valuesOnly'])
125     $valuesOnly=true;
127  foreach ($headers as $header) {
128     if ($header['label'])
129        fwrite ($fp,$pre_seperator.$header['label'].$post_seperator);
130     else
131        fwrite ($fp,$pre_seperator.'id'.$post_seperator);
132  }
133  fwrite ($fp,"\n");
135  $r=$db->Execute("SELECT $fields FROM ".$tableinfo->realname);
136  while ($r->fields['id'] && !$r->EOF) {
137     $rowvalues=getvalues($db,$tableinfo,$fields,'id',$r->fields['id']);
138     foreach ($rowvalues as $row) {
139        if (is_array($row)) {
140           // files will be exported to the directory files
141           if ($row['datatype']=='file') {
142              $files=get_files($db,$tableinfo->name,$row['recordid'],$row['columnid'],0);
143              fwrite ($fp,$pre_seperator);
144              for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($files);$i++) {
145                 $filecounter++;
146                 // write a temp table with all the file info,and provide an comma separated list of ids to that table here
147                 fwrite ($ff,++$filenr."\t".$files[$i]['name']."\t".$files[$i]['mime']."\t".$files[$i]['size']."\t".$files[$i]['type']."\n");
148                 fwrite ($fp,$filenr.',');
149                 $path=file_path($db,$files[$i]['id']);
150                // $cpstr="cp $path {$filedir}{$filenr}_{$files[$i]['name']}";
151                //`$cpstr`;
152                copy ($path,"{$filedir}{$filenr}_{$files[$i]['name']}");
153              }
154              fwrite ($fp,$post_seperator);
155           }
156           else {
158           if ($valuesOnly) {
159              fwrite ($fp,$pre_seperator.$row['values'].$post_seperator);
160           }
161           else {
162              if ($row['datatype']=='textlong') {
163                 // strip every kind of new line tag first
164                 $row['values']=strtr($row['values'],"\t\n\r\m",' ');
165                 fwrite ($fp,$pre_seperator.$row['values'].$post_seperator);
166              }
167              else
168                 fwrite ($fp,$pre_seperator.$row['text'].$post_seperator);
169           }
170           }
171        }
172        else
173           fwrite ($fp,$pre_seperator.$row.$post_seperator);
174     }
175     fwrite ($fp,"\n");
176     $counter++;
177     $r->MoveNext();
178  }
181  fclose($fp);
183  echo "<h3>Wrote script to $outfile.</h3>";
184  echo "<h3>Wrote $counter records.</h3>";
185  if ($filecounter)
186     echo "<h3>Saved $filecounter files in $filedir.</h3>";
188  printfooter($db, $USER);
190  ?>

Generated: Sun Oct 5 21:17:35 2003 SourceForge Logo Generated by PHPXref 0.2