/dd/ -> 0_0026_inc.php
1 <?php
3 // 0_0026_inc.php - redraws the tableoftables to new display format
4 // 0_0026_inc.php - author: Ethan Garner
6 /***************************************************************************
7 * Copyright (c) 2001 by Ethan Garner *
8 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
9 * Creates redraws the tableoftables to new display format *
10 * *
11 * *
12 * *
13 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
14 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
15 * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
16 * option) any later version. *
17 \**************************************************************************/
20 // Change table of tables to be the new display format
21 $db->Execute("ALTER TABLE tableoftables ADD display CHAR(1)");
22 $db->Execute("ALTER TABLE tableoftables ADD permission text");
23 $db->Execute("ALTER TABLE tableoftables ADD custom text");
24 $db->Execute("UPDATE tableoftables SET Custom='antibodies.php' where tablename = 'antibodies'");
25 $db->Execute("UPDATE tableoftables SET Custom='pdfs.php' where tablename = 'pdfs'");
26 $db->Execute("UPDATE tableoftables SET Custom='protocols.php' where tablename = 'protocols'");
27 $db->Execute("UPDATE tableoftables SET Custom='pdbs.php' where tablename = 'pdbs'");
28 //$db->Execute("ALTER TABLE tableoftables modify id int UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT");
30 // Import existing tables into the updated navbar display funtion.
31 $db->Execute("UPDATE tableoftables SET permission='Users' where sortkey > 1");
32 $db->Execute("UPDATE tableoftables SET display='Y' where sortkey > 1");
34 // Create the linkbar table and associated entries
35 $db->Execute("Create table linkbar (
36 id int PRIMARY KEY,
37 label text,
38 linkurl text,
39 sortkey int,
40 display varchar(1),
41 target varchar(1))");
42 // Avoid clashes between user generated and 'system' tables
43 // ids up to 9999 are reserved for system tables
44 $id=$db->GenID("tableoftables_gen_id_seq",10000);
45 $db->Execute("INSERT INTO tableoftables (id,sortkey,tablename,shortname,Display,Permission,Custom) VALUES($id,'0','linkbar','li','0','System','System')");
46 ?>