PhpLabWare version 0.3 
/ -> users.php

1  <?php
4  // users.php - List, modify, add, and delete users
5  // users.php - author: Nico Stuurman<>
6  // TABLES: users
7    /***************************************************************************
8    * This script displays a table with users in group of calling admin. *
9    * Functions to add or modify users and add auditors are integrated. *
10    *
11    * Copyright (c) 2001 by Nico Stuurman *
12    * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
13    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
14    * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
15    * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
16    * option) any later version. *
17    \**************************************************************************/
19  $userfields ='id,login,firstname,lastname,pwd,groupid,permissions,email,indir,outdir';
21  // main include calls
22  require('include.php');
24  // register variables
25  $post_vars = 'email,id,firstname,lastname,login,me,modify,perms,pwd,pwdcheck,user_group,user_add_groups,';
26  $post_vars .= 'create,user_add,';
28  if (!$type)
29     $type=$HTTP_GET_VARS['type'];
30  globalize_vars ($post_vars, $HTTP_POST_VARS);
33  ////
34  // !check the form input data for validity
35  function check_input () {
36     global $lastname, $login, $pwd, $user_group, $pwdcheck, $type, $PWD_MINIMUM;
37     if ($lastname and $login and $user_group) {
38        if ($pwd != $pwdcheck) {
39           echo "<h5 align='center'>Passwords do not match! <br> Please try again.</h5>";
40           return false;
41        }
42        elseif ($pwd && (strlen($pwd)<$PWD_MINIMUM) ) {
43           echo "<h5 align='center'>The password should be at least $PWD_MINIMUM characters long.</h5>";
44           return false;
45        }
46        elseif ($type=='create' && !$pwd) {
47           echo "<h5 align='center'>Please provide a password.</h5>";
48           return false;
49        }
50        else
51           return true;
52     }
53     else
54        echo "<h5 align='center'>Some input is lacking!</h5>\n";
55     return false;
56  }
59  ////
60  // !Generates a comma-separated list of tables holding data
61  // tablenames are read from tableoftables
62  function tablestring ($db) {
63     $r=$db->Execute("SELECT id,real_tablename FROM tableoftables WHERE tablename <> 'settings' AND permission <> 'System' ORDER BY id");
64     while (!$r->EOF) {
65        $string.=$r->fields['real_tablename'];
66        $string.=",";
67        $r->Movenext();
68     }
69     // chop of last comma
70     return substr ($string,0,-1);
71  }
74  ////
75  // !Deletes users after some checks
76  function delete_user ($db, $id) {
77     global $USER;
79     include ("includes/defines_inc.php");
80     $tables=tablestring($db);
81     $original_permissions=get_cell ($db,"users","permissions","id",$id);
82     $original_login=get_cell($db,"users","login","id",$id);
83     if (!$original_login)
84        return true;
86     // check whether this is illegitimate
87     if (! (($USER['permissions'] & $SUPER) ||
88           (($USER['permissions'] & $ADMIN) && ($USER['groupid']==$user_group) &&
89            ($USER['permissions'] > $original_permissions) ) ||
90           ($USER['id']==$id) ) ) {
91        echo "You are not allowed to do this. <br>";
92        return false;
93     }
94     // cleanup records owned by this user
95     $db->BeginTrans();
96     $test=true;
97     if ($tables) {
98        $table=strtok($tables,",");
99        while ($table) {
100           $query="DELETE FROM $table WHERE ownerid='$id'";
101           if (!$db->Execute($query))
102              $test=false;
103           $table=strtok (",");
104         }
105     }
106     $query="DELETE FROM users WHERE id='$id'";
107     if (!$db->Execute($query) )
108        $test=false;
109     if ($test) {
110        if ($db->CommitTrans()) {
111           echo "User <i>$original_login</i> was succesfully deleted.";
112           return true;
113        }
114     }
115     $db->RollbackTrans();
116     echo "Failed to remove user <i>$original_login</i>.";
117     return true;
118  }
121  ////
122  // !Interacts with the SQL database to create/modify users
123  // can be called to create (type=create) or modify (type=modify) other users or oneselves (type=me)
124  function modify ($db, $type) {
125     global $HTTP_POST_VARS, $USER, $perms, $post_vars;
127     $id=$HTTP_POST_VARS['id'];
128     $login=$HTTP_POST_VARS['login'];
129     $pwd=$HTTP_POST_VARS['pwd'];
130     $user_group=$HTTP_POST_VARS['user_group'];
131     $user_add_groups=$HTTP_POST_VARS['user_add_groups'];
132     $firstname=$HTTP_POST_VARS['firstname'];
133     $lastname=$HTTP_POST_VARS['lastname'];
134     $email=$HTTP_POST_VARS['email'];
136     if($perms)
137        for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($perms); $i++)
138           $permissions=$permissions | $perms[$i];
140     // include here, to avoid being overwritten by post_vars
141     include ('includes/defines_inc.php');
143     // check whether status of the victim is smaller than
144     // the current users status
145     if ($type == "modify")
146        $original_permissions=get_cell ($db,"users","permissions","id",$id);
148     // check whether this is not illegitimate
149     if (! (($USER['permissions'] & $SUPER) ||
150           (($USER['permissions'] & $ADMIN) && ($USER['groupid']==$user_group) &&
151            ($USER['permissions'] > $original_permissions) ) ||
152           ($USER['id']==$id) ) ) {
153        echo "You are not allowed to do this. <br>";
154        return false;
155     }
157     // log some info
158     $theid=$USER['id'];
159     $theip=getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
160     $thedate=time();
162     if ($type=='modify' && $id) {
163        $query = "UPDATE users SET login='$login', firstname='$firstname',
164                       lastname='$lastname',
165                       groupid='$user_group', email='$email',
166                       permissions='$permissions', modbyid='$theid',
167                   modbyip='$theip', moddate='$thedate'";
168        if ($pwd) {
169            $pwd=md5($pwd);
170            $query.=", pwd='$pwd'";
171        }
172        $query .= " WHERE id='$id';";
173        if ($db->Execute($query)) {
174           echo "Modified settings of user <i>$firstname $lastname</i>.<br>\n";
175           $db->Execute ("DELETE FROM usersxgroups WHERE usersid=$id");
176           if ($user_add_groups)
177           foreach ($user_add_groups AS $add_groupid)
178           $db->Execute("INSERT INTO usersxgroups VALUES ('$id','$add_groupid')");
179        }
180        else
181           echo "Could not modify settings of user: <i>$firstname $lastname</i>.<br>\n";
182     }
183     elseif ($type =='create') {
184           $id=$db->GenID('users_id_seq');
185           $pwd=md5($pwd);
186           $new_user_settings['menustyle']=1;
187           $new_user_settings=serialize($new_user_settings);
188           $query = "INSERT INTO users (id, login, pwd, groupid, firstname, lastname, permissions, email, createdbyid, createdbyip, createddate, settings) ";
189           $query .= "VALUES('$id','$login','$pwd','$user_group','$firstname','$lastname', '$permissions', '$email', '$theid', '$theip', '$thedate', '$new_user_settings')";
191           if ($db->Execute($query)) {
192              echo "User <i>$firstname $lastname</i> added.<br>\n";
193           if ($user_add_groups)
194           foreach ($user_add_groups AS $add_groupid)
195           $db->Execute("INSERT INTO usersxgroups VALUES ('$id','$add_groupid')");
196           }
197           else
198              echo "Failed to add user: <i>$firstname $lastname</i>.<br>\n";
199     }
200     elseif ($type=='me' && $id) {
201        $query = "UPDATE users SET firstname='$firstname',
202                       lastname='$lastname',
203                       email='$email',
204                   modbyid='$theid',
205                   moddate='$thedate',
206                   modbyip='$theip'";
207        if ($pwd) {
208            $pwd=md5($pwd);
209            // require at least write permissions to change the password
210            if ($USER["permissions"] >= $WRITE)
211               $query.=", pwd='$pwd'";
212        }
213        $query .= " WHERE id='$id';";
214        $result.="\n<table border=0 align='center'>\n <tr>\n <td align='center'>\n ";
215        if ($db->Execute($query)) {
216           // modify menu view in settings
217           if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['menustyle']==1)
218              $USER['settings']['menustyle']=1;
219           else
220              $USER['settings']['menustyle']=0;
221           $result.= "Your settings have been modified.<br>\n";
222           // superuser can do whatever he please also with herself
223           if ($USER['permissions'] & $SUPER) {
224              $db->Execute ("DELETE FROM usersxgroups WHERE usersid=$id");
225           if ($user_add_groups)
226           foreach ($user_add_groups AS $add_groupid)
227           $db->Execute("INSERT INTO usersxgroups VALUES ('$id','$add_groupid')");
228           }
229        }
230        else
231           $result.="Failed to modify you settings.<br>\n";
232        $result.=" </td>\n </tr>\n</table>\n\n";
233     }
234     else
235        $result.= "Strange error!< Please report to your system administrator<br>\n";
236     return $result;
237  }
239  ////
240  // !can be called to create (type=create) or modify (type=modify) other users or oneselves (type=me)
241  function show_user_form ($type) {
242     global $userfields, $HTTP_SERVER_VARS, $perms, $USER, $db, $system_settings;
243     global $HTTP_SESSION_VARS;
245     include ('includes/defines_inc.php');
247     // read in essential variables
248     $fieldname = strtok ($userfields,",");
249     while ($fieldname) {
250        global ${$fieldname};
251        $fieldname=strtok(",");
252     }
254     if($perms)
255        for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($perms); $i++)
256           $permissions=$permissions | $perms[$i];
258     if (!$groupid) $groupid = $USER["groupid"];
260     // check whether this is not illegitimate
261     if (! ( ($USER['permissions'] & $SUPER) ||
262           ( ($USER['permissions'] & $ADMIN) && ($USER['groupid'] & $groupid)
263           && ($USER['permissions'] > $status) ) ||
264              ($USER['id'] == $id) ) ) {
266        echo "<h3 align='center'>You are not allowed to do this. </h3>";
267        return false;
268     }
269  ?>
270  <form method='post' action='<?php echo $PHP_SELF?>?<?=SID?>'>
271  <?php
272     echo "<input type='hidden' name='id' value='$id'>\n";
273     echo "<table align='center'>\n";
275     echo "<tr><td>First name:</td>\n";
276     echo "<td><input type='text' name='firstname' maxlength=50 size=25 value='$firstname'></td></tr>\n";
277     echo "<tr><td>Last name:</td>\n";
278     echo "<td><input type='text' name='lastname' maxlength=50 size=25 value='$lastname'><sup style='color:red'>&nbsp(required)</sup></td></tr>\n";
279     echo "<tr><td>Email Address:</td><td><input type='text' name='email' maxlength=150 size=25 value='$email'></td></tr>\n";
281     if ($type == 'create')
282        echo "<tr><td>Login Name (max. 20 characters):</td><td><input type='text' name='login' maxlength=20 size=20 value='$login'><sup style='color:red'>&nbsp(required)</sup></td></tr>\n";
283     else {
284        echo "<tr><td>Login Name: </td><td>$login</td></tr>\n";
285        echo "<input type='hidden' name='login' value='$login'>\n";
286     }
287     if ($type=='me') {
288        echo "<tr><td>Menu display: </td>";
289        if ($USER['settings']['menustyle'])
290           $dchecked='checked';
291        else
292           $schecked='checked';
293        echo "<td><input type='radio' name='menustyle' $schecked value='0'>scattered &nbsp;&nbsp;<input type='radio' name='menustyle' $dchecked value='1'>drop-down</td></tr>";
294     }
296     if ($USER['permissions'] >= $WRITE && ($system_settings['authmethod'] <> 2
297           || ($type=='me' && $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['authmethod']=='sql')
298           || $type=='create') ) {
299        echo "<tr><td>Password (max. 20 characters):</td><td><input type='password' name='pwd' maxlength=20 size=20 value=''>";
300        if ($type=='create')
301           echo "<sup style='color:red'>&nbsp(required)</sup></td></tr>\n";
302        echo "<tr><td>Password reType(max. 20 characters):</td><td><input type='password' name='pwdcheck' maxlength=20 size=20 value=''>";
303        if ($type=='create')
304           echo "<sup style='color:red'>&nbsp(required)</sup></td></tr>\n";
305        if ($type=='modify' || $type=='me')
306           echo "<tr><td colspan=2 align='center'>Leave the password fields blank to keep the current password</td></tr>\n";
307        if ($type=='create' && $system_settings['authmethod']==2)
308           echo "<tr><td colspan=2 align='center'>Leave the password fields blank to force PAM-based authentification</td></tr>\n";
309     }
311     if ($USER['permissions'] & $SUPER) {
312        echo "<tr>\n<td>Primary group:</td>\n<td>";
313        $r = $db->Execute('SELECT name,id FROM groups');
314        echo $r->GetMenu2('user_group',$groupid,false);
315        echo "</td>\n</tr>";
316        echo "<tr>\n<td>Additional groups:</td>\n<td>";
317        $r=$db->Execute("SELECT groupsid FROM usersxgroups WHERE usersid=$id");
318        while ($r && !$r->EOF) {
319           $add_groups[]=$r->fields['groupsid'];
320           $r->MoveNext();
321        }
322        $r = $db->Execute("SELECT name,id FROM groups");
323        echo $r->GetMenu2("user_add_groups[]",$add_groups,true,true,3);
324        echo "</td>\n</tr>";
325     }
326     else {
327        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"user_group\" value=\"" . $USER["groupid"] . "\">";
328     }
330     // Checkboxes to give user permissions
331     // set default choice
332     if ( !($permissions) )
333        $permissions = $ACTIVE | $READ | $WRITE;
334     if ( ($type=='modify' || $type=='create') &&
335          ($USER['permissions'] & $ADMIN) ) {
336        if ($USER['permissions'] & $SUPER) {
337           echo "<tr><td>Group-Admin:</td>\n";
338           if ($permissions & $ADMIN)
339              $checked = 'checked';
340           else
341              $checked = '';
342           echo "<td><input type='checkbox' name='perms[]' value='$ADMIN' $checked></td></tr>\n";
343        }
344        echo "<tr><td>Layout tables:</td>\n";
345        if ($permissions & $LAYOUT)
346           $checked = 'checked';
347        else
348           $checked = '';
349        echo "<td><input type='checkbox' name='perms[]' value='$LAYOUT' $checked></td></tr>\n";
351        if ($permissions & $WRITE )
352          $checked = "checked";
353        else
354           $checked = '';
355        echo "<tr><td>Write:</td>\n<td><input type='checkbox' name='perms[]' value='$WRITE' $checked></td></tr>\n";
357        if ($permissions & $READ)
358           $checked = " checked";
359        else
360           $checked = "";
361        echo "<tr><td>Read:</td>\n";
362        echo "<td><input type='checkbox' name='perms[]' value='$READ' $checked></td></tr>\n";
364        if ($permissions & $ACTIVE)
365           $checked = " checked";
366        else
367           $checked = "";
368        echo "<tr><td>Login Allowed:</td>\n";
369        echo "<td><input type='checkbox' name='perms[]' value='$ACTIVE' $checked></td></tr>\n";
370     }
372     if ($type == "modify")
373        echo "<tr><td colspan=2 align='center'><input type='submit' name='modify' value='Modify User'></td></tr>\n";
374     elseif ($type == "create")
375        echo "<tr><td colspan=2 align='center'><input type='submit' name='create' value='Create User'></td></tr>\n";
376     elseif ($type == "me")
377        echo "<tr><td colspan=2 align='center'><input type='submit' name='me' value='Change Settings'></td></tr>\n";
378     echo"</table>\n";
379     echo "</form>\n";
380  }
383  /****************************** main script ***********************************/
385  allowonly($ACTIVE,$USER['permissions']);
388  if ($type=='me') {
389     $title .= 'Personal Settings';
390     printheader($title);
391     navbar($USER['permissions']);
392     // pull existing data from database
393     $query = "SELECT $userfields FROM users WHERE id=$USER[id];";
394     $r = $db->Execute($query);
395     $fieldname = strtok ($userfields,',');
396     while ($fieldname) {
397        ${$fieldname}= $r->fields["$fieldname"];
398        $fieldname=strtok(",");
399     }
400     show_user_form('me');
401     printfooter($db,$USER);
402     exit();
403  }
404  if ($me=="Change Settings") {
405     $title.="Change Settings";
406     $result=modify ($db, "me");
407     printheader($title);
408     navbar ($USER["permissions"]);
409     echo $result;
410     show_user_form("me");
411     printfooter($db,$USER);
412     exit();
413  }
415  // Only a groupadmin and sysadmin are allowed to view the remainder
416  allowonly($ADMIN,$USER["permissions"]);
418  // set title and print headers
419  $title.="User administration";
420  // extend title if user is an admin
421  if ($USER["permissions"] < $SUPER)
422     $title .= " in group ".get_cell($db,"groups","name","id",$USER["groupid"]);
423  printheader($title);
424  navbar($USER["permissions"]);
426  // Check whether modify or delete button has been chosen
427  $del=false;
428  $mod=false;
429  if ($HTTP_POST_VARS) {
430     //determine wether or not the remove-command is given and act on it
431     while((list($key, $val) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS))) {
432        if (substr($key, 0, 3) == "del") {
433           $delarray = explode("_", $key);
434           $del = true;
435        }
436        if (substr($key, 0, 3) == "mop") {
437           $modarray = explode ("_", $key);
438           $mod = true;
439        }
440     }
441  }
443  if ($user_add =="Add User") {
444     show_user_form ("create");
445  }
446  elseif ( ($create == "Create User") && get_cell($db,"users","login","login",
447                                                  $login) ) {
448     echo "<h5>A user with that login name already exists. Please try another one.</h5>\n";
449     $login = "";
450     show_user_form ("create");
451  }
453  elseif ( ($create == "Create User") && !(check_input() )) {
454     show_user_form ("create");
455  }
457  elseif ( ($modify == "Modify User") && !(check_input() )) {
458     show_user_form ("modify");
459  }
461  elseif ($mod==true) {
462     // pull existing data from database
463     $query = "SELECT $userfields FROM users WHERE id=$modarray[1];";
464     $r = $db->Execute($query);
465     $fieldname = strtok ($userfields,",");
466     while ($fieldname) {
467        ${$fieldname}= $r->fields["$fieldname"];
468        $fieldname=strtok(",");
469     }
470     show_user_form ("modify");
471  }
473  else {
474     echo "<table align='center' border='1'><caption><h5>";
475     if ($modify == "Modify User") {
476        modify ($db, "modify");
477     }
478     if ($create == "Create User") {
479        modify ($db, "create");
480     }
481     if ($del==true) {
482        if (!delete_user($db,$delarray[1])) {
483           echo "</table>\n";
484           printfooter();
485           exit();
486        }
487     }
488     echo "</h5></caption>\n";
489  ?>
490  <form method='post' name='form' action='<?php echo $PHP_SELF?>?<?=SID?>'>
491  <?php
492     // set database query
493     $db_query = "SELECT * FROM users";
495     // if user is not sysadmin then only list users of admin's group
496     if (! ($USER["permissions"] & $SUPER))
497        $db_query .= " WHERE groupid='" .$USER[groupid]."'";
499     // extend query to order output list on login name
500     $db_query .= " ORDER BY login";
502     // print header of table which will list users
503     echo "<tr>\n";
504     echo "<th>Login</th>\n";
505     echo "<th>Real Name</th>\n";
506     echo "<th>Primary<br>Group</th>\n";
507     echo "<th>Additional<br>Groups</th>\n";
508     echo "<th>Admin</th>\n";
509     echo "<th>Write</th>\n";
510     echo "<th>Read</th>\n";
511     echo "<th>Active</th>\n";
512     echo "<th>Created</th>\n";
513     echo "<th>Modified</th>\n";
514     echo "<th colspan=\"2\">Action</th>\n";
515     echo "</tr>\n";
517     $dateformat=get_cell($db,"dateformats","dateformat","id",$system_settings["dateformat"]);
519     // get result and number of rows in result
520     $r = $db->Execute($db_query);
521     while (!$r->EOF) {
522        // for each row, print result in table cells
524        // display admin dot if status of user is admin
525        for ($i=0;$i<4;$i++)
526           $stat[$i] = "&nbsp;";
527        if ($r->fields["permissions"] & $ADMIN) {
528           $stat[0] = "<li>&nbsp;";
529        }
530        if ($r->fields["permissions"] & $WRITE) {
531           $stat[1] = "<li>&nbsp;";
532        }
533        if ($r->fields["permissions"] & $READ) {
534           $stat[2] = "<li>&nbsp;";
535        }
536        if ($r->fields["permissions"] & $ACTIVE) {
537           $stat[3] = "<li>&nbsp";
538        }
540        // print table output per row
541        echo "<tr>\n";
542        echo "<td><b><a href=\"mailto:".$r->fields["email"]."\">".$r->fields["login"]."</a></b></td>\n";
543        echo "<td>".$r->fields["firstname"]."&nbsp;".$r->fields["lastname"]."</td>\n";
544        echo "<td>".get_cell ($db,"groups","name","id",$r->fields["groupid"])."</td>\n";
545        $ra=$db->Execute("SELECT groupsid FROM usersxgroups WHERE usersid='".$r->fields["id"]."'");
546        echo "<td>";
547        if (!$ra || $ra->EOF)
548           echo "&nbsp";
549        else
550           while (!$ra->EOF) {
551              echo get_cell($db,"groups","name","id",$ra->fields["groupsid"])."<br>";
552           $ra->MoveNext();
553           }
554        echo "</td>\n";
555        for ($i=0;$i<4;$i++)
556           echo "<td align=\"center\">$stat[$i]</td>\n";
558        if ($r->fields["createddate"])
559           $createddate=date($dateformat,$r->fields["createddate"]);
560        else
561           $createddate="&nbsp;";
563        echo "<td>$createddate</td>\n";
564        if ($r->fields["moddate"])
565           $moddate=date($dateformat,$r->fields["moddate"]);
566        else
567           $moddate="&nbsp;";
568        echo "<td>$moddate</td>\n";
570        // don't delete/modify yourself, and, except for sysadmin,
571        // do not let admins fool around with other admins in group
572        $id = $r->fields["id"];
573        if ( ($USER["id"] <> $id) && ( !($r->fields["permissions"] & $ADMIN)
574                                      || ($USER["permissions"] & $SUPER)) ) {
575           $modstring="<input type=\"submit\" name=\"mop_".$id."\" value=\"Modify\">";
576           $delstring="<input type=\"submit\" name=\"del_".$id."\" value=\"Remove\" ";
577           $delstring.="Onclick=\"if(confirm('Do you really want to delete user: ";
578           $delstring.= $r->fields["firstname"]." ".$r->fields["lastname"].
579                 ", and all his/her database entries? (NO UNDO POSSIBLE!)')){return true;}return false;\">";
580           echo "<td align=\"center\">$modstring</td>\n";
581           echo "<td align=\"center\">$delstring</td>\n";
582        }
583        else
584           echo "<td align='center'>&nbsp;</td><td align='center'>&nbsp;</td>";
586        echo "</tr>\n";
587        $r->MoveNext();
588     }
590     echo "<tr border=0><td colspan=12 align='center'>";
591     echo "<INPUT align='center' TYPE='submit' NAME='user_add' VALUE='Add User'></INPUT>\n";
592     echo "</td></tr>\n";
593     echo "</form>\n";
595    echo "</table>";
598  }
599  printfooter($db,$USER);
601  ?>

Generated: Sun Oct 5 21:17:35 2003 SourceForge Logo Generated by PHPXref 0.2